General Discussion

General DiscussionBalance in game

Balance in game in General Discussion

    how do you actually carry the game as a pos 1 carry if your offlane feeds and the enemy's safelane carry is having the time of his life and you are having a bad laning stage then suddenly the enemy snowballs your base and megas in an instant

    Look at this match, i am using antimage and i was able to finish battlefury at minute 16 and i decided to go aghs (minute 27) before yasha because the bloddseeker killed me twice with the rupture and always gets me at fogs.

    What should i have done with this match considering that mk had xp and gold with my offlane and my antimage not getting fast items and our team having no map control on our (dire) side while radiant is having map control especially with MK? (fuck that hero)


      PS: My matchup with medusa (offlane radiant solo), we are trilane against her and it was good. My supports did a good job creating space for me to farm and by the time our bottom tower was destroyed all 4 (mk, medusa, ogre, and tinker) was at top and fucked my ass atleast twice.


        AM is trash..


          your farming patterns on AM are utter dogshit

          wheb you get outfarmed by a treant in a 30 min game you know that you cant play the hero


            offlane feeds, NP jungler feeds, ww supp feeds, loose lane, still outfarmed anyone

            again a jungler, solo vs brood, loose lane, also a bloodseeker, still outfarmed

            watch some pros play antimage, 100% your farming way to inefficient and in dumb place.

            also you dont just afk farm antimage. you farm in places where it benefits the game

            O SIDE MUFFLER

              yea i suck at playing antimage haha but what patterns do you actually say? I've been watching am pro replays for days now and i cant do what they do because im roughly at 2924 mmr and in this bracket no one stacks ancients/hard camps pull creeps and put deep wards


                You should get the blink range talent vs bloodseeker, it allows you to blink while ruptured. Start items 2 branch mango tango, rush wand->brown boots->bfury, no need for treads. After bfury go second qb, treads, farm with tp and you shouldn't get gimped by rupture. With the blink talent at 20 bs is barely a counter anymore if you play smart, try and play the opposite side of the map to him if possible, their only stuns are mk and ogre so even if you get ruptured you can often blink to trees and just tp out. I would go yasha->linken->manta this game personally.


                  Blood has to probably build blademail if he wants to be a threat to you constantly. Going aghs before manta is a mistake. You get a fast manta and blood can't really man fight u unless he is way ahead. Dodge blood rite with a well
                  Timed manta and you are fine.

                  Don't forget to not tp pointlessly and then have it on cd and u can find push waves anymore


                    If you figure out how to play against a snowballing team as a carry with a bad lane, let me know. Because then I think you'd know how to get 4.5-5k


                      Also I realised you can't just blink to trees anymore for some reason. Rupture level 2 instagibs am. Lmao. I swore you could just live and tp out. But nope.


                        If the enemy hc is having the time of life, it's because he countered your offlaner. He probably didn't pick a core early like a retard.

                        Ursa/Jugg counters the shit out of underlord/centaur/tide/abaddon other common melee offlaners. But AM/Spec/Slark have a hard time in these lanes. So when you see the enemy offlaner, counter it.

                        Also, your team's draft sucks monkey balls. Why would you pick AM into that?

                        So you either picked a core early like a retard, or you last picked a core when your team already had a MK and sniper.

                        Go uninstall.


                          Im amazed at how you can get 16min fury then your next big item is at 27min