General Discussion

General Discussionhelp offlaner

help offlaner in General Discussion

    how to deal with trilane safe lane with 10000 stun as an offlaner (dont have escape only stun) in 4k bracket


      Jungle. Camp side-shop in trees to get to level 3 (where you get a power spike).


        i probably need ward to do that cause every rune spawn they always go for the rune and they find me jungle

        casual gamer

          block creeps as often as possible and fuck equilibrium to get cs under tower

          if they try to kill u at lvl 1 count their stuns and stun+tp out when they use both (or all 3) of them. not viable against some carries

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            Well, also, ward the camps (if you are expecting a hard lane) with a sentry.
            Leave shop second loading screen is done. You can ever start moving out before the DotA map is completely loaded if you are using a move command and clicking.
            If you can, convince the support to buy a smoke so your movement speed is even greater.

            If you get zoned so you can't get lvl 3, and your attempt to ward camps fail, spam spells at creeps, and push them into opposing teams tower. Lane will de-equalize and push to your tower where you can often get 2 ranged creeps (yum). Also, abuse creep aggro to take a creep wave under your own tower where you can safely last hit (successfully if you are good).

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            cinnamon boy

              block large or small camp with ward, at start of game try to pull creeps to between your t1 and tier 2 or at least get it to doublewave if possible


                I used to play a lot of Necrophos offlane. What I found out is that farming yourself is a better way to win games than trying to contest enemy carry farm. So, instead of being an annoying player with windlance/boots first I started to buy midas and secure my bounty runes and camps.

                Also you should understand when enemy supports are nearby even if you don't have wards. Your goal on SOLO offlane is to get as much experience and farm as you can before minute 10-15 and don't feed. If you have roaming supports than it's another story. You may play aggressive but on 3k-5k bracket people don't help offlaners a lot so, you should only rely on yourself.

                Also, what I used to do on Necrophos before I started going SOLO offlane. I would ask some1 to pick another support so we can do dual lanes and it worked out well too because we could 2v3 easily and win the lane because of experience.

                Moreover, offlane in this patch is much easier because they removed big camp pulls it helps a lot (just ward them so they cant double pull). You can try to force the lane to push and than you get all the experience that you want.



                    or u cud fucking buy items to not die since ur necrophos in a patch where there is way way more magic dmg, and ur super weak lvl 1 especially against a trilane

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      try to ruin their lane equilibrium, even if you have to die for it. kills dont really give that much gold compared to CS anymore anyway. its fine to die as long as you are getting levels/some farm and keeping the supports busy.


                        if u die but draw their creeps around until they double or even triple wave and then respawn, tp, and eat that shit under tower ur golden
                        dont forget to echo slam the 5 stack for effeciency
                        i no Kappa had a super tough game in the offlane while i was in sea server with 240 ping
                        it was against tiny slardar wd, and i cudnt do the stack the support made for me without losing most of my hp, now thinking abt it i probably shud have ganked mid or used echoslam on it


                          Rushing Midas on offlaners is garbage. Right? Or did something in DotA change that I'm not aware of?


                            You're not suposed to prioritize farm. All you need from the laning stage is the XP. Either jungle or pull the enemy creeps before they reach at their tower.


                              Also, it doesnt really matter if you die once, twice or even three times as long as you don't miss the lane XP. In other words, don't tilt :D

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                                if there first two picks looks like they are going for a stun heavy lane stomp EG sven & shadow example then pick lich offlane.


                                  just saying, offlane enigma doesnt really care what he is facing.
                                  eat your ranged creeps, have 42+20+20+20 damage level 1 with idalons. pretty hard to miss denies and lasthits + the wave will push under your tower.
                                  rotate to your sidejungle when they pull but keep eating every single ranged creep
                                  dont forget the value point in E to depush