General Discussion

General Discussionlets talk about roaming support clock

lets talk about roaming support clock in General Discussion
Chao Vritra

    I know this has been a thing for awhile now but I just tried it a few days ago. Was a lot fun! Battery Assault is amazing level 1. I spam pudge so clock seems to be pretty similair but replace rot with battery assault.

    What is the best progression? I have just beeng going the suggested tranq blademail force staff. And I think I did soul ringmy first game

    Also in a solo queue uncoordinated game, who is the better support pudge or clock? I feel clock has a larger window of time to gank solo whereas pudge needs his team after so long.

    i have 5 reports to use

      Atos fc into something

      зачем я начал поиск

        Total trash.
        No progression, just losing games and low priority.

        Not even ironic.

        Chao Vritra

          this is the game that made me question spamming pudge. Twice I TPd bottom when troll was pushing our offlane tower and hooked him under tower. Brood literally pinged me and said leave my lane please. I was not even in XP range of him. Same thing happened a few minutes later, I hooked someone and instead of killing he dove the radiant tier 1 safelane tower and looked in the trees below it like someone else would be there. Then towards the end that same broodmother gave up and AFKd. Me and PA were 2vs5ing them for the last 15 minutes almost had a come back.

          also this was my first roaming clock game. Had a lot of fun.

          And clock is not total trash I can tell that right now. I think he might be a better support than an offlaner though.

          edit: i forgot to mention on the pudge game. when brood was pinging me to leave his lane he did not auto attack the people i was hooking.

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            u go force first usually
            ur gonna be more underleveled and ur more abt cogging someone and getting out
            ur not gonna be as tanky as an offlane clock
            however u can be extremely fucking annoying to the enemy team when roaming, some heroes just cant do shit to u

            Chao Vritra

              yeah i remember years ago watching something about clock and how certain heroes can not even use their spells because of their cast point or whatever its called. Like I think it is jakiro cant use a single one of his spells because of how frequent the battery assault stun is? Zeus cant ult. It might stop brew ult I cant remember. But there are heroes that literally cant do shit to you you are right I have to look up that list again

              зачем я начал поиск

                Useless low impact hero, without any kind of scaling, countered by a single force staff.

                Why people enjoy picking garbage? Like Rubick (no damage output, poor stats, low impact, unless there are specific heroes to steal spells) or Clockwerk. Shit like Pangodogshit or Bristleback.

                You have heroes like Ogre (high armor, good scaling, high damage output, slow and stun with low CD, AS steroid buff), heroes like SB (no need to explain), other strong support heroes like Rhasta (can solo win a fucking game by clicking R near rax) and still people have some kind of fetish for the worst shit possible.

                Clockwerk is a bad hero. Fundamentally. You could be better off by replacing him with any good pos. 4 hero.
                There is no situation, where you'd like to specifically have Clockwerk.
                If enemies have a tiny piece of brain, they just get Force and you're useless, because you have nothing else to provide.
                You're gonna spam Flares? Lul.

                Heroes in Dota are not equal. There are good heroes and dead trashcans (situational at best) (like Rubick, Clockwerk, Bristle or Pangoshit).

                In the end of the day, you may believe whatever you'd like to believe.


                  The disruptive factor of clock is still there with cogs, you just get your shit a different way. I like spirit vessel so if you can fit it in your kit try to. But force most of the time before blademail

                  Chao Vritra

                    I understand some of what you are saying but I disagree he is a useless hero. He hard counters certain heroes. Maybe it is different in your bracket but in my bracket play is more important than picks (i am 3k scrub)


                      Lmao scfd why u can read my mind

                      But i think force enemy to buy force staff is good thing except Hero with natural hurricane Pike core. So thats why clock isnt really good first pick

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                      Chao Vritra

                        Yeah I suppose hurricane pike hurt him a lot because people build a force staff now. I think as an offlaner he is pretty close to trash but his roaming abilities are strong. Forcing an enemy to get a force staff for a support is strong. But idk People laughed at me when I used to support pudge and now that is the norm and people tilt over mid pudge picks


                          clock isnt all about catching people in cogs...sfcd are you salty because you cant play the hero?

                          its about splitting a team up during teamfights.
                          in my last clock game i managed to cancel almost every dismember and wd ulti with battery aussault.
                          hook is a bkb piercing stun with insane range, which you can use to initiate on heros like sniper that sit in the backline, all you need is blademail and the sniper is useless.

                          hero is hard to play, 3ks cant roam, miss hookshots, should only be picked in certain games.
                          i see why you had bad experiences with the hero, doesnt mean he is bad.

                          SUPER SAIYAN GOKU

                            What's a mid laner going to do vs a lv3 clock gank? I also find that clock does a surprising about of damage. Even as a support i'm usually running for 3rd most damage

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                              You can fuck up those immobile heroes before their items. And cogs can kite the shit out of enemy teams


                                or u can use cogs to stun instead of trap
                                do u even know how to play clockwerk


                                  Sounds clock is fun.. Allow me to spam and master the hero. 😊 playing position 5 and mostly 4 now.. Nice thread


                                    Clockwerk is a bad hero. Fundamentally

                                    wtf. how is clock bad. maybe in lower tier games. depending on the meta, either pos 3 or 4.


                                      Lmao what is this? Clock is a successful hero(even in pro scene).

                                      There is a huge difference between "I don't know how to play clock" and "Clock suck". Recently I was in a 11 win streak with that hero, playing clock as a roamer.

                                      주 롄양

                               haha fuck stereotypes

                                        no db+ tho

                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                          Clock is super good you guys are just super shit

                                          BSJ. LGD

                                            they dont know that pos 5 clocks solo kills carries without bkb XD

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                                              Their mid laner was 2-3 levels behind cuz of mr.clock LUL


                                                Another OP hero as a roamer is Undying.
                                                1-2-1-3-3 build - congratulations, you have successfully zoned the enemy mid laner.

                                                Potato Marshal

                                                  He's really good at countering a lot of pos 4 heroes like SB, you just need get good at predicting where enemy heroes are and flaring then hooking.


                                                    pos 4 is life


                                                      I see clocks with orchid now lmao to fuck up those slippery fucks.


                                                        A good clock is up there as one of most annoying heroes to play and lane against


                                                          Jacked stop spamming juggernut please


                                                            Clock is one of the best heroes in the game. True in all brackets!


                                                              LMFAO people thinking clock is bad cuz of force staff
                                                              Srry I didn't know u included force staff in ur starting items


                                                                Man I love clockwerk but I have to admit that 7.07 was a nerf to him even though I've gotten a lot of push back on that. Reduced damage talent of Battery Assault and the loss of the +10 second battery Assault Duration lowered his power level for sure. Never ending Battery Assault was FREAKING amazing. The super fast Battery Assault is... Cute? I don't know it is higher DPS but just isn't as strong.

                                                                Generally my item progression is Tranquil Boots, Urn OR bottle (If no one else is getting these items on my team. Rarely do I get bottle because usually mid heroes get that) and then Drums for the Mana Regen (Especially if you are roaming his spells are pretty cheap so if you have Urn/Drums/Tranquils you are pretty much set for staying active on the map and if you do get urn getting spirit vessel next makes you SO FAST) .

                                                                After that it depends on what enemies I'm facing and what team I have.

                                                                Normally it is going to be Forcestaff or Blademail.

                                                                If I need the extra chase, say they have a high pike/force team, I go for my forcestaff. I also like forcestaff if I have high ranged damage on my team because I can hook shot in, cogs and then just forcestaff myself out to start battery assaulting the rest of their team to disrupt spells or just do some damage. Clock can create a crap ton of a chaos in the back lines while your team picks off the poor sap you just trapped pretty quickly. Side note, this isn't recommended highly but it is funny, I do upgrade my forcestaff into pike eventually because it makes me tankier and boy is it funny to hookshot in, cogs and then hurricane pike them back towards your team. The pike pushes them into cogs and that pushes them even farther away from their team into your allies. Pick up a blademail before forcestaff if they enemy team has high burst damage. If they have high damage nukes or someone like PA Blademail is the way to go so you A) can activate it to hopefully walk away from a bad situation and B) one on one some heroes you wouldn't normally have a prayer against.

                                                                Sometimes I pick up a pipe before Force/Blademail if I'm up against a high magic damage team but it doesn't happen very often. After Force or Blademail or both (Now this is tricky because if I have Spirit Vessel and Drums I don't Forcestaff I need the slot even though it hurts the heart) it is time for your big ticket item and you have two choices. Lotus Orb or Aghs. This is the point in the game were you are going to stop seeing progression for a bit because you have to save up for those expensive items but man they pay off. If the enemy team has a high amount of disables I go for Lotus because it can save my carries or allow me to create more chaos amongst the enemies. If my team has minimal disables/initiation it is time for Aghs so that every twelve seconds I can throw another stun out there. With some practice, plus self control, you won't always just immediately chain smack your the nearest target but actually aim behind your enemies because anybody you "Collide" with gets stunned and damaged as well so you can stun multiple items. I'm not sure what the exact radius of the collide aspect is but it is bigger then his body and so people you pass by slightly will be chain smacked as well. Then you can run up BEHIND the enemy and cog (don't think you have to trap people everytime with cog) to push them around for .85 seconds plus disurpt their positioning. Potential 3 seconds of 100% disabled and they have to be careful to maneuver around the cogs or get disabled for another second.

                                                                If I have a slot (didn't go force/blademail/something and my tranqs got sold for travels) I go Shivas.

                                                                End game I usually have Tranqs/Travels, Force Staff, Blademail, Drums, Aghs and Lotus.

                                                                That is my lowly one star legend answer. Sorry it is long but a lot of people were just replying with Clock Good/Bad comments and I wanted to give you an actual run down of progression suggestions.

                                                                To answer your last question I don't play Pudge that much but he may be the better solo que uncoordinated hero to pick. Purely because if you roam amazingly with him he gets SO FAT with Flesh Heap it is just silliness late game. I love clockwerk but you can absolutely DESTROY your roaming game but you are only go to be so big that alone, which is basically what you are in a solo que game some times, you can only do so much. Pudge on the other hand in a solo que game, once again not a pudge player, can actually BE SOMEBODY late game. He can be an absolute menace in 7.07. Also with Clockwerk coordination is so much stronger on him. Pudge hook + Dismember and most people know to right click that target. You here chomping and immediately start looking around for what to murder no matter how dumb you are. Where as clockwerk it isn't about just hook/cog and okay guys lets do it. You are going to use Cogs to disrupt and screw with the enemy team to not just trap them. Clock is a lot stronger with good coordination on your team because then you can the dastardly things and not the simpleton things.

                                                                Chao Vritra

                                                                  no need to apologize for the long post xmelesiox it is a really great post. I would say you should make a clock guide topic but seems to be a lot of hate in this forum towards clock or making threads about actual discussion lol. I have not tried urn yet or drums, sounds good. I have been going tranquils into soul ring and blademail rush. It is so nice to get this item early and not only have the ability to trade with carries but kill them a lot of times. I did not know about the stun trick with him, to aim behind the enemy lines to stun everyone. Spirit vessel sounds fun too. And lotus makes a lot of sense on the hero. Amazing post though, I am excited to try more clock. Will probably stick to pudge since he is my main anyway but clock can be nice when the enemy team might he hard for pudge to play against (rare in this meta for pudge to not be a good pick unless it is on a bad player)

                                                                  Chao Vritra

                                                                    one more question tho. do you skill cogs or assault level 1? I know this is probably situational. I wait to skill and if the offlaner is solo and over extends i take assault. I can see cogs being situationally better but not really sure. I guess it is good if the enemy is staying near creeps?

                                                                    Also thumbs up clock made one of the higher pub tier categories!


                                                                      Had a roaming support clock in a recent game. Went 1-9-12. Would not recommend.

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                                                                          just fun with this clock
                                                                          make it 5 Million Dollar Power Cogs


                                                                            Chao - it is situational for sure but I lean more towards cog level one then battery assault most of the time. If i'm solo off it is ALWAYS cogs. Roaming I would say 7/10 cogs. The reason being is its versatility. Battery is your damage and interrupt where Cogs drains mana, isolates a target and can push the enemy team away.


                                                                              my clockwerk games on this patch

                                                                              average 19 assist and 9 kills with 63% win rate.

                                                                              my role is to create space for carries, warding, ganking, etc...

                                                                              his battery assault is so devastating in early game to mid game and this scale to latw game if you reach level 25. a good hook shoot and cog is game breaking.

                                                                              my first item is either boots or wind lace. battery assault is magic damage difficult to counter as raindrops is not available or most people seldom get one :)


                                                                                @tribo(cuck) only if u stop playing broodmother u disgusting person. Xd


                                                                                  @Chao here is a good example of an OFFLANE lcock not a roaming one