General Discussion

General DiscussionVHS 0-12?

VHS 0-12? in General Discussion

    Why i get vhs on 0-12-4 game and high skill on 20/4/6 ?


      doesnt indicate how well you played or how skilled you are

      skill bracket indicates what the avg mmr of the game is, thats all.

      you are 0-12 in vhs because you dont belong there


        Doesn't reflect your personal skill level, it's what mmr is defined by dotabuff as high or very high skill level. I think it was 3k+ is high, and 4k+ is very high.


          Reformed Pos4 player - I have 4.9k main so all my games are vhs there. I'm trying to smurf with the new rank system(badge ones) because I want to see if 3.5k is max u can get. I'm just curious about how dota sees new accounts at this moment.


            if a change in skill bracket occurs its after a game, not during it.

            the system placed you in a higher avg mmr after you stomped in with jugg. now that you played badly in vhs range the system might drop you down...
            is this understandable?