General Discussion

General DiscussionAghs tier list discussion

Aghs tier list discussion in General Discussion

    What aghanims effect is top teir for you guys?

    My list
    (good every game)
    Kotl of the light
    Vision is good every game

    My personal meme list
    Look ma no hands Gyro
    Matryoshka Lifestealer
    Pinball Lich

    Dogshit tier:
    I dont think there is but fee free to add to the discussion. Maybe Magnus:\

    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

      While ns aghs on his own is amazing, i feel rhat building it is highly situational, in general it too hard for him to build it and he wants to get utility fast. Things like urn, crest and so on have priority in most of the times

      Also what about nyx? Thats one strong ability


        Also Rip Tony aghs

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          As a position 5 supp player, building at least a point booster is a dream come true.

          Anyway, I agree with KOTL in the top list. Maybe include Centaur and Pugna?

          Meme aghs build is WK haha.

          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

            Kotl and Centaur are certainly amazing holders of aghs, if they can get it they should always go for it

            Nyx also has one of the best aghs, but he wants utility before, if he can get that it's great similar sith night stalker, but he usually don't have the chance to get it


              I'd say magnus got the shittiest aghs upgrade but if they'd return the splash on empower I might reconsider it as situational


                nyx assassin is probably one of the best in the game
                treant is very good if you can farm it
                weaver is the most broken in the game imo, doesnt fit the item build of pos 1 where he's mostly played.

                ogre magi is useless
                bane is bad
                spirit breaker useless

                Este comentário foi editado

                  ogre magi useless?

                  Yes, a 2nd stun that can further trigger your ult chances, not to mention the fact that you can use it even with zero mana pool.

                  Solo MMR

                  AH, should have seen this first, wouldn't bother to comment.

                  The best scepter in the game is NIMBUS. A spell that gives you a chance to respond globally with a relatively short cooldown, can cancel tp's and disrupt enemy combo's with ministun. If you are smart, you can even solo kill enemy carries with it.

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                    This might be a good place for you to start:


                    There was an older one for 6.88 and this one hasn't been updated to 7.07, but it's still pretty good for reference. Obviously it's all about perspective and differs based on the roles/heroes one will play, but it's still a fun discussion to be had.


                      I like it on Phoenix. But it is a high risk play. You have to use it only when you know the egg will survive. Refresher+Ahgs can turn the game if used in the right circumstances.


                        wooow 4k sea smurf

                        a stun that takes 60% of you current mana you mong oloid how is a 4200 gold item worth this ability

                        Friendly player

                          you can build way more useful and cheaper items instead of aghs on ogre.


                            How could I forget nyx and pugna *facepalm*


                              I leik walrus kick too, sue me

                              casual gamer

                                how good an aghs is compared to other aghs is useless for gameplay purposes


                                  what about shitposting purposes

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    I don't think we're comparing aghs to other aghs but saying which ones are good and which are bad.

                                    The only cores I can think of offhand are invoker and wr who always build aghs. Tinker is close, usually builds it.

                                    Supports is tricky because some of their aghs are amazing but they still don't build them much like witch drs is really good, can wipe teams, but he's often a 5th position and needs other items and can't afford it. Same with CM, disruptor a little less so but still good.

                                    Sniper's aghs is terrible.

                                    team fuck sucks

                                      OD's is pretty shit. It's good for a support OD, but if you have a support OD, you're not winning. Maybe if Alchemist gives it to you.


                                        if you are a mid silencer who is snowballing aghs is funny. Get sheep with moonshard and youll kill pretty much anyone before sheep is over. I'm sad though, glaives got a big nerf


                                          it's pretty good on timber.


                                            the best aghs are, in terms of how core they are to the respective hero:
                                            KOTL, number 1
                                            invoker number 2
                                            idk if u guys understand that cent aghs is kinda average considering how many times they nerfed it
                                            the rest gets rlly unsure
                                            skywrath, zeus, nyx, pugna are close by
                                            it gets super blurry when comparing all the highly mediocre and shitty aghs


                                              it's pretty good on necro too (esp if pos 3)


                                                Maybe Centaur's Aghs is situational because he can buy another tanky/utility item, but it is still good.


                                                  zeus for sure

                                                  Optimus Drip

                                                    techies aghs is pretty good


                                                      Meme aghs, Jugg's. +3 slashes and reduced CD. Get lvl 25 +6 slashes, and every 70 seconds you have 18 slashes for maximum luls. Get refresher to add to it. It's a steroid version of jugg's build before his attack speed rework

                                                      Bad Intentions

                                                        I dont really like tides aghs :[


                                                          I hope OP and guy talking about empower for Magnus remember that Magnus aghs was reworked to make shockwave hit twice by returning back to Magnus.

                                                          Most useless ones would be alarm and CK imo. For CK if you are farmed you always want make illusions of yourself given that CK builds stat items mostly anyway and they also get the lifesteal gain ona critical hit. The cooldown was nerfed by an extra 15 seconds so it’s now a 35 second cooldown reduction rather than 20 seconds so it’s “comparatively” better than last patch, but the shitty stats of an aghs are in no way worth his aghs upgrade just being a 35 second cooldown. An octarine core takes it to the same cooldown and also gives faster chaos bolt and reality rift (not to mention manta, bkb, BoTs etc) so you may as well build that if you need a shorter down time.

                                                          Slarks one is also useless. 60 second cooldown is short enough to use his ultimate every gank/team fight and not worry about saving it. Conversely 30 seconds is too long for it to be used more than once in a single team fight. The extra ability (hiding enemies in smoke for 3 seconds) is so rarely going to occur/save anyone it might as well not exist. Slarks ulti is so he can finish off an enemy without him being cced or to survive and run away from a gank or to regen like 25% in the middle of a team fight. If as a pos 1 you’re not using for one of these reasons but to instead save another less important hero meaning you won’t have it available for those reasons above when you do need it. The range is only like 350 anyway (half the standard range of a ranged hero) so it’s not a big AoE. Other than that it does nothing. 30 second cooldown and a change to his skill that is useless 99/100 times your ulti would be used.

                                                          Icefrog seriously needs to rethink the aghs on some carries because if they are going to take the bad stats of an aghs over the better stats and/ability granted by another item it had to be worth it in far more situations.

                                                          Eg something which actually could be good for slark is something like gives pounce 3 charges and applies an aoe effect so any heroes in 200 range etc are leashed and adds extra range. Then you can use it to both initiate and have a back up as an escape.

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                                                          Potato Marshal

                                                            Who else here forgot that Slark and Riki even had an aghs upgrade?

                                                            Friendly player

                                                              Talking about

                                                              forgot that x and y even had an aghs upgrade

                                                              Sven, tiny, kunkka, beastmaster, dk, huskar, brewmaster, io, centaur, bristle, elder titan, earth spirit, phoenix, axe, slardar, doom, spirit breaker, lycan, undying, abaddon, underlord, morphling, venge, riki, ta, luna, bh, naga, troll, ember, mk, fv, pa, viper, clinkz, brood, slark, medusa, arc warden, storm, lina, jakiro, silencer, oracle, bane, dp, dazzle, leshrac (forgot that this hero exists), ds, batrider, od, sd, ww.


                                                                DK, Lycanthrope, wisp, slardar, TA, troll, ember, mk, pa, clinkz, brood, arc warden and DP don't have Aghs. A rather large amount of people seem to assume that DP has one though.

                                                                Eg over the last month DP ended the game with aghs about 8000 times -

                                                                Slark has had it built 7400 times -

                                                                Shows you what people think of aghs on slark. A hero with no fucking upgrade gets it built more often.


                                                                  Any thoughts on earth spirit aghs, since his talent kinda supplements it already.

                                                                  Story Time

                                                                    wtf is aganim for OD now, total disaster :( never buy


                                                                      If you looked at the link I provided, you'd see there are quite a few parameters to consider when rating an Aghs upgrade for a hero. Things like whether that hero can farm the item itself in an average length game. Even GPM talents and skills modifying talents that are associated with the Aghs upgrade come into picture.

                                                                      Also, just because a hero always buys Aghs, doesnt mean it's necessarily good. Sometimes it has no better choice.
                                                                      Eg. Windranger

                                                                      Este comentário foi editado
                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                        Sven aghs is actually really strong but it rarely fits with team. The team has to draft around using it basically, otherwise it's wasted dmg and better if sven just builds more dmg for himself.

                                                                        I forgot about drow aghs, that's borderline core with mjollnir.

                                                                        I really like tidehunters aghs but no way it's close to core.