General Discussion

General DiscussionCancers removed - Medusa seems good again

Cancers removed - Medusa seems good again in General Discussion

    With all cancers (Necro, Venom, ..) removed, Medusa seems strong again

    I've never lost with Medu since 7.07. My item build is Phase -> Yasha -> Dragon Lance -> SnY -> MKB -> Skady

    Replace Skady by BloodStone if against Nyx.

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        skadi u can get earlier


          The fact is that MKB is so good with a lot of MS. MoM + MKB is not that great. I prefer Yasha.


            Also the silence is quite annoying.


              mom is a must
              why do u need sny if u go skadi later? they do literally the same yet skadi is better
              mjollnir is also great on her


                I assume he gets almost same ms and attack speed with sny and skadi as with active mom, but witouth debuffs.


                  Medusa IS cancer OMG AM nerf


                    I assume he gets almost same ms and attack speed with sny and skadi as with active mom, but witouth debuffs.

                    i assume theres a 6k gold difference between those 2 ideas


                      She's fucking legit i have been trying her out her main weaknesses is silence, chain stun , magical damage and retard team , you can rape enemies because they will let you farm for ages and once u go out our a dangerous snake

                      Yung Beethoven

                        Its not because necro, viper etc. are not viable anymore which is why medusa is viable again, but the changes in her talents.

                        Potato Marshal

                          her main weaknesses is silence

                          What? Her main weaknesses are mana burns and high mobility heroes.


                            Anti-mage says hi


                              Everyone's weakness is silence!

                              Riguma Borusu

                                she's pretty strong right now, used to be pretty bad when AM was strong, and before, when diffusal was built as a no brainer item on every hero

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Her talents got buffed significantly, +10 dmg and attack speed and +300 mana if you take the same ones.


                                    With AM getting nerfed to hell, I expect Medusa to suffer the same soon. But until then, you can spam her to gain cheap MMR.

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      Am's not the only thing to counter her. I actually hate nyx way more, invoker can be bad, diffusal is still good vs her. But really you need to play the game fast and aggressive, like you would vs a spectre. Just don't let her get to 4-5 items or you'll lose. End game by 30 minutes.


                                        @bibotot yeah, abusing her right now. But people seems banning her every game.