General Discussion

General DiscussionSmarter people are better at LoL and Dota2

Smarter people are better at LoL and Dota2 in General Discussion

    "i like how your delusional mind has twisted facts for the convenience of your own reality." lmao but that's literally you. Man there's no point in arguing with a sick psycho. I'm just glad you exposed yourself even more on how mentally sick you are lol. Bye edgy kid and thanks for the good laugh.


      lol stop acting so casual man youre hurting me. giddyup


        If you get matched with toxic people and leavers of course you'll play worse and lose most games.

        how the fuck do you even think you're smart. i don't get it.


          Ssh it's alright edgy kid, just get over it.


            honestly if you are good you will win games (especially if mid)...

            For example I didnt play basically for 4 years and now I'm struggling to win matches at 3.4k. Before I would have utterly shitstomped those games. In dota the laning phase is ridiculously important and creating enough space for you to farm... In a sub 5k match if you are really good you should be able to win lane and get 140cs by 20min and then proceed to win the game.


              I never eaten captain crunch.
              Am I missing out?


                every single one of these kinds of posts just devolves into people telling each other they're stupid.


                  my games prove [j]ack eero that he is right about hidden pool except if u think its possible for a 4.2 player to win both MID and GAME vs miracle or if he can reach 6k party by carrying his retarded friends even if he tells them what to do or pick.