General Discussion

General DiscussionHuskar + IO

Huskar + IO in General Discussion
Story Time

    Legit or naah?
    Consider attack speed on huskar, sustain from io, and aganim upgrade of IO's talent and talent on attack the same target.


      it was good combo anytime. just can be out of meta.

      Story Time

        was? But IO talents are NOW!


          OK, really now, IO is strong but Huskar isn`t the best core to pick now, still vs some heroes you can get much from that combo. Just don`t go husk vs Medusa, Necro, I don`t like husk vs Storm nether. don`t forget that husk isn`t ultra late core and you need IO 25lvl.
          In my opinion good combo but not 100%.


            100% legit but Huskar is hero from special case his strong side is dmg over time and thats what you not rly looking for with io,could work but now you have tons of better heroes to combine with io.....also agh talent is not as good as spirits dmg in uncoordinated pubs.
            Check my db i didn't lose game yet on 7.07b.

            casual gamer

              Of course

              зачем я начал поиск

                Wasn't that always one of the Wisp combos?

                casual gamer

                  Huskar + healers is cancer

                  IO is very strong when huskar is strong

                  Huskar can kill people with relocate


                  20-25 min gg every game

                  Riguma Borusu

                    someone is going to say dazzle or oracle is better

                    but those things are not exclusive, if all you need is to make your huskar strong so your team can run down mid 20 minutes into the game, having two supports dedicated to keeping him alive and strong is perfectly fine

                    Este comentário foi editado

                      Huskar dazzle not so good like Oracle omni io are


                        People who say huskar is trash
                        Look at his 5k+ Winrate ty


                          I think IO is an amazing hero with any super HC that needs time and a gap closer to fight.
                          It's just that in pub games, it's hard to work well together with the combo to really do anything meaningful in a consistent manner.

                          I think in pro play, it's a beastly pick though :P

                          casual gamer

                            Just pick a brain dead hero who can run at people lvl 1-3 and go rape, I don’t think it’s that hard

                            Wisp adds a shitton of value to a team just with spirits + heal + relo on literally any carry imo

                            If u have heroes like visage, shaman, and other fire and forget aghs, ur hero goes from good to broken, ditto with carry aghs namely luna and gyro

                            casual gamer

                              Reminder that spirits is 500/1000 aoe damage and 950/1900 aoe damage if u don’t take the aghs talent


                                and ESPECIALLY broken if you happen to be graced with the presence of a god tier pangolier player.

                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                  lv25 luna + wisp PogChamp

                                  casual gamer

                                    U can have a pos 6 shaman and a 3.5 wisp and then wisp gives ur shaman agha anyway

                                    Insert shitty “is that balanced???” twitch meme


                                      don't forget to cast inner vitality on wisp instead of yourself

                                      Story Time

                                        ok, now i see main concerns of dotabuffers, but imagine this dual to go offlane, dont they win the lane versus 1 carry and 1 sup? (assume no more rotations, which holds in my trash bracket)


                                          Its all about huskar,if i will support random huskar he will suck in most times,io cant offer much to husk early,he not need mana at all,i see only MS from tether as very usefull first 10m and it could work well but again the player on husk have to be rly good,know hero perfectly etc to make this combo works,clearly it is a risky combo its not lion and pa which you can play with friends anytime and stomp.
                                          I said risky couse with io you winning lanes by allowing your carry spam his stun or so with unlimited mana - with husk its a lot about playes on edge and that requires a lot of skill

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            don't forget to cast inner vitality on wisp instead of yourself

                                            doesn't this depend on how low you are? If you're really low it's better to cast it on yourself, if not it is better to cast it on Io.


                                              Rpq,its always better on io,its actually point of this combo he have to cast on io and you instantly getting 150% of heal thru tether - this looks incredibly strong on paper...

                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                If huskar is low enough, inner vitality will provide 46% + 10 heal instead of 12% of the primary attribute +10. Huskar has better strength and str gain than Io, and if he is low even 150% of 12% +10 is kinda shit compared to 46% +10 if he is bellow 35% hp which huskar can easily be.

                                                I am just saying it looks good on paper until you do the numbers and the numbers suggest that it is much worse if huskar is low and io is not... If there is a danger of Io dying rather than huskar, however, it is better to have it on Io, just in case. Your primary concern is keeping huskar healthy at all times, but yes, Io might need it too which is one of the reasons this combo is done.

                                                It really depends on the circumstances, you should not just blindly cast it on yourself or io before you consider which one is better. If you are bellow 35% as huskar and Io is healthy it is probably dumb to cast it on Io as he does not need it and you are reducing the amount of heal you get as huskar.

                                                Este comentário foi editado

                                                  inner vitality is what makes huskar good


                                                    Go get storm hammer on IO.While huskar use ulti,channel ur storm hammer,ez kill to almost everyone


                                                      dude fuck off ur giving everyone here brain cancer

                                                      Story Time

                                                        0s inner vitality cast on both IO and Huskar?