General Discussion

General Discussion1.5k. I suck monkey balls. How do I get better?

1.5k. I suck monkey balls. How do I get better? in General Discussion

    Good players(5k and shit) tell me to ward, map awareness, farm, etc. Problem is, I have never been in that type of "good player" environment, you know what I mean? I have never experience what I SHOULD BE DOING, so I don't know what I SHOULD NOT BE DOING. I have no clue how someone can possible get 700gpm on average, or how a support can get items other than a wand or boots. When I play from behind, I don't understand how I can get back into the game. I just die when I'm playing from behind.

    I have some heroes that I'm okay with. All other heroes feel kind of weak, and that's probably because I just don't understand damage values.

    Supports don't support, and good players just tell me to suck it up because 1.5k is just so easy for them. How? Please masters, tell me how to get 700gpm every game!

    Player 153433446

      700 gmp doesnt mean good..just means you spam antimage or carry.
      Pick 4th or 5th even if you lose gold
      Mute all...or not, just dont tilt
      If you sup they stack, tp to turn ganks, ward...
      Core then u splitpush, objectives(rosh, buildings, smokes)
      Be a leader when u can...sometimes u feel like everyone is following u cause u r the carry.
      Make desicions amd dont worry about the outcome.
      Watch 7k games playerperspective and see when the push, jungle, see itemization.
      Watch ur games.
      But i think in 1k..splitpushing is ur best bet

      chicken spook,,,,

        Just go add some respectable blue star here and ask specific questions or get some high mmr replays to learn from
        Nobody will bother telling you everything


          i mean
          just play the game, capitalize on peoples mistakes, find heroes ur good at, spam them, know their nuances, farm well, position well.
          i mean the list is infinite u cant rlly ask that question
          if ur specifically asking abt farming, just hit creeps, do it in a pattern, between lane and jungle, but the biggest thing is dont die

          doc joferlyn simp

            I need help too, thread bumped


              Play simple hero and gitgud at it


                yes. pick a simple core hero like PA or antimage every game, and practice laning first. just watch videos on laning mechanics. master the first 10 minutes before u want to learn about everything else.


                  At your level, mechanics are generally going to be the defining attribute that differentiates player skill. You can understand absolutely jack shit about playing as as team or any general strategy if you simply have superior mechanics.

                  You and your lane opponent both suck. But you can last hit and deny better. Now it's two shit players vs each other, but you have more gold and more exp. You win lane. Now your lane opponent is playing catch up during mid game instead of contributing to their team's presence. You run into your other opponents in mid game. You have far more gold and exp than they do. Even though you're all bad at the game, it doesn't matter as your hero is numerically stronger than theirs making you far more likely to come out on top of every engagement

                  This works for supports as well as cores. If you can land your skills, control your hero properly, zone the enemy out of exp range, gank them to hell, deny creeps consistently and score 100% of last hits in empty lanes that you occasionally farm, you will have the numerical advantage to win most fights without needing to understand how/why you won.

                  Years ago I had that exact experience. I was young as was the genre of mobas and the average skill level of the playerbase was really damn low. I had very little grasp on strategy as a whole. But I had the mechanics and I could farm, and I did it well. That alone put me in the top 10% of all players. In League of Legends I hit the top 2-5%.

                  As a casual player I'm still around that same skill level, but I've had to improve my strategy tremendously over the years as the average skill level as climbed significantly. There was a time when stacking/pulling jungle camps and tread switching were considered super-advanced tactics reserved for only the professional players.

                  I also don't play LoL anymore as that game turned out pretty shit. But that's besides the point. Mechanics are what will win you the game, putting you in a higher mmr- and once people are playing something resembling a team game is when strategy will come into play.


                    Add cuki, then look at his games then watch it so you could understand the basics


                      In order to get 700 gpm spam hero's that can farm fast like am... and if u are harrased during lane just aggro the creeps towards u so that will secure atleast 3 out of the 5 last hits.. just keep pressurising lanes cause 1k players won't rotate until there is a Tower threat I'm also a 1k but I reach 700 gpm now a days.. and if u are getting pressured in lane just TP out and pressure the other lane..