General Discussion

General DiscussionNew patch is too complicated

New patch is too complicated in General Discussion

    More complicated doesn't equal better. They're just gonna scare people away


      it isn't complicated it's just bad
      defense of league of lehendas


        ^you havent even played the patch yet

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          most of the people (even pros) dont care about the new changes like the hp/mana regen etc. they are just "there". also they removed all the UAMs from the game, you can even stack lifesteals now.


            is it time for wk with MoM satanic vlads deso?

            Riguma Borusu

              is it time for wk with MoM satanic vlads deso?

              no but it might be time for AM mom desolator if you want memes (and to feed of course because that build is dogshit)

              Este comentário foi editado

                Removed cliffing restrictions for Rubick, Magnus, Dark Seer, etc.
                Removed Pudge and Vengeful Spirit's free pathing on terrain cliffs

                i like these revert changes though


                  Removed special neutral pull aggro exceptions for heroes (on Chaos Knight, Earth Spirit, Morphling, Pudge, Clockwerk, Rubick, and Tiny)

                  but these ones are far more worrying, is there going to be some moron hooking creeps onto neutral camps and denying waves on mid in every other game?

                  Este comentário foi editado

                    alright boys time to build satanic on am