General Discussion

General DiscussionMoM dk?

MoM dk? in General Discussion

    sounds decent tbh
    something like MoM armlet, but im not sure


      No it's not
      1) Generally, u don't want to get too many cheap items on a core hero
      2) Armlet gives you more than mom, so u d rather get armlet if u need cheap sustain+dmg boost
      3) If u get both, u ll run out of slots for more 'heavy' items pretty fast


        MoM isnt a regular cheap item
        it disassembles into satanic or butterfly
        its only 2 cheaper items before the core of blink or bkb or whatever


          I don't play a lot of DK, but I tried it 5 times recently at ~3.2k mmr w/80% WR. You can convert it to satanic later, which is pretty strong on DK. With Soul Ring and MoM, you can farm/push towers very quickly if you max your Q first.

          Riguma Borusu

            there is 0 reason to delay your initiation item for a MoM, especially since you're already getting a cheap value item in armlet

            the hero wants to kill people and take towers, and you're way more of a threat if you have a blink or a sb


              i always find dk's dmg to fall off hard, i guess with the MoM u can farm and push a lot so u remain relevant
              but u dont always play dk to remain relevant in the late game, sometimes u just want to end fast as a tanky boi


                U d rather get maelstrom for farm, which can be build in mjollnir later, which is great on dk

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                meteor hammer

                  sounds good tbh fk the haters xd

                  remember the higher ur armor the less armor reduction hurts

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    it hurts the same

                    meteor hammer

                      ur incorrect except in the most pedantic and irrelevant sense

                      Dire Wolf

                        I know what you are saying jd raw ehp vs percentage of ehp gained/lost but because dk has regen having more armor is still very much worth.

                        However I probably wouldn't want mask of madness even for farming.
                        Lifesteal is not necessary on DK early. He doesn't do that much dmg so you won't lifesteal much plus his dragon blood regen is plenty early. Satanic is pretty good late when carries do a lot of dmg, but it's mostly wasted early.
                        It does nothing to help his mana issues early.
                        Maelstrom is only 825g more, he has low dmg early so maelstrom is going to farm faster if item is purely for farming.
                        For fighting armlet is going to be a much bigger dps increase.

                        Like you can go soul ring, maelstrom and it's going to work out well almost every game as your first two items. Only time you might not want it is if you're the main initiator and just have to rush blink or shadowblade.

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                        meteor hammer

                          lemme just say moms insanely meta and it has way more synergy on dk than other ppl buying it right now (sf for example)

                          1 sec lemme just demo what i mean about armor

                          a 25 armor hero with 2120 hp dies in 12 hits to a sniper with 484 damage and no deso, and 10 hits to a sniper with the same damage and deso reduction

                          a 6 armor 2120 hp hero dies in 7 hits to the no deso sniper, and 5 hits to the deso sniper

                          reducing the hits from 7 to 5 is a nearly 30% reduction, reducing it from 12 to 10 is a less than 20% reduction in time to kill

                          meteor hammer

                            with lower damage values its a lot clearer, a 154 damage sniper takes 21 hits to kill the 6 armor guy with no reduction, but 11 hits with deso + medal

                            he takes 37 hits to kill the 25 armor guy without desomedal, and 25 hits with desomedal

                            the first is a nearly 50% reduction in time to kill, and the second is a less than 33% reduction

                            meteor hammer

                              its the same shit in reverse in terms of efficiency, you get skadi or bfly instead of ac on morphling because they multiply the value of your already high armor

                              AC is common on dk because he has a severe lack of attack speed and is a siege hero, but even then to me it feels like super overkill comapred to hp items

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                that doesnt make sense. in both cases you are losing the same amount of EHP: 890.4 obviously in one case its a higher percentage of your ehp, but in both cases they need to do 890 damage less to kill you. you shouldnt look at it through percentage but rather flat amount. also, that "takes 7 hits vs 5 hits" is an extreme oversimplification. almost all those hits were overkills probably which skews the data even further

                                meteor hammer

                                  in a real game the actual ehp reduction matters less than the # of hits imo

                                  pa/ta doesnt care if ur ehp is reduced by the same amount no matter what, they care if u 2 shot the stunned disruptor or 3 shot or 4 shot him

                                  reducing the ehp of a high ehp hero by the same flat amount is less effective, you would be better off increasing dps.

                                  Would you rather have deso+crest+crit against morph, or mkb+mj which bypasses armor and evasion, does aoe damage and minibashes him?

                                  meteor hammer

                                    am i crazy? ive never tried to itemize armor reduction against high armor heroes and it seems like a bad idea to me. similarly armor reduction heroes often have low winrate against high armor heroes (ta vs dk, pa vs timber)

                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                      no ure not crazy against high armor heroes investing into dps that bypasses armor is mathematically more efficient than -armor
                                      the problem is u dont buy +x magic dps as opposed to +x physical dps, ur options are quite limited in magical dps department so pure mathematical comparison doesnt make much sense, i may buy mjollnir vs some dk and this will give me 38 magical dmg per hit + some as but i might as well buy crit and thats 81 + 15%(or whatever the number is now) of my dps damage per hit and in most cases that will still rip through him way faster even if 1 point of magical dps is way more mathematically efficient than 1 point of physical dps

                                      -armor heroes have low winrate against high armor heroes not because theyre minus armor per se but because they only deal physical damage and high armor heroes naturally have high physical ehp.

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                                        pretty good


                                          barely read anything but u dont give a fuck about ehp when buying MoM
                                          great farming/tower push item

                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                            actually no i may be wrong about -armor vs high armor heroes, -armor heroes kick ass because they remove a set amount ur physical ehp based on ur raw hp so if ur raw hp is small its less efficient, but if u build armor ur ehp grows while ur raw hp stays the same and so does the amount of ur ehp removed by -armor so -armor heroes suck balls while generic dps heroes like troll dont care because they just chew through ur entire ehp without substracting anything

                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                              whatever fuck that gay shit

                                              meteor hammer

                                                tldr deso versus lvl 25 dk = 4head, deso versus centaur without shiva = kreygasm

                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                  pretty much


                                                    MoM vs maelstrom isnt even a proper argumet
                                                    maelstrom doesnt let u melt towers
                                                    maelstrom doesnt give u movespeed or synergize with armlet
                                                    and imo butterfly > ac on dk

                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                      ac is bought because its a team item. obviously if you only consider what dk gets himself, bfly looks better, but the armor auras are too good


                                                        ye but ac doesnt always have to be on dk
                                                        imo its good with dk
                                                        often times the safelaner or even offlaner can get it


                                                          also turns out u can pop Mom on jugg during omnislash and get the bonus attack speed

                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                            ^but only do that if you don't have to spin right afterwards

                                                            gotta try mom dk tho it might not be as bad as I thought


                                                              Thoughts on mom naix, ever since the change to make it stack with deso it seems good on paper. I guess the lifesteal is wasted.


                                                                i thought abt it but it seemed unnecessary, as u dont need it to farm and there r better items to fight

                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                  MoM is not that good on heroes with attack speed talents or attack speed steroids, because attack speed scales much worse than damage
                                                                  MoM is also questionable on LS because the silence lasts longer than his magic immunity giving people a window to lock him down before he infests

                                                                  MoМ's primary appeal in this scenario is that it can increases the damage by a lot and is cheap, but considering LS's single target nature, wouldn't medallion be much better?

                                                                  Gives you some mana sustain, reduces armor by 9 if you also have a blight stone (building towards a deso), helps you farm big creeps, costs only 1200 (1500 with blight stone), also has a defensive purpose, doesn't silence you, and scales really well with your damage (unlike the attack speed since you already get a fuckton from rage), and all this at 100% uptime (well, lower if you switch targets a lot, but you get the idea).

                                                                  I mean, you can have phase + medallion + blight stone very early, the primary issue of this is that it delays your armlet, that'd give you way more damage, and building medallion after armlet is kinda underwhelming because then your medallion is delayed and people already have a bit more armor. Still, you might go phase > armlet > medallion > deso maybe, I can totally see that working.

                                                                  After all, on a non bkbd target that's -14 armor and LS hits like a truck.

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                                                                    I tried medallion and the issue is that you are a fucking pos 1 hero so you shouldn't be wasting your precious inventory slots on cheap items that don't let you hit buildings/heroes better. Let your support buy medallion.

                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                      ^this is true tho, by the time you have phase + armlet, your support can already have a medallion anyways


                                                                        ^ i got 8 mins armlet and phase, while my pos 4 and 5 still struggling to buy arcane boots on min 9 due to unexplained theory of "roaming" map

                                                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                                                          i buy wards and not suck xp comment mi pro supp


                                                                            Yeah, u have 3 active skill,1 hard stun,and however u silence urself

                                                                            Like a frickin good idea

                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                              why should you give a shit when those skills have 11 9 and 115 fucking seconds cooldown

                                                                              luna builds mom basically every game and uses it after using her ult even if the beam has lower cooldown, why would dk have that problem? You use your ult, initiate on someone with ranged stun, breath them if needed, then turn MoM on while they are stunned.

                                                                              Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                U only rlly have 2 active skills that matter, and both can be used in initiating with MoM being the followup


                                                                                  Didn't read all of the above.

                                                                                  Imo its not a good choice, no matter what kind of a dk you play. What dk does is get level 6 and push some buildings. You want to be a big fat dragon and spit fire on whoever dares to tp, because this is your tower now, not theirs anymore. Also you wanna take hits with your huge armor. With MoM you can not react to ppl going on you and you loose armor. So what happens is: you press R, activate MoM, hit the tower once, get stunned and focused. Rip dragon.
                                                                                  You don't activate MoM and have 10as 20dmg for 1900 gold.
                                                                                  Now you would say its for farming. I say dk should never sit in the jungle when there's towers left. You farm lane creeps and buildings.
                                                                                  OH wait, its for fights? You are not the main damage dealer, but you are the frontliner and tank indeed. Even if you initiate you should focus on not dying instead of bursting. Its simply not dks job. Imo.

                                                                                  Spend that money for solar crest or blink. These items do more for you :)

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                                                                                    ^ dumb


                                                                                      Just stop considering MoM as a fucking fihgting item. In fights you only use it when ur shit is on cd or when you are chasing without the need of spells or running without the need of spells.

                                                                                      Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                        Only thing u seem to be doing is imagining MoM in a fight while in reality its a fucking midas on steroids for several heroes.


                                                                                          Not on dk tho

                                                                                          Mode : TOPSON

                                                                                            Every carry need MoM so yeahhh


                                                                                              its fine on dk


                                                                                                Imo Soulring is all you need on that dude. Or bottle if you play him mid. I don't really farm neutrals on dk tbh


                                                                                                  you farm all you can


                                                                                                    Ur acting like the jungle is just never available to a pos 2 hero
                                                                                                    And -5 armor doesn't just translate to a hero being focused, at least not when that hero has dragons blood

                                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                      I don't think you can even be 3k if you don't farm neutrals on DK - he has serious downtimes and an ability (albeit somewhat limited) to farm stacks, and you will seriously fall behind if you don't farm the jungle as well.

                                                                                                      So I checked and yeah, you're sub 3k. Not flaming you or anything, but a pos 2 hero is a farming position and you should play accordingly, sure, you should be pushing waves out, but also farming the jungle whenever possible (unless it's the case where you're the hero that needs to go around creating space with supports and you have a much greedier offlane + safelane so they basically get greater farming priority as 1 and 3 even though you are 2).

                                                                                                      Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                                        im not saying jungle is not available. im saying dk shouldnt sit there for a long time.
                                                                                                        5 armor makes quite a difference and ppl will try to focus you down in most situations.