General Discussion

General Discussionmax mmr calibration

max mmr calibration in General Discussion

    what`s the max mmr calibration now?

    The DarKNovA

      It's 3,500


        enjoy ur sweet 3500.


          yeah so sad


            no its actually good, now trash players will enjoy playing in 3.5k bracket and now there will be less trashbags in 4k bracket.


              is there any possibility that valve will back the old calibration max mmr? maybe next patch?


                i hope not.


                  9k now boys


                    still hoping hehe

                    Story Time

                      i think valve will make the calibration even lower

                      Paksit- giti

                        guys i have a question. what if all your recent games are very high skill? then after 90 games turns to high skill what will likely happen? pls explain

                        mabasag sana pc mo detoor

                          Dont get nervous just dont throw the game . Rest assured that youll be turn down to 1k again


                            i hope they lower calibration to 3k.


                              10k if that satisfy u


                                I would not mind calibrating at 2k again, learning to play with drunken retards who don't speak English is part of the dota experience :)


                                  Smurfs that dont buy item in steam shouldnt be allowed to play rank at all. Valve shouldnt tolerate smurfs.

                                  Story Time

                                    honestly calibration should be 1mmr :) otherwise you get too much mmr for free

                                    meteor hammer

                                      lmao if they lower calib again that would be so great