General Discussion

General Discussioncan i get at least 4k MMR with this ?

can i get at least 4k MMR with this ? in General Discussion

    i open a new account and then get mostly VHS
    can i get at least 3k or 4k ?


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      yes you can

      Zetta TRADEIT.GG

        how to add picture at this sites ?


          img /img

          Zetta TRADEIT.GG


            like this ?


              maybe a low 3k you can, your KDA is not the best

              Player 57312074

                no, ur kda is awful for 4k

                3k yes

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                  you can do it mate


                    You can get your account banned from Dota for years for stomping new players. People trying out Dota and now potentially leaving because of their bad experience facing smurfs. I have reported and got at least one account banned for smurfing in the past month. let's see if i can make it two.

                    Zetta TRADEIT.GG

                      this is not smurf dude , my real account 2k stuck , that's why i make the new one bcoz i am pretty sure my skills not at 2k , but to grow up 2k until4k , especially at sea server ? u're dreaming :D :D
                      too many toxic


                        moron. if your skills are above 2k then you can play on your normal account and gain mmr. you are clearly a 2k player. accept it.

                        what about the REAL new players in this game?

                        They are people are literally play dota for the first time and for their sake this account is getting banned.

                        Zetta TRADEIT.GG

                          before u judge me , pls try gain mmr at sea server , if u CAN get 500 mmr in 10 days , i'll gv u arcana zeus :D
                          it's SUPER IMPOSSIBLE at sea server , especially at 2k / 3k


                            Seriously MMR at SEA server is not that bad :D, gain 600 MMR grind in 8 days at 4k bracket
                            miss old day FeelsBadMan :(


                              My mmr can effect in party with low mmr..


                                doesn't matter what you fuckin do because max calib is 3.5k




                                    U can get 5k easily bro

                                    Zetta TRADEIT.GG

                                      yap i think 3.5k is maximum


                                        3.5k sniff sniff


                                          I would love to try SEA to see what all the fuss is about but the ping is stupid high. Sounds like fun tho


                                            What are you saying you can't gain mmr in sea. I calibrated 2k flat and raise to 4.7k.

                                            Zetta TRADEIT.GG

                                              sea worst than than russia haha


                                                Lol i got this account from 2.4 to 2999 this week. What is wrong with you. The trench doesnt exist bro. 2k are not mechanically gifted and so does 3k. Abuse the knowledge you know and thats how you win 2k. dont p*ssy out from your true mmr. Lol im in sea. If youre in 2k then you belong in that bracket.

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                                                Zetta TRADEIT.GG

                                                  yap bro , i accept my true mmr at 2k, but if i play ranked match , i always get Normal Skill bracket , bcoz my MMR , but when i go to tournament lobby , i always get VHS bracket , that's why i'm thinking if my skills was upgraded , but stuck at this MMR bcame confusingly , i play MMR and gain 500mmr in 3 days , always streak win , after that , i lose 425 MMR STREAK too , that's super frustating , so i try to make a new account , and u can see i almost get all VHS skills after first 5 match

                                                  so in my opinion , my skills upgraded but with that old account , SUPER HARD to climbing 2,4k (2013 account) to (hope) 4k


                                                    I dont think you know what skill bracket mean


                                                      And i climbed from 1.1k to 3.6k in sea server


                                                        @ZettA Dear OP, you're the reason why some winnable game can't be win because you give up easily. I assumed you're the type of person to do shit and blame every other person in your team then ended up tilted and not play the game in your best form and thus ending up losing the game for your other 4 teammates. I am from SEA and I am sick of players like you. Oh yeah SEA is the easiest place to climb MMR because 80% of the game below 4.5k are just 10 people playing their own game and not playing as 5 v 5. Abuse that.

                                                        Zetta TRADEIT.GG

                                                          @Rose haha sorry bro i never blame and chat , always mute all chat when blaming start , and just focus at my game , u can check my behaviour stats , can u win with teammate feeding and throw ? like u just walk at mid , and raped by 5 , and no buyback , how can we win ? please teach me.....................


                                                            The reason that those ''turnament'' games are VHS is that the AVERAGE mmr is higher

                                                            that doesn't mean your mmr is in VHS it means the rest are

                                                            example you can have a team of 3.0 players(NS) with one 10.0k player(VHS) but the average of 3, 3, 3, 3, 10 is (3+3+3+3+10)/5 = 4.4

                                                            4.4k would be VHS

                                                            aka also opposite you can be 2k, but the rest of your team being 4k+ it'll make it VHS

                                                            Anyways if you really were 4k+ mmr then playing on a 2k acc you'd have 70-80% winrate till you get to 4k mmr on that acc

                                                            you would never get a 400-500 loss streak.

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                                                              2 days ago

                                                              "before u judge me , pls try gain mmr at sea server , if u CAN get 500 mmr in 10 days , i'll gv u arcana zeus :D
                                                              it's SUPER IMPOSSIBLE at sea server , especially at 2k / 3k"

                                                              is this deal still on? I can do it in 2days, very easy.
                                                              Before complaining about your allies, reflect back on your own gameplay.

                                                              check my records, this is my smurf account(my friend gave it to me when it was 1.9k) and I hardly lose any game from 1.9~3.2k in SEA server all the way.

                                                              Oh btw, since you're claiming you belong to be 4k, just fyi, my main account is 4k flat, and i have completely no problem stomping the game ALONE in 0~3k bracket, low 3k bracket

                                                              Este comentário foi editado
                                                              Zetta TRADEIT.GG

                                                                yap still on dude

                                                                but now , if my main account was at 2k , how can i get mostly VHS in this acc ?
                                                                is dotabuff a liar ? or something error ? i think dotabuff give skill bracket based on how we play ? so VHS is VHS right ?


                                                                  @ZettA gimme the Arcana, I think I went from 2.9 to 3.4 in 9 days. Or maybe we can start from 3.4 to 3.9 in 10 days lmao.


                                                                    no, new account with experienced player(even 2ks), tends to fall in h~vhs because the hidden MMR is absurdly inflated due to stomping complete MOBA beginners in the first few games. I see you are doing horribly in VHS bracket from dotabuff, this is your stats playing cores in VHS bracket.

                                                                    Match Duration
                                                                    Win Rate
                                                                    KDA Ratio

                                                                    If theres EVER a core with this kind of stats in a ranked game, that person will end up in low priority every 3~4games they play. 37% win rate is something you'll see on an account buyer..

                                                                    with that said, i'm pretty sure your hidden MMR will drop gradually as you continue, and by the time you can play a ranked game, you will calibrate somewhr around 2.5k, 3k MAX if you spam hero like Zeus/Necro/Viper.

                                                                    btw, i would also love to join the gain 500 mmr on 2k bracket and win free zeus arcana, I have 2k smurf account and can get +500 mmr within 25 games max. stop blaming about servers and your allies , YOU are the only consistent factor in solo ranked mode, be it everyone is so horrible in your bracket, the odds of your enemy of getting the horrible player is 5/5 while your team getting horrible player is 4/5 IF you are functioning every game.

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                                                                    O.J.'s Juicy Bag of Nuts

                                                                      If you have to ask then the answer is clearly no. You l are 2k trash just accept it


                                                                        Of course you can calibrate 4k ! Don't listen to these guys they're jealous cuz their team didnt hold them back !


                                                                          You can Calibrate 10k and go directly to TI8


                                                                            @Rose @TanginamoBoBo

                                                                            fk u 2, i took the offer first!!!

                                                                            OP, wheres my zeus arcana?
                                                                            +500 within 10days this was like 2.5~3 , this acc is sitting at 3.5 now
                                                                            This is SEA server, refer to my DOTABUFF

                                                                            if you deserve 4k, this is the kind of statistic you should be getting in 2k games, my main is 4k FLAT, just alittle higher than VHS border(3.7k) fyi.

                                                                            Este comentário foi editado

                                                                              Giff Me Zeus Arcana Ploz

                                                                              Zetta TRADEIT.GG

                                                                                dude , the offer is when u NOT DOWN mmr at this servers , ez if u just gain 500 MMR , ez , but to still hold on , super super super impossible :D
                                                                                but just like a man , i will accept the offer that i'll gv u arcana :D


                                                                                  just check this account's record from 1.9k~3.5k i'm on 70% win rate, completely dominating 90%+ of the games, some of my losses are me running down mid going 0-20 0-30 because some chip idiot decide to last pick mid and steal my lane. if i don't do this kind of shit, my win rate would be even higher.

                                                                                  the point is, if ure significantly better than where you belong, lets say real VHS skill player in 2k bracket, you can't just lose the game lol, no matter how bad the team is, your win rate will be way way higher than 50% until the point you reach somewhere where isn't too far from your real MMR


                                                                                    "before u judge me , pls try gain mmr at sea server , if u CAN get 500 mmr in 10 days , i'll gv u arcana zeus :D
                                                                                    it's SUPER IMPOSSIBLE at sea server , especially at 2k / 3k"
                                                                                    this is the offer you made, don't lie.
                                                                                    and yea, i can maintain 3.5~4k on any server. i cant maintain 2k because no matter how hard i troll, i can't lost there

                                                                                    Zetta TRADEIT.GG

                                                                                      "because some chip idiot decide to last pick mid and steal my lane" -> you said

                                                                                      "the point is, if ure significantly better than where you belong, lets say real VHS skill player in 2k bracket, you can't just lose the game lol, no matter how bad the team is" -> you said , i repeat " NO MATTER HOW BAD THE TEAM IS" , repeat again " NO MATTER HOW BAD THE TEAM IS"

                                                                                      are u sleepy dude ? come on wake up :D


                                                                                        where is my zeus arcana?

                                                                                        trolling and throwing walk down mid feed is different

                                                                                        you are stuck in 2k because you belong there, git gud kid


                                                                                          "lets say real VHS skill player in 2k bracket, you can't just lose the game lol, no matter how bad the team is, your win rate will be way way higher than 50%"

                                                                                          cant you fucking read simple english?

                                                                                          stop being a sore loser and be a man, give me the zeus arcana polz

                                                                                          Zetta TRADEIT.GG

                                                                                            see my tittle dude , i just ask , why u so mad ? u cant reach stats like me ? please if u cant lose , just try to get aegis at TI8 , okay ? haha


                                                                                              where is my zeus arcana?


                                                                                                lololol you really thought a trash loser like OP who think he's not 4k but stuck in 2k because his team is holding him back would keep his word and give you arcana? hahahahahahaha
                                                                                                OP is just a trash kid just like every other 2k thinking they're good but their team sucks hahahahahahaha


                                                                                                  giff me zeus arcana im still waiting
                                                                                                  OP said he'll be a man and keep his word.
                                                                                                  So he's actually a girl? wowowowow show nudes send pu55y please




                                                                                                      Where my zeus arcana? OP???? giff me polz

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