General Discussion

General DiscussionTeam-suicide Dilemma

Team-suicide Dilemma in General Discussion

    Well i noticed that phenomen almost in all my games.
    The point is, that when lane pushed in the direction of mine, I'm often tping to push it back and get about 4x creepwave gold, farm some camps and probobly split push a tower to draw enemy heroes on def. So, the thing that i noticed is that sometimes my allies go fight 4x5 into enemy jungle, or pushing 4x5 or trying to get rosh 4x5, die and pinging me for not comming with them, even if i pinged. that i have my tp on cd b4 the fight started.
    Dilemma here is that if i come with them i can die also, lose a lot of gold from farming, our tower is harassed for no reason, but we have a chance of good teamfight. On the other hand, when i'm spacecreating for that dummies they can't get it and blame me for not getting into teamfight, even when was warned about all dangers on the map, and just suicide into enemy team.

    So what should a player do in that kind of situation? I often decide to trade a team for objectives especially when playing on low ratings.
    But what's ur oppinion on that cases? What would u have chosen, if face that dilemma.

    If u are 10k gold networth above and can win a fight 1x5, when comming with a team or when u are a great pusher in lategame. who breaks a base in few seconds are not the cases to be discused in that thread!

    Mlada i Luda

      i used to do that shit bymyself. but it's not always "team " fault. sometimes ( many times ), it can be your fault, for tp, there in the first place. sometimes you can jsut walk and save the tp to respond a fight. sometimes you should not be the one going there to farm it, dont be greedy ,realise whats your role is , and keep track of your teammates actions. as an example lets say your an ursa, and you see that your team are about to gank someone and take an objective ,or a "casual" fight, its porbably better than you let the support to go take that safe farm and you go do some shit with your team, or jsut farm agresively, or whatever,this is complicated depends how the game is going. just dont exclude the posibility, that might be you the one who is wrong and not "always your team".


        pubs are experts on jumping into retarded fights


          but sometimes ure the retard for not grouping when ure stronger and can achieve things like getting hg instead of tping back to do some stupid shit like tping to farm waves by your t2


            just buy bloodstone and kys


              You just want that farm and "space creating" is just your reasoning to not be there in fights. Tell me what space did you create when all 5 enemies fight against your team?

              You created space when your opponents go after you and let your team take that advantage. Or you manage to take down towers. Not when you go farm lane and jungle while your team fight 4v5.