General Discussion

General DiscussionBehavior Score 0/F

Behavior Score 0/F in General Discussion

    So I bought an acc, and When I logged into dota 2, it literally had like 16 abandons in a row, more than full page of straight abandons,

    Behavior score was F,

    played 4 matches, Got the same 4 teammates in all 4 matches,

    1 team mate fed intentionally in all 4 games, one picked tiny in all 4 throwing people to their death, 1 picked od and astral, the other shaman, and the shaman said "I just got out of lp" and then abandoned. they also had played with eachother before the 4 matches according to their dialogue lol


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      why did you buy that account

      Riguma Borusu

        ^for lulz?


          well deserved


            not sure what is worse in this story
            the account buyer or the game destroyers
            I go with account buyer tho




                bullshit op

                3 reasons why:

                1) 16 abandons in a row = u are in lp, chances someone gets tiny 4 games in a row is literally 0

                2) behavior score doesnt change in lp

                3) ure not showing ur bought acc

                so fuck of f


                  i think it does change
                  at least i got from D to D+ and i dont really think that my one party game had any influence on that especially since it was 5 man party and i told most of my teammates to go kill themselves (in czech though so idk)


                    it doesnt change negatively afaik, it can only go up

                    thats why u can feed 100 games in lp and get gud behavior score

                    Mlada i Luda

                      mine changed from D+, to "normal", in a day, after 3-4, matches.

                      " they also had played with eachother before the 4 matches according to their dialogue lol"..

                      i've noticed this when iwas in D+" district", lul. now that i changed into " normal" bs, my games looks prety "normal" actually compare to those in " disctric" D+. but i played only 3 games, so i think is to early to comme with an exact conlcusion whats those " norma'" bs means (looks like), compare to other "dictricts" .

                      Districts , yeah this is how this bs " system ", looks to me nowdays. i think i realise the idea behind it, why valve is doing it like that, and looks prey reasonable to me actually.

                      Valve is trying ( always was), to separate , the "problematic" players, from the rest of the community. it puts those problematic players, in some special separates " disctricts" , based on theyr behavior score.
                      This way those problematic players will not " infect" with theyr "toxicity"(theyr bad behavior), the rest of community , which are "normal "players, and want to have some normal enjoyable competitive dota games.

                      maybe it doesnt looks fair and somehow discriminatory system ,to some players. and thats why a lot of people complain about it, but it looks prety fair to me. after all valve is thinking about " the greater good".
                      Like every other community, even dota has theyr problematic individuals that " break the rules ", and cause problems for the rest of community.

                      in this case valve is not trying to " get rid of them", like " DISCTICT B13", movie lul. but is trying to "isolate " them in some separates " disctricts " , as i said" to not "infect" , the " majority " of the community , with theyr " toxicity."

                      this is how i see in it a "metaphoric" way, and it looks prety reasonable to me.

                      TY FOR READIN . M-GOD , always here for you XDDDD.


                        only 3-4 matches to get to normal? maybe there's some grace period for a short while or something?

                        Mlada i Luda

                          @hello.. yeah im not sure about it . but this happened also to a friend of mine, he was constanlty in 3k-4k bs before the changes, and he switch to D after patche changes, than after a few like 6-7 games he made, and his condut summary was good, he had no abandsons 0-2 reports and 11 commends, he changed into " norma" bs. same happened to me, even my conduct summary was not that good, same as him bu twith only 2 commends, i cant say for sure sincei dont even know exactly what this " normal" bs is , ihave an idea which iexplained in my previus post but i cant confirm it yet. but ithink valve is giving the oppurtunity to all players, to recalibrate "refresh" they bs completely after patches changes. i cant confirm it, but this is how it looks from my experience so far.


                            So what you are saying is, as long as you get "normal" on the score, thats the maximum possible positive good outcome?

                            Mlada i Luda

                              im not sure man , im not sure . i jsut have a thought about it, i can be wrong , maybe that " normal" means that your behavior score is not calibrated yet based on the new metrics that valve is aplying, and you will get a grade like " a" , "b" ,or something, sonner, or it is completly something else, im jsut assuming from info i gathered from here so far, and from my personal experience.

                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                i think "normal" is still graded further its just not shown
                                i was high 6k when the update was rolled out and i cant believe that high 6k ppl and 9k ppl get put in the same pool, especially minding my mm experience after the update


                                  Understood, appreciate it, thank you.

                                  Mlada i Luda

                                    "black and gray morality 9 hours ago
                                    i think "normal" is still graded further its just not shown
                                    i was high 6k when the update was rolled out and i cant believe that high 6k ppl and 9k ppl get put in the same pool, especially minding my mm experience after the update".

                                    yeah thats an option. but mine was imediately changed in grade "d+", after the patch. now as i explained it shows " normal ", i admit is still confusing, to early to comme with a correct conclusion. i jsut shared my experience, and what my guesses are about it so far.


                                      Normals are matched with normals. I dont think there is any futher divide from there. When you are not "normal" you get graded BS aka bad Behaviour score that varies from mediocre toxic to extremly toxic. And graded BSs get matched with each other.

                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                        only 3-4 matches to get to normal? maybe there's some grace period for a short while or something?

                                        BS recalibration

                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                          Idk my games are still a bunch of flaming shitfest although it's slightly better experience than before

                                          Mlada i Luda

                                            yeah there is a chance i think, that "normal" means, your bs is being recalibrated, based on the new alighoritem that valve is applaying, since the old one was not the best calibration alighoritem that valve could posibbly comme with, so thats why they are changing it. and maybe those who have " normal" behavior score are being match with some other random players who also are under recalibration operation for the momment, and maybe they will comme with a grade, which A is the best, and F the worst probably.


                                              BS: C
                                              It's kinda the golden middle ight?

                                              Edshot machine(show me da...

                                                i am with the same behaviour F cant even find a match in sea takes 10-15 min GG T__T

                                                Friendly player

                                                  wow 10min cant find match TOTALLY CANT FIND A MATCH. 10 min such a long time holy sht.

                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                    I had 3 minute queues, now I have 10-15 minute queues.


                                                      I admit that i am toxic at some level, but i am tryhard also, i abandon maybe one game in 500, and i never feed intentional, i always try to win until throne goes down. And before the update, i really didint remember games, were someone intentionally fed, went double mid or so, there were flame and shit but that is dota. After the update i got reported enough to go to low prio, it was fine, 5 wins out of 6, mostly ez games, almost no toxicity. And after i got out... Oh brother, no one supports all games, double mids each game, non stop flamining, items destruction, courier feed etc, actually games are disaster, i really think change like that will just make people quit dota

                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                        I actually quit dota due to queue times, if queue times are 1/4 the length of an average match, I will not play the game because I don't have the time.

                                                        Este comentário foi editado
                                                        Mlada i Luda

                                                          yeah , this were the changes valves made to bs system, it looks they made the "districts" more stricted . they are trying even more to protect the " aristocracia " , good behavior players to not get " infected " .

                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                            the funniest thing is that those well behaved players are two power surges away from the shithole ahahahahahahahahah

                                                            Mlada i Luda

                                                              @kormoranas, that happened even before , i know people quting dota for those reasons, at the time no one even believed in bs effecting matchmaking, so they did not know how to " fix" it. probably valve is doing it in purpose to force those " dota criminals " (lol), to quit, since they not getting "f reesh meat" . thats why the changed bs system, and made for newbies to be only matched with constantly high bs players. valve making some kind of " purge " , getting rid of " infected " players , to make space for new ones so the game doesnt die.

                                                              MAFIOSO theorys XDDDDDD.