General Discussion

General DiscussionHotkeys?

Hotkeys? in General Discussion
Pump Cultist

    A bit of a pointless thread, but I've been playing around with some different hotkey setups and well, it's a bit of a struggle to find a setup that works well as in has hotkeys bound for all useful mechanics but doesn't become overwhelming. I'm interested to know what some of u guys use.


      Standard Q W E R + D for skills

      Standard Z X C V B N for items

      1- main hero
      2- all other units
      3- all units
      4- courier

      9- delete dota

      And I have whole wheel chat set to flame others like:

      - Good job
      - Good job (all chat)

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        i still use Legacy hotkeys, with items on 123456

        f1 - main hero
        f2 - all units
        f3 - select courier
        f4 - bring items on courier
        f5 - sprint on courier
        f9 - pause

        chicken spook,,,,

          Standard Q W E R + D for skills
          Standard Z X C V B N for items

          I couldn't be bothered changing them

          Potato Marshal

            I never bothered to change the default hotkeys.


              i uses alt q alt w double cast.. alt a, x and v for quick cast.. 1 for main hero capslock for shop


                Q W E D F R (Quickcast)

                alt+Q, repeat for all the keys (Normal)

                alt+Z, X, C, Space, alt+V, alt+ N(Quick Cast Item)

                Z,alt+x, alt+c, alt+space, V, N(Normal Item)

                1 - Main Hero

                2 - All other units

                3 - All units

                4 - Bounding unit

                5 - Bounding unit

                6 - Collect Item from stash

                7 - Purchase Sticky

                8 - Open Shop

                T - Purchase Quickbuy

                G - Taunt


                  no quickcast, no auto-repeat right mouse
                  smart doubletap

                  Ability: Q W E G Y R
                  Items: Z F D, SPACE X C
                  1 - Main Hero
                  2 - All other units
                  3 - All units
                  F1 - Collect Item from stash
                  F2 - Select Courier
                  F3 - Courier Deliver Items
                  F4 - Courier Haste
                  Alt+1 - Open Shop
                  Mouse 4 - Purchase Sticky
                  Mouse 5 - Purchase Quickbuy

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                      Standart Skill

                      QWEDFR - All QuickCast

                      Standart Item

                      Space Bar , 123 - Quick Cast 4T - normal Cast ( For Eul, Tp, and other shits that require fast self double tap cast )

                      f1 - hero
                      f2 - assigned group
                      f3 - assigned group

                      z x c it's about courier that i rearely use.

                      AT&T Samsung Galaxy

                        mine is

                        1234er (spells)

                        zxcvft (items)

                        5 all units

                        tab next unit

                        q deny and shit

                        and wasd for camera

                        (please no flame :DDDDDDD)


                          qwe (fg) r - spells
                          asd zxc - items
                          1 is hero select
                          2 select all other units
                          3 select all
                          4-9 are control groups
                          ` is my unit cycle through (tab is my voice)
                          k is glyph
                          b is quickbuy
                          v is force attack/deny
                          t is stop
                          h is gold
                          m is move

                          1 is courier select
                          2 is grab items from stash
                          3 is calling courier to deliver
                          f5 is sticky buy (tp)


                            mouse button 4: first skill
                            2: second skill
                            3: third skill
                            mouse button 5: ultimate
                            q: quickcast 4th ability
                            w: quickcast 5th ability
                            m: move
                            a: attack move
                            right click: attack/force attack
                            left click: select
                            d: select only hero
                            f: select all units
                            g: select all other units
                            h: voice chat
                            p: party voice chat
                            items: zxcvbn
                            really all relevant hotkeys

                            Riguma Borusu

                              1234 SPACE 6 = items

                              5 = chat wheel

                              QWERDF = abilities

                              F1 hero F2 courier F3 bring items F4 go to secret shop

                              ZXCVB = control groups (not that I use those because my micro brainpower is only rivaled by amoeba)

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                                with wasd camera

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                                  salza ur hotkeys r weird af
                                  mines r default except i use space and 2 mouse buttons and 1,2,3 as my items
                                  i dont have space for many micro keys besides tab for next unit and caps lock for my hero
                                  but thats why i dont play micro heroes lol

                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                    Hotkey doesn't matter if u only play WK :thinking:


                                      Standard hotkeys for skills

                                      Alt+Q, Alt+W, Alt+E
                                      Alt+A, X, Space


                                        What the fuck is WASD camera? It's like me playing dota 1 and move the camera with arrow keys

                                        mom said it's my turn to ...

                                          Changes a whole lot per hero, i.e. on my tinker I have QWEDF for laser missile and 3 active targeted items and all are on quickcast, so I just simply mash the buttons to get them all off if I want to. On my arc, I'm still experimenting but so far I feel comfortable with quickcast E and T for flux and magnetic field, F for normalcast magnetic field and R for normalcast wraith. F1 for main hero, 1 for all units, 2 for all other units, tab to switch units, 3, 4, G, Caps Z and space for items. Everything else is a mix of legacy or QWER, sometimes quickcast sometimes nah.

                                          Player 32223829

                                            q force attack
                                            a all units
                                            d other units
                                            w s for to bind units
                                            items on f keys
                                            cuz cs 1.6

                                            Player 32223829

                                              and long finger prolly


                                                i click skill icon and cast the skill to enemy.

                                                Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                  Dota 1 hotkeys.

                                                  Legacy on except Rubick.
                                                  Alt + q, w, e, a, s, d for items

                                                  ..and wtf is this.