General Discussion

General Discussion4k mmr

4k mmr in General Discussion

    Can I get 4k calibrating mmr ? Is 3.5k max after tbd ? Pls answere me..

    doc joferlyn simp

      About a year late for that sad realization fam.


        What do u mean buddy ?


          Why do you bother making thread about something that you can google in 10 seconds ? Are u reatarded or what ? This question was asked trillion times already.

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            doc joferlyn simp

              D_reck didn't you buy an account from Renshin?

              Story Time

      , can i add you on my smurf? :D we could calibrate party mmr soon


                  yeah you can get 4k to 4.5 k after you play 500 game .. u can gain mmr faster dont trust the smurfs

                  Story Time

                    ^he is asking only about calibration ceiling, not about grinding


                      nahh 5k is min mmr !