General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to handle mid lane against Broodmother as Invoker?

How to handle mid lane against Broodmother as Invoker? in General Discussion
Palmen aus Plastik

    QW to not die?


      have your supports fix your lane.

      Palmen aus Plastik

        I would understand that's the right call but.....what can I do by myself as a player, and not rely on supports?


          meteor deafeningblast to clear spiderlings PogChamp

          Este comentário foi editado

            what can I do by myself as a player, and not rely on supports?
            nothing, you're not playing dota

            Palmen aus Plastik

              fair, but understand the dilemma please. :P Support rotations aren't to be taken for granted in my bracket.

              Palmen aus Plastik

                to further elucidate, imagine you 5k or cookie as a 6k player playing invoker mid against this brood. Would you still rely on supports? or would you outplay him? surely you would? If so how?

                Este comentário foi editado

                  if 2 players are at same mmr then brood is gonna destroy invo ! u better hope for supp !

                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    In your bracket, Broodmama probably will feed her babies to you mid game, so play like an offlaner and cross fingers broodmama throws later.

                    edit: That's actually the same stuff here in 4k flat

                    Este comentário foi editado

                      someone made a tread about this before right? try looking for that one

                      Palmen aus Plastik

                        ^that is actually accurate xD I have no problems midgame with her. But lose mid tower to her within 10 mins flat every time i get that matchup. I do exactly as you said, 'play like an offlaner' sapping XP and jungling. But sometimes the broods are good, and they snowball hard from a free lane. I'm thinking of going QW against her now really. at least tornado gets you farm, disengage and CC.

                        < blank >

                          ppl pick brood mid in your bracket?

                          Story Time

                            have your supports fix your lane.

                            and then yesterday
                            you don't need supports up to 5k mmr

                            same person opinion


                              Last time I had invoker on my team vs a brood I just swapped with him so we had aggro ursa io ns trilane sk mid and invoker I think thats another way to fix this .....I honestly dont think theres a single way to win such a lane by "outplaying" her

                              Mlada i Luda

                                lul, no way brah ,not cuki or whatever other 6k player is not going to outplay and win mid as invoker vs a brood. best scenario he will loos with a smaller difference cmopare to a 5k invoker. but thats it . hero pick matters a lot is a part " skill" to know what hero is good to pick .

                                Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

                                  whats the worst lane for an invoker?
                                  PA, ursa, brood, mk or viper

                                  Palmen aus Plastik

                                    @gaystrong, sure they do. I get matched with plenty of 4k players in normal matchmaking. Normal MM is weird that way, they'll give a 4k on the enemy and fill the rest with 1ks, while we have 1-2-3k meshes.



                                      Palmen aus Plastik

                                        i dont even think mk is that big of a deal. Three points in quas gives him so many ministuns he cant even lift his staff. Sniper, TA and Lina are someone I want to add to the list

                                        Este comentário foi editado

                                          QW - use tornado for farm little spiders


                                            jhaha because u never met competent mk.
                                            mk literally destroy invo mid lv 2


                                              Brood is the strongest laner in the game so you'll def lose the matchup.

                                              Let's be honest though how often are you actually playing Invoker vs Brood mid? lol