General Discussion

General DiscussionI am incapable of understanding

I am incapable of understanding in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    How you can shittalk people who are in the same bracket and have the same MMR as you do. Isn't that like shittalking yourself? Like, "I am so bad I get to play against this guy at equal MMR, and not a 2-3k MMR difference, holy shit I am terrible at dota" I do not shittalk people in games because I know everyone is bad where I play, including me, so it'd be hypocritical.


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    chicken spook,,,,

      Trying to understand how morons think :thinking:


        You can shittalk people because they didn't play the hero or the game properly, even having the same MMR.

        Riguma Borusu

          Yes, but since you're the same MMR, you're bound to do the same or similar shit (often without even realizing), and then try to defend yourself, when you've flamed the guy for doing that thing in a previous game.

          People who are the same MMR make the same kinds of mistakes, so even if they play one game well, they could do the exact same thing they previously flamed another guy for, in the next game they play.

          It doesn't matter if someone plays the game or a hero badly, the fact is, after hundreds or thousands of games, you're in the same match.

          chicken spook,,,,

            You can shittalk people for anything but keep in mind there are consequences


              I would shittalk jungler too

              Riguma Borusu

                I would shittalk people who pick another safelane because "bs/lc can jungle". But I don't. If someone picks a safelaner or mid after I had picked my lane I just go jungle and mute them, and also make sure I don't help too much to win the game. After that I will instapick jungle because I don't give a shit about laning anymore, apparently, bs and lc can jungle, so they should.


                  Because who gives a shit
                  I'll shit talk when someone does something and accept shit talk when I fail
                  It's a 2 way street


                    I shittalked a 5k enemy once and then got my ass owned so hard that game. I only shittalked enemies so yeah.


                      Shit talking is a part of the competitive game, accept it for what it is.
                      I shit talk people consistently, it's crazy to see how bad players can be in each mmr bracket

                      Mlada i Luda

                        simple, you dont shittalk to the "person" , its not personal at all, you shit talk to the " action" that person is doing for the momment , i dont care if he is 10k or TI winner . i see dumbshit going on i flame , im a normal person.

                        i've notice many kids here "personalize " things to much, at any argument or discus you do you try to analise the acc, stats, all bography of the other person you talkin . you take photo from his instagram and other dumbshit , thats so childish and indirectly shows your inferiority against him ( but you dont realise that casue you kids or to dumb ) , you already lost completely your reason and you not making sense anymore inwaht you talking , your consciousness realise that and thats why you go in personal insults.

                        Personally if iflame someone i flame for waht he is doing not who he is i dont care at all, about who the fuck he is.

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                          I shittalked enemy to give them that battlecry of wanting to kill me so hard that they ignore my teammates and pick me off whenever they see me on the map. I am proud.


                            Oh yeah I forgot the classic line: "Win pls?"

                            Friendly Gaming Community <3

                              Playing a competitive multiplayer online game and complaining about shittalk is the same thing like going to a steakhouse and ordering a vegan salad.

                              Potato Marshal

                                I like shit talking other SEA-tards for their atrocious English.

                                주 롄양

                                  sometimes u can get in 1k avg lower than u, which is rare case tho. but i think it is pretty usual at higher mmr bracket

                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                    I thought you left the region?


                                      only shittalk if a guy picks mid and goes 0/10 in a 1v1

                                      Story Time

                                        shittalking is like shooting yourself in the leg: gonna just kill your chances to win. Welcome to the ruiner club i guess

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                                          Thats what happends in my games lmao people call me 4k when they are in 4k theirselves, it's so fucking unlogical.


                                            ^and ure doign that all the time


                                              dont chat to me porki




                                                  well just calling him an account buyer really not any serious flame. like seriously wtf how do you buy travels 1st item as tinker 20 minutes in or only have arcanes 20 minutes in as storm. thats nonsense.


                                                    i can shittalk even people 2k above me


                                                      even ppd shittalking '' there are nobody know how to play dota , its pathetic. '' like hes the master of it.
                                                      why wouldn't i?


                                                        Wait a second, didn't you open a thread exactly like this not so long ago?

                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          No, but maybe someone else did.


                                                            hah. that's because everyone thinks they belong in a higher bracket and their team is holding them back.


                                                              You can shittalk people of your barcket really often, there's a huge amount og guys having 40-45% winrate throwing every game


                                                                OPEN AI bot can shit talk all. Fuck you all.


                                                                  I flame anyone who buys phase boots on ranged lone druid tbh.

                                                                  But jokes aside shit talking is a powerful tool that can actually win you games if you do it right.
                                                                  This is especially relevant in 4k where well timed question marks or making the enemy notice their teammates mistakes can make them feed or give up.

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    Your logic doesn't really make sense. People do stupid shit and still win cus other side does stupider shit.

                                                                    There's a ton of people I've flamed for bad plays and we win anyway cus other side throws. This enables those players to keep thinking they are good when really teams win in spite of them. It's pretty easy to stay at 50% win rate wherever you calibrate.

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      Mostly I just want people to stop randoming and pick smarter. Two games with offlane np which newsflash no one in 3k can play, 2 losses. Games with randoms unless they land on necro or sven or something are always losses.