General Discussion

General DiscussionSven builds

Sven builds in General Discussion

    Hi I like Sven as a hero, but I feel alot of the time I am uncertain what to buy on him.

    My usual build would be:

    Treads > MOM > Echo Saber(If I'm not buying an SnY) > Blink/SnY(SnY only if I didn't get Echo) > BKB > Daedalus/Bloodthorne.

    If the game is still going by this time I tend to go for travels and Satanic(replace MOM)

    The only other Items that are generally bought on Sven is AC and I'd switch SnY/EchoSaber out for this.

    Also when playing against a Treant I found it a necessity to buy a Battlefury as the sprout really fucked me.

    What would you guys change or do different in certain scenarios and when do you opt for an SnY as oppose to Echo Saber and same with Daedalus as oppose to Bloodthorne.

    Thanks :)

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      you could probably go brown boot MOM in a free lane.
      MOM is core.
      then either sny or echo or blink. usually echo is better if you are in potato bracket. its just cheaper and lets you fight sooner. you can go blink right after MOM if you need to fight a lot sooner.

      after bkb you could go either AC/Daed/BT. (itemizing for AC after Daed seems a bit weird. usually games over by then, and super late the items are super situational). BT is usually superior in most cases even if they can dispell it. but now that daedalus is a lot cheaper you should just make your decision based on whether you need an item sooner or not.


        Echo if u need to burst someone during stun duration eg. like Void or you are behind. Most of the times u want:

        Pt + Mom + SnY/Echo + Blink + Bkb + Bloodthorn/Deadalus/Ac + Moonshard

        Sometimes you'd want halberd maybe agaisnt Troll, but Imo Sny or Echo are better. There is not much more with Sven that you can work on. This hero is boring and straight af.

        Always go for SnY if u have time to farm it and wont get pushed on hg in the process. Same goes with bloodthorne. Active items are always better than regular items like deadalus since you can make more "plays" with it. Also bloodthorne gives true strike.

        Bf on Sven ? Pls no. Just because it worked on Normal Skill doesnt mean it will work in higher brackets, unless you want more reports.

        Satanic instead of BKB also is a NO since on higher brackets people will be kiting you, so you will not be able to hit anyone at all.

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          I have this thing against going brown boots only lol.

          Also can anybody comment on when to get rid of a blink dagger, if ever.

          Thank you.

          Potato Marshal

            Don't get rid of dagger, you should sooner ditch echo/sny than blink.


              deso butterfly


                well you arnt staying brown forever. It would be similar to going Brownboots HOM. Just HOM is MOM in this case because it is a sven.



                  You say only in Normal Skill to buy a BF. But with NP Sprout lasting 6 seconds and only 8 sec cooldown it really was a necessity. I guess you need supports with force staffs to help with this though.

                  Also here you can see Arteezy doing the same thing against NP. I know I'm not a pro player but it kinda makes sense atleast as a last resort.


                    brown boot into MOM into treads for quicker farming. just keep a quelling.
                    i think linkens works against sprout.

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                      I used to go Treads > Blink > Sabre > Bkb > Daedalus then I stopped doing it and now I go Treads > Mom > SNY > Bkb > Daedalus > MKB/Cuirass every game I play now.



                        In the match mentioned I did keep quelling as long as possible but eventually had to get rid of it, so I opted for a BF as a 7th item and it worked well against the enemy Treant too that had an ahgs.

                        But yeah I think Linkens works against sprout, so could've opted for that I guess.

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                        Potato Marshal

                          But NP can just target the ground next to you to sprout.

                          Dire Wolf

                            Nature's prophet casts sprout, not treant. Treant is the big tree guy who casts overgrowth.

                            Anyway, svens first few items don't really change much as everyone said- boots, mask, blink, s&y/echo. Choosing between s&y or echo should really just depend if you need move speed or not. Both are fine.

                            Then you kind of pick what you need, bkb if you need it, bloodthorn/daedulus are kind of defaults. But AC and heart are both good. People neglect heart. You already have a ton of armor from warcry so heart adds a lot of ehp plus tons of dmg during ult. Idk if I would make satanic core, I guess if you disassemble mask you could get it, but satanic is mostly to fight through enemy blade mails.


                              Echo is a waste of gold on Sven. Get SNY and blink before you get kited like every other sven. You can trade SNY later for a butterfly or something strong.


                                Usually it's better to disassemble MoM for butter before satanic
                                Satanic can get kited while butterfly helps u if u get kited


                                  @Dire Wolf

                                  Yeah lol yeah I know that NP casts sprout and Treant Overgrowth, I was just pointing out that the specific match I bought a BF on Sven had both Treant and NP in, so the quelling effect had a double purpose, breaking sprout and breaking trees for Treant's aghs ability.


                                    Butter for life


                                      Artz went bf this game quite late. I think just because he didint already have a slot for quelling blade against sprout and he needed that. Thats it.


                                        I dont trust mom Svne build, so i alwasy get armlet instead.
                                        esy win


                                          ^ I knew you were normal skill even before i checked your profile.

                                          Pump Cultist

                                            you almost always need bkb so you can jump in and not get tilted to shit, and it's just really helpful.
                                            Linkens is good as an alternative.
                                            Or just meme butter.


                                              ^^ Lex
                                              Im not saying, that mom is bad for this hero. I just dont feel comfortable with this item on Sven.
                                              And i think that trying new bulids and making experyments is much better then fallowing meta without thinikng about it.