General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get out from 4k sea toxic

How to get out from 4k sea toxic in General Discussion

    anyone pls help
    i've stucked at 4k sea for 2 years or more.
    i've tried my best, im a very calm player, i learned to not interupt other player until end and keep empowering my teammates to win every single game. but, its just useless. now im at 4,5 mmr.
    my role is support, but i usually play offlane and 4th role. but sometimes i do mid lane or carry if nobody picks.

    anyone pls give me some tips, how to get out from this 4k sea toxic

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      Im a 3k player. But if you would take my advice, i suggest you should just train yourself at normal match first then play ranked if you are ready

      chicken spook,,,,

        anyone who write "SEA" and "toxic" in a single sentence is a retard

        Este comentário foi editado
        chicken spook,,,,

          Of course


            anyone who write "SEA" and "toxic" in a single sentence is a retard

            theres nothing wrong with giving the same thing 2 different names imo


              @asd , pls tell me who are the real toxic ?


                venomancer is toxic, many poison skills


                  by getting 3k

                  chicken spook,,,,

                    I don't make pointless melodramatic rant threads whining about my retarded teammates, so?

                    chicken spook,,,,

                      I don't tilt every game either lol


                        bd like hunter


                          play pos 1 pos 2 if you want only mmr.

                          play support or roam if you want to learn and improve.

                          mmr is temporary, class is permanent.

                          true mmr will be achieved when your class is tuned.


                            @killua chan, thank you for ur tips bro


                              Die Less when roamming.
                              But don't trust me, i don't follow my own advice.

                              chicken spook,,,,

                                Die less on every hero*


                                  Easy task as core, but not as playmaker.

                                  L A C S Z X C

                                    Destroy their towers


                                      i remember back when i was 4k, and i can agree it's definitely the most toxic bracket

                                      because that's where teamplay starts, but a lot of players want to keep solo gameplay because they don't trust their teammates.

                                      like zdonfrank said you should really learn how to support in 4k, because you need to develop that teamplay and team objectives.

                                      you have to remember that your toxic teammates are still human, but frustrated because of other toxic players or things outside dota.

                                      I used to spam lich and skywraith because those help lanes by spamming abilites non stop, your teammates will notice how much your helping them so they'll start trusting you.

                                      If you can un-tilt them, you can easily increase their effective skill by hundreds, even up to a thousand. A lot of 4k players aren't mechanically bad, they just don't feel safe playing with their teammates.

                                      tldr; don't be just their support, be their moral support

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                                        thanks for all or ur tips, i really appreciate it :)