General Discussion

General DiscussionConfession of A Former Hero Spammer

Confession of A Former Hero Spammer in General Discussion

    ^u know how they poof blink with meepos? do the same with arc but instead of doing it w tab 4 times u do q tab 2 times then w tab 2 times


      quick cast and tab q and tab e spam.

      Este comentário foi editado

        Thanks for sharing , Regards Gecko

        Use chatwhell=mute

          The main problem that prevents me getting mmr is imo despression and lack of no money lack of friends and bad environments. I always felt that playing supports are very sad. Cuz i always got cores like no respect to me sometimes, i queued up with fucking bastards that i wont want to win with them. Btw how to improve bs score?

          Use chatwhell=mute

            Btw frank did u finished ur uni?


              @Imposs!ble- Thanks for your words

              @1 bad word=tilt +mute Of course I did. I left Singapore to pursue my own business.


                Thanks for sharing Frank. It's great that you are able to let it out and admit that you hadn't been well. No loss is great enough for you to consider taking your own life.
                Remember the Lord loves all no matter how unlovable you think you are.

                Singapore is a lovely place. Was in Singapore til pre-university. Had great memories there.



                  I will be keeping an eye on you progress whenever i need some motivation to git gud. Good luck

                  Player 404335202

                    Hope u reach your destination ! Stay positive always :)

                    [SNRA]King Dave

                      LOL, 6k riki spammer has dreams of playing in TI. LOL

                      win condition

                        man you are awesome

                        i have 5 reports to use

                          I love the way you post gecko.


                          Use chatwhell=mute

                            Dreaming is free. We only live once. So we must be happy and achieve our dreams. Why not?


                              I picked necro. This pudge (who fed btw) cried "necro spammer". I said thx for the MMR.

                              Next game, same guy on enemy team. I picked Viper. He picked ss (and fed). He cried "viper spammer gay hero every game QQ". I said thx for the MMR.


                                I am also a Riki spammer.. however I haven't stopped. Previously was a NP spammer.


                                  commiting sudoku for a gril? fuck that, I just play for fun lol

                                  Este comentário foi editado

                                    riki is stronk


                                      i dunno if you are still here at the forums,but it would be nice if you could share a bit about how you lead the team or controlling the tempo
                                      is it something like "we rosh after destroy this t1 and skip t2" or "i'm going to focus on hero x and you guys go to y hero" or "let's just farm for now,teamfights will hurt us since they kind of teamfight oriented heroes"? or is there more of it? like prolly the way you talk to them?
                                      some gud tips will be appreciated
                                      tank you


                                        I feel you frank, i truly feel you.
                                        I have been in your place too 😭


                                          ^no ure not 6k get out of here.


                                            nicky has been to singapore too


                                              @Killua Chan
                                              Nice story, dude. Hope u get ur dream, man. Good luck!


                                                @Feachairu Basically making calls as pos 4 / pos 3. Calls to smoke gank/ retreat/ rs/ push/ buybacks/ defend tower, all these are based on experience gained after playing many matches. if teammates are decent and willing to listen to your calls, then you can keep making them, but refrain from making overly risky calls. if your calls result in loss of fights couple of times, teammates will lose trust in you.

                                                in a team, there ought to be a leader that makes calls, tell people what to do nxt and what not to. if people refuse to listen, so be it if it is solo queue.

                                                typical calls
                                                - smoke to pick off some heroes -> push tower and retreat
                                                - stay at own half and farm
                                                - beware of smoke ganks
                                                - split push and bring tp
                                                - defend tower together
                                                - siege high ground, down twr -> shrine -> ward the area -> secure rs

                                                These few days, I try to practise few heroes in 4k season, but to be honest, the skill level disparity is too much such as game sense, decision making and most of the time 4ks refuse to listen. in my opinion, if you want to improve and push yourself to next level, play in your bracket, and never the bracket below you.

                                                @others thanks for your encouragement


                                                  perfect,that's very helpful. thanks alot for this