General Discussion

General Discussionis there any way to sort games by abandons only

is there any way to sort games by abandons only in General Discussion

    i'd just like to see how many abandons i've had since i've moved out.


      So you can sue your isp



          no, when i lived at home my parents were morons and instead of calling me for dinner they would just unplug my internet (my pc was in the basment)

          it got to the point where I couldn't play dota between 4pm-dinner (whenever that is, between 5 to 7 usually) because they would just unplug my internet.

          and no, if i asked when dinner was they wouldn't tell me. some kind of power trip i guess idk.

          yes my parents were assholes. though i know others probably had it a lot worse.


            and u just let them do that like its np? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


              I would've destroyed their kitchen.


                lmfao xd

                man i was just a wittle boy at the time

                if i did anything they'd probably kick me out of the house. (they did to my brother)

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