General Discussion

General Discussionkilling another innocent animal for ur food ! is it acceptable ?dont...

killing another innocent animal for ur food ! is it acceptable ?dont u find urself guilty in General Discussion

    How valid is that theory? If humans evolved from Apes/Monkeys, where are all of the half-witted cavemen that haven't evolved, yet? There is a clear difference. Monkeys and Apes and then there are humans.


      or you can just be any normal human being and eat both plants and animals


        Liek me


          humans did not evolve from goddamn monkeys, monkeys and humans have the same ancestors

          where are the half witted cavemen that haven't evolved yet? excluding half of this forum

          the literal monkeys of today are those.


            You can eat anything you like, you can even eat grass however humans lack the necessarry enzymes to digest it xD


              I think op would change his mind after some nice bacon strips.


                I do not believe in the hominization theory. If that's your cup of tea then have at it. I am not going to force you to believe otherwise.

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                  Bacon strips??


                    Bacon is life!

                    mom said it's my turn to ...

                      fresh roaSt pork is lifer


                        Eating twice a day is fine


                          and i just ate a lovely ham and salad sandwich with a glass of milk

                          because, lovely enough, my body can digest all 3 of those.

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                            A ham sandwich and milk go together?


                              I just ate some Italian sausage seasoned to perfection.


                                I prefer a good smoked German bratwurst.


                                  i like it, idk bout your preferences

                                  when i was a small boi i used to drink so much milk that my parents started hiding it because i'd drink all their milk that they got for coffee


                                    When I was a wee lad I always ate big mobs of cereal all the time. My parents just buying the bloody things!


                                      This thread deserve to be good spammed.


                                        What happens when you combine goat's milk with cow's milk?


                                          You get half-and-half?


                                            Yes simple math :laugh2:


                                              Good one on ya mate.


                                                vegans LUL


                                                  Lol most people here don't realize that it is not about forcing people to stop eating or killing animals which is ok

                                                  It's about producing tons of meat that we don't eat, torturing animals for the entire duration of their short lives and mass consumption of meat in general

                                                  Nobody asks you to become a vegetarian, all people should do is stop buying super cheap meat and therefore support this abuse


                                                    eat cholo kebab, live a long life


                                                      no, those are just psychological techniques to appeal to your average low IQ individual's emotion.

                                                      it has nothing to do with reasoning, just fear mongering techniques to get people to convert. Almost all those studies are sponsored by vegetarian biased sources.

                                                      morals are a human made construct, they almost don't apply to the animal world.

                                                      it's eat or be eaten, simple as that.

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                                                        @Mid or ruin

                                                        How is it torturous and how are their lives short?


                                                          No monkeys and apes are also animals. They do not have the brains for language.
                                                          No animals can learn language.
                                                          its a common myth that some animals can but they never do. they just fake it.
                                                          Like a dog that "plays dead" it basically means nothing.

                                                          The Quantum

                                                            I think the person who started this thread watched 'What the Health' documentary


                                                              This is not theory but well known facts, it's hard to understand evolution since it pannes over such a large time span.
                                                              but yes you can with DNA/NRA trace it all back to africa and the So called "East side" story
                                                              Where the "monkeys"/cavemen basiccally grew necks. which was previously just used to Breathing air.
                                                              but then developed a NECK which monkeys do not have. which is used for breathing AND speaking through the Speaking apparatus and which is the only reason we can use "compressed air" to make noises we call Speech while breathing out.
                                                              This is also where the cliche "dont talk with food in your mouth" comes from.
                                                              Since if you get Food or shit in your Breathing track you can die.
                                                              yes die.


                                                                some apes have self-awareness and capable of language similar to a 2 year old. which isbasically non-existent

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                                                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                  LETS SAY if all the animals could talk and communicate(Ignoring if they're intelligent enough to fight back), would we stop eating them though?
                                                                  "Hey, I'm gonna eat you", said predator. "OH PLEASE NO! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!", shouted prey as he ran for his life.
                                                                  Predator shoots the prey, eats him later.
                                                                  Man, it's would be awkward as fuck. It would feel like murder.

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                                                                    I dont vegetables at all i am carnivour. I have been eating meat since i was born i just hate vegetables... and no I'm not fat and i dont have any health issues and I dont feel guilty.
                                                                    we should be grateful and thank god for he has created good meat, wine and tits.

                                                                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                      ^^Why would you hate the veggie God has made healthily for you then? How dare you deny his kindness!? How dare you hate anything he created?!


                                                                        ^I dont know i just hate eating vegetables every time i put any kind of vegetables into my mouth i feel like i am going to puke cant chew it so i spit it out

                                                                        Player 404335202

                                                                          Simba u wud kill me for food ? Thats sad to hear ! Plus i dont think food resource on this planet will ever finish !


                                                                            I'm about to eat a juicy fat steak and I don't feel one bit guilty


                                                                              I'm stuffed.

                                                                              Pale Mannie

                                                                                russian shashlik :bc_ok:


                                                                                  Ribeye medium rare so fucking delicious. Nice and red and bloody

                                                                                  lm ao

                                                                                    You feel bad for the demise of living things if you are emotionally attached to them. I don't have emotional attachment to the once living chicken that became my lunch. But I do have emotional attachment for my dog and my pet chicken so I would never ever think of killing them for food. Consumption of meat and being a vegan are consented upon a utilitarian perspective of things.



                                                                                      You say that we have DNA similar to a monkey/ape but we also share 50% of or DNA with bananas. Why is that? Also on the part where you said,"They do not have the brains for language. No animal can learn language." What of the dozens of accounts where orangutans learnt sign?


                                                                                        Since ure living in sea i rather eat a goat/cow meat than a FUCKING RAT/DOG


                                                                                        Player 404335202

                                                                                          dafaq !


                                                                                            Nothing wrong with h eating meat, just that people shud eat less, cuz the world literally won't be able to support the population at the current growth rate if everyone eats that much meat