General Discussion

General DiscussionHow can you play more then 1 ranked match

How can you play more then 1 ranked match in General Discussion

    oh god the seatards have taken over my thread




      Hatrið mun sigra

        Nah dog, you're taking ONE WEEK and talking like 48% is my total winrate. Keep ignoring the fact that my mmr had never been higher so technically I'd have no reason to quit and it's not related to skills at all. It's related to patience and things that have nothing to do with the game itself and its mechanics. Woof woof. "Offer" lmao, and you still think I give a fuck about what you say.

        Hatrið mun sigra

          @killstealreporter lol there's only one, I gave you a simple suggestion 'cause I'm the same situation.