General Discussion

General DiscussionEnigma viable this patch?

Enigma viable this patch? in General Discussion

    he actually believes himself that he's trolling, to not feel bad about himself.

    ok, but seriously i'm sleepy.

    popcorn ready for when i wake up

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      I'm just here to post something before the thread gets locked, please continue your totally interesting and enlightening discussion.

      Edit: Aww, already at the second page.

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      Giff me Wingman

        Popcorn? guess you couldn't find anything else in the garbage bin.


          google at least 5 hours and wrote it down for this very moment

          i said i was copying wenmer aka dog

          Giff me Wingman

            Great. How about you start being non dogshit for once in your life?

            Riguma Borusu

              Enigma = lane dominance, pushing, jungle utilization, map control, counterpush, a fuckton of damage, a fuckton of CC, you can do so much before you even get your ult it's not even funny

              I see no point in fighting you since you have decided you're right despite evidence to the contrary.

              Giff me Wingman

                I think, you sir, need therapy.

                Deluding yourself to think enigma is that great of a hero, no wonder u struggle in normal skill normal gamemode.

                Did you buy the account?

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                  I think, you sir, need therapy.

                  this is where true irony comes into play

                  Giff me Wingman

                    Why, you didn't post it?

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                    Dark Hunter

                      [bold]Update:[/bold] I just played 2 games of enigma offlane. won both of them. (1st one not because of me cuz i did shiiit). Second one. Idfk what lich was doing but he wasnt doing much to support PA. Also getting a midas early before blink just skyrockets you.

                      15% cd reduction on midas? thats godlike. I hardly really had to farm and still get all the items i need. I'd say its doable. probably not the best offlaner. but stun + midnigh pulse deal an insane amount of damage on their own. and as stated above. its not all about the 5 man black hole. just being able to disrupt their initiation and maybe kill 1 in the process is more than often enough to turn things your way.

                      Riguma Borusu

                        I think, you sir, need therapy.

                        Yes, for my back, it's killing me.

                        Deluding yourself to think enigma is that great of a hero, no wonder u struggle in normal skill normal gamemode.

                        I literally just do whatever the fuck I want and am not trying to win. Else I'd go back to playing ranked again and grind to about mid 4k. But why if I do not care about playing this game competitively?

                        Did you buy the account?

                        No, I am not like you. You shit talk a plenty for someone with 45% winrate on their next best hero.

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                        Giff me Wingman

                          Both matches were autowin.

                          First game Account boosting/ smurfin mid.
                          Second game, well 2k things, afk jungle furion < afk LC jungle. Not to mention solo PA vs solo engima LuL

                          struggling in normal skill = mid 4k. gotcha.
                          Stop buying accounts retard.

                          I'm going to bed now, gn8 low MMR dogshits.

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                            btw whats the build after blink?
                            u go bkb or u dip into the team auras like greaves pipe?
                            when is refresher the item?


                              Stop buying accounts retard.

                              L M A O
                              u know blunts fucking braindead when he tries to accuse someone of account buying

                              Riguma Borusu

                                If you weren't mentally retarded, you'd be funny, so I'll pity you instead of laughing at you. For someone who bought at least one account, you sure as hell can't tell a bought account from an owner's one. Or check activity graph. Or the fact that I have a bunch of games on this steam account. Or that, if I were boosted, my booster did the exact same shit I did - jungled bs/lc almost every game.

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                                  I thought this place was about Enigma. How did this happen?

                                  I think we need someone to lock down this thread before it gets too out of hand.


                                    Oh great, RPQ is here. Now it's a trifecta of cancer

                                    Oh well, and here I was hoping for good commetary. Where's Havoc or Triple when you need them?

                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      "neko gamer soul" saying anyone else is cancer is the real cancer here.

                                      If you're gonna be a weeb, at least do it ironically like me.


                                        I'm just here to post something before the thread gets locked, please continue your totally retarded and entertaining discussion.


                                          And put on a face that hides true identity? Sorry being a weeb and supporting the anime industry are two different things.

                                          Also, don't bark up my tree. I get a hard from this sort of shit. But your name calling and insults could use some work. I recommend more thoughtful and meaningful insults. Not just writing "weeb, retard" over and over again.

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            I sure as hell am not showing my identity to random people on the internet, rofl.

                                            The only people who get personalized and specially tailored insults are those I care about. Which wouldn't happen to be you, I just think you're a retarded weeb, is all, which reflects how I refer to you anyways.

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                                              And that's why you have the intellect of a brain dead monkey, who's afraid of their own shadow. I'm not afraid of being me, while you sit there throwing insults at people who like different things or have different views.

                                              But hey champ, if slinging shit is the name of the game, I bet you must be the king of it. Cause all of your insults and arguments, are shit.


                                                Neko Gamer Soul isnt retarded cuz he is a weeb, he is retarded cuz he is retarded
                                                we coo?

                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  This is not about insults or arguments but the fact you're cringeworthy as fuck whilst managing to sound even more retarded than you seem.

                                                  You're one of those guys who'd wear a fedora if he could fit it onto his cat ears headphones.

                                                  I've actually got death threats before, so even if I were afraid of something in particular, I wouldn't exactly be paranoid. Apparently it seems that if you argue with nuts people like antivaxxers and really devoted religious people, you aren't very safe if they get their hands on your info.

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                                                    What ever floats your boat.


                                                      Lmao. Wtf is this. I'm curious who's right. Waiting for 7ks to reply.

                                                      Btw I thought cuki and blunt were like BFFs. What on earth happened


                                                        @Sama why not make a fedora with the headphones and do a poilte hat tip and say "Milady?" 24/7?

                                                        I literally don't care about how cringy I can be. It doesn't change who I am, niether is going to gay end of jokes and insults.

                                                        Pay me 10k and I"ll suck your dick sama. Cause I bet the amount of pent up stress from severe anger issues and life issues seem to be causing you to vent 24/7.

                                                        Hatsune Miku

                                                          enigma offlane means you can farm lane, take two jungle camps and a deny.


                                                            u can pick safe lane shadow fiend, after level 5 u can easily trade with enigma lel


                                                              no one is bff's with blunt idk why anyone on this forum wud like him


                                                                How many different parties are arguing and insulting each other in the same thread? Rofl. Where's my sparring partner SLQ


                                                                  Blunt and cuki used to be party buddies innit


                                                                    7k's would never post in a thread like this, if they did they'd just post something like this and vanish:



                                                                      Enigma can make a short work of ancient creep especially the purple one that make me want to cringe when I play AM with his midnight pulse with 12 or 15% cd reduction, enigma can make a use of midas more often than any hero at lvl 15. Is that enough reason why Enigma can snowball way so fast? or there are still other factor that contribute to his snowball more than what I stated?

                                                                      Hatsune Miku
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                                                                        Hatsune Miku

                                                                          delet this


                                                                            As a 3k low player I can Say Enigma is fun hero for jungle but for offlane there are better heroes, so picking eni off is just a waste.

                                                                            Hatsune Miku

                                                                              ^ you should try it, it destroys try hard tri lane because you can deny one creep and let the wave keep pushing


                                                                                When will be this locked?


                                                                                  Havent answer my question yet.


                                                                                    Yeah I might try it. Still my personal offlane favorite is wr.

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                                                                                      lol cuki u started shitposting alot and being cocky i recomend u to stop


                                                                                        u dont even play enigma and ur a high 5k player only cause of 2 heroes , SK and Arc and thats much it about ur game career xD calm down

                                                                                        Giff me Wingman

                                                                                          He is 5k bosnian pride with shitty guides. You actually expected anything else from him didn't you?


                                                                                            i like him hes my country neighbour and i understand him but hes very young and went to deep ...

                                                                                            boy cuki :*


                                                                                              Hmmm..... how can one thread be this autistic


                                                                                                Yo can we end this with a 1v1 meepo cuki vs blunt/cookie enigma vs blunt am.....would be entertaining to watch

                                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                                  3ks probably can't pull off enigma offlane, they don't micro edilions well enough, or balance the wave push + farming jungle.

                                                                                                  However enigma is so much more than just black hole. I disagree with rpq saying he has a fuck ton of cc, he has one stun in maelfice but it's a long cd, stuns very little low ranks, and then black hole is a big ult on a long cd. He has like moderate cc.

                                                                                                  But people drastically underestimate his dmg output. Many times I'll die super fast in a skirmish vs an enigma and another carry and go wtf how'd that happen and then you look at the log and see oh shit I fought in midnight pulse for 4-5 seconds and it did like 500 magic dmg to me which is more than the carry's right clicks. Midnight pulse is a TON of damage, only the long cd keeps it from being super op. And edilions do a lot of dmg too if you can keep them alive and micro right.


                                                                                                    it feels so hard to go hg with midnight pulse spam