General Discussion

General DiscussionNecrophos

Necrophos in General Discussion

    What is the general consensus of building this hero? Wand Arc into Mek > Greave as utility aura carrier or Radiance Octacore TF presence? And is Agh necessary?

    Forget the Dagon Refresher build, I'm not interested

    Dire Wolf

      Radiance is horrible, mek is good even on carry necro but you don't have to go full greaves, like brown boots, mek or maybe treads mek. Blink is really good on necro, shivas is great before or after oct core but I'd probably get a casual platemail and soul booster before finishing either. Aghs is good still, maybe not core and more of a luxury. Blade mail can be great.


        @Dire Wolf: Could you elaborate why Blink is good? As far as I understand, Necro didn't have any burst damage which could cut enemy hp in half (to proceed with Ult). I see him as healer and dps dealer with q e then ult key hero on low hp

        Edit: nvm it's Shiva I guess?

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          Just blink onto someone with <50% health then ez kill with scythe

          Potato Marshal

            There is no general consensus on building him. People build every type of boot except tranquils on him.

            1-IceTea 🌟

              Only necro that I hate is ghostS Necro


                I think veil is pretty good for necro


                  necro's items r super versatile
                  veil, mek/greaves, force/pike, hood/pike, shivas, linkens, octarine, aghs, blademail, lotus, blink, hex, etc

                  Yung Beethoven

                    About which necrophos are we talking? Mid, offlane, safelane?

                    On Offlane i would go for arcane and mek, dagger, etc.

                    For safelane, mid i would go for veil, maybe arcane and mek, but after that dagger, blademail, octa, shivas etc.


                      as a hero with shit mobility dagg helps him greatly

                      Pale Mannie

                        if the enemy has a diffusal carrier go for ghost scepter to piss him off harder


                          There are so many different builds for this hero. I personally like to go treads+veil+blademail+aghs (if I'm having a great game and can rush it)/dagon+lotus/shivas. It allows you to walk into the enemy team (blink would be great to initiate even tho I usually don't go for it, you just need to go in at the right time when people are out of position), pop veil+lotus+blademail and spam your 1st and 2nd skills. They won't be able to afford to just ignore you and run away 'cause of the slow+damage and they'll be forced to take even more damage from your blademail/lotus by trying to push you away. It kinda reminds me of a Bristleback this style. It's good for taking down glass cannons and squishy but annoying supports, that usually have low mobility themselves. In general I think veil is the only common denominator among all the possible builds for Necro, then you might even build battlefury and this hero would be still annoying as fuck.

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                          зачем я начал поиск

                            There is no general consensus, find your own build.

                            Dire Wolf

                              Dagger is good cus his ult range isn't that great and his mobility sucks. Being able to have your team init on a hero then blink in and kill them is really good. I guess radiance is ok as like a 4th item but necro needs armor to survive first. I used to build tranqs on him when it had armor, now it's bad. Pike is good if you make a right clicker necro but he really needs survivabilty first to do more dmg with his aura and spamming q.


                                Veil and dagger are core item for necro, u can kill any late carry with >50% health

                                Late is situasional, aghnim or atos/force to trigger the linken

                                Necro is anti-carry, not carrying anything by himself


                                  Necro is a gay hero, can kill anyone as long as hp is less than 45%.

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    I think you mean he has no tower damage. He is very much a carry, has wave clear hero dmg can score kills


                                      I've been thinking abt right click necro with veil Pike radiance mjollnir

                                      Mode : TOPSON

                                        right click necro hmm
                                        rush veil deso pike :thinking:


                                          Huh, this is pushed up again?
                                          Thank you all, try to spam this old man to get the feeling

                                          Currently 8-1, I'm feeling great

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                                            wand brown boots into midas into radiance its the way to go if you wanna carry the game, if your carries and mid are good go staff atos blade mail mekanism


                                              also don't play normal if you do this, the quality of the games is much lower and nobody is try harding