General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to escape low 4K MMR?

How to escape low 4K MMR? in General Discussion


    I've been stuck here for so long... I don't know what to do anymore. I get up to like 4100 and back down, back up to 4100, and back down again. I don't know what it is. Tried supporting, tried carrying, tried roaming... Idk man

    Anyone else had/have a similar situation?


      Get good.

      Edit: you stopped getting good, so your MMR stopped raising.

      Este comentário foi editado

        Have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?


          I believe so

          Haven't been succeeding much though :)


            Low 4k mmr really is the hardest part in 4k mmr, people there are so dumb


              Stop sticking to your patterns

              1-IceTea 🌟

                ^What the snail said,or change to another pattern

                Potato Marshal

                  Spam heroes with +55% Winrates?


                    Spirit breaker spammer lul


                      Spam your pudge? why not?


                        Pattern? What?


                          same i stuck in 4.1-4.3 for like 6 month

                          1-IceTea 🌟

                            The question is how you couldn't escape 4K.

                            I just play 3 hero on jungle,meme all the time,trolling enemies and manage to get 5K.

                            Start use your brain to think and put some effort!

                            Este comentário foi editado

                              Lice tea I'm gonna spam ursa


                                Put some effort? I get a heartattack after each game bc of how hard I try, team too shit though.
                                When you lost 100 mmr from 4 teammates who abandoned 4 GAMES IN A ROW, you know I have a shitty situation


                                  Licetea is 🅱️Ery good at doto.


                                    Play tusk like me


                                      Usually destroying the enemy ancient works for me, idk you should try it.


                                        shut your 1 hero pool up man


                                          versatility= stupidity

                                          Jack of all traits; master of none.

                                          Potato Marshal

                                            The only times where I gained any meaningful jumps in MMR were when I spammed a small handful of heroes.

                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                              Versatility doesn't exist

                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                Pretty sure I haven't improved at all ever since I started playing mainly party games and randoming heroes every game


                                                  What about people who are versatile and play at 7k level. In that case you would be a master of none in their eyes. Or a semi master of one hero. Lul


                                                    just an exception to the rule

                                                    almost every 7k player spams only 1 role.

                                                    even if they have a hero pool of 20 heroes in that role, they just expanded their starting pool over time

                                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                                      i play in ti rank now, low 4k is still very exciting. they all can play. however their decision making and itemization are sub par.


                                                        Dont spam TIER 3 complexity heroes like visage, IO, earth spirit, motherf*cking 4ks dont know what those heroes "do"


                                                          @potato marshal is right, you just spam +55% win rate heroes, just spam heroes that require minimal skill like luna, jakiro, and visage


                                                            tip 1: buy coaching
                                                            tip 2: dont listen to people who have similar mmr as you :)


                                                              @blitz, well i am only 300 mmr higher than you, but that was what i experienced from having red days, its better to spam 1 hero


                                                                I would say spam a role is good advice.

                                                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                  GL,are you doing with the safelane battlefury build? lilul


                                                                    Jacked is 4k now??? He is in vhs bracket..

                                                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                                                      No lice. That's meme party build. I honestly think I can go offlane with ursa and win more games just by destroying their safelane with superior laning skills. But I'll go for the safer option.

                                                                      @abyss I have been practicing ursa in 4k unranked with my diox smurf


                                                                        Remember that Matchmaking is luck based, if you get matched with decent players most of the time, your mmr will increase

                                                                        If you get matched with toxic retards most of the time, then you're fucked


                                                                          Remember that Matchmaking is luck based, if you get matched with decent players most of the time, your mmr will increase
                                                                          If you get matched with toxic retards most of the time, then you're fucked

                                                                          Also to add if your good statistically you got the upper hand due to you having the chance of getting paired with 4 bads while the enemy could have 5 bads.

                                                                          Este comentário foi editado

                                                                            U realise all players close to 50 or sub 50 will tend to say it's luck based. And it's true. When u are at your exact rating and stuck for a Long time it in fact becomes luck based


                                                                              I cry everyday when i see my win rate getting closer and closer to 50%, im barely 4.3 right now. From 54% win rate to 50% win rate in a year.

                                                                              I also cry when i see 4 hero icons marked on mid lane cause i know that its another -25


                                                                                Example situation in 4k
                                                                                Player 1: me mid ty
                                                                                Player 2: Want mid?
                                                                                Player 1: Yes
                                                                                Player 2: Ok lets mid together
                                                                                Me: i'll just play pos 5 and do all warding, please adjust
                                                                                But they still fucking pick 2 mid heroes. How to win? XD
                                                                                And lc icon marked on jungle, ez lose again


                                                                                  Lol versatility = stupidity LOL
                                                                                  Oh, qsnake, vaxa, badman only can play less than 3 hero, wow they already got a pro team Kappa


                                                                                    the only way to overcome luck is to git gud


                                                                                      @jacked depends on your role though, if you spam supports, and you try your best, PEOPLE wont listen to you no matter how nice you act and talk, because to 4k and below, they think that support players are noobs because of the low gpm xpm


                                                                                        you can win with suports. but you need SKILL


                                                                                          I have high win rate as pos 5, around 60%+ , but i want pos 4 but i only have around 50% winrate as pos 4.


                                                                                            One thing that i learned from playing 1000 games on shit 4k is THAT you mute toxic players as soon as possible.


                                                                                              Everytime i raise my mmr it happens when i played with a 2~3 hero pool.
                                                                                              No matter the role you're playing people will hear you most of the time if you speak firmly and polite.
                                                                                              This helps you to win more, and try to convince one teammate at the time to play at your calls, almost no one pay attention to general talkins

                                                                                              Hope it will help you.

                                                                                              white boy summer

                                                                                                versatility = stupidity
                                                                                                abed could be a 4 times major winner already then, and wings.gaming couldnt win a TI
                                                                                                also VP could drop out of summit the first day


                                                                                                  @ramza, i really wish that was reality but the reality is "me mid or throw" or say please adjust so that we can win, teammate would reply"stfu" 400 gpm and xpm noob


                                                                                                    In the begining of the game i try to say to them the way i'll play, after that if i'm doing a good job they strart to be more sucetive to my instruction.
                                                                                                    For ex, yesterday i played a game as kotl with an am as carry against a offlaner bb, when i used my first skill point in iluminate instead of mana leak the team start to flame, but we get the first blood because of it, so the team start to listening me.


                                                                                                      Proof that there are cancers every game.


                                                                                                        In most of the time, I am a pos 5 support and I can tell you, versatility is not a good thing at 2k-4k bracket. I got calibrated at 1.8k solo mmr and jumped to 3.85k in 1 year due to lack of versatility(spammed 4-5 heroes such as rubick, Kotl, Mirana as pos 4, slardar as pos 3-4).