Get really good with Broodmama. Its amazing how easily she wins games all by herself in the right hands all the way up through 7k+
See: Bipdongoe
problem with offlaners is that you generally ehance your carries and create space for them. when your carry sucks, playing centaur cant magically win you the game.
when you play heros like magnus or dark seer there is at least the chance that you land a game-changing 5 man RP or something like this. i wouldnt play those aura-carrying offlaners
Just check out what heroes do high mmr offlaers pick (e.g. universe, s4 etc)
And yes u can climb with offlane even if u dont play cheesy heroes like lich or broodmother.
Guy 2 posts above me is clueless btw
i think that it is pretty good to spam offlaners to gain mmr. The thing is: offlaner can either destroy the enemy safelane and hinder their farm while you get farm too (its like a 2nd safelane at that point) or they just leech exp, which is fine too, since most of the offlaners only need their ult and go ganking. In some rare cases you really can't stay on the lane or else you'll feed. and this is the biggest problem with the offlane: you really gotta know when to leave the lane. If you are staying there just to get half a lvl and then feed a kill, its not only going to hinder your lvl and item progression but its gonna boost the enemy carrys farm by a lot. Secondly: Be careful what you do in the early lvls. If you die at lvl 1 - 3, it may become very hard to catch up. Remeber: offlaners need lvl to become extremly strong, they hit their powerspikes very early. Carrys on the other hand really need farm to potentially kill you. So the only moment you get killed is when the support catches you in a bad position.
Heroes to spam ( which are extremly good in lane and have a huge impact on the game) are imo: Sandking, Void, underlord, batrider
go midas, phase boots, radiance, octarine, aghs, reach lvl 25 early and become unkillable
The most powerfull offlaner are axe or abaddon
U can solo any carry late game and still win the fight
offlane pick is always situational and u can't spam any hero not caring about enemy line up maybe apart from broodmother if u master it and always manage to get the last pick and ban a counter
u want to predict enemy safe lane and pick smth to gimp enemy carry's laning phase, shit on their supports and provide utility mid/late game
Gained 300 mmr from spamming offlane
offlane is a way to go to get mmr, but not sure that it will work after 5k (there is a different dota there)
Now gained 500 mmr from sk the answer is still yes you can spam any offlane hero first pick at low mmr
whats the point to run dual offlane with carry if u can go safe lane and have RELIABLE farm? xD
I d pref to have a tanky initiator offlane with a huge early game power spike
nvm everything can work in potato bracket
What's the point of shutting down the offlaner when u can shut down the safelaner and get safelane farm in offlane? Just wondering
are u trolling me or what?
its more likely that u ll get rekt offlane by enemy carry and his 2 supports
u are only gonna be fine if your enemy has only one support with weak laning and some afk jungler like nature's prophet, which is ... right, potato bracket where everything can work
Apart from this, u are fucking up 2 things with your offlane ursa:
1) by running second carry offlane u prolong the game by delaying items' timings since its simply not enough space to farm for 2 carries and 1 mid in the same team
2) most likely there will be no initiator in your team
^this meta favors the 2 1 2 scenario, so aggressive carry with stable support can win the enemy's safelane. Perhaps, as u say, thsi could be countered in higher brackets, but in shitty 4k this strategy will work 80% time since enemy carry is too silly to switch to other lanes or jungle... and his solo sup will be also lost and confused
Depends what you are facing.
There is no one offlane hero that will win the lane every time.
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I just wondering is it same fast to gain 5 - 5.5k rmm when spamming some offlane heroes, for instance Centaur, Timber, , as spamming mid or carry role. Cos this one looks much interesting to play. And can you give me some advice which heroes are good to pick now, when you dont wanna relay on your team. Thanks