General Discussion

General DiscussionTrueSight data overview quality question.

TrueSight data overview quality question. in General Discussion
Zet Popcorn

    TrueSight data overview says I've recently been playing as an 'A' player. I don't know why I've been given such ranking, but I think I have some reasons. If I can get the actual answer it would be great.

    1. I'm a formidable player in the 2k mmr bracket.
    2. I only play as difficult heroes, and when I win, Dotabuff rewards me more.

    Or the most unlikely one:

    3. I don't belong in 2k.

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      truesight is not related to ur performance/picks at all.
      it shows how many of the matches u were part of, are analyzed with true sight (=have additional data). its a measure of data quality and not of ur skill or smthng related to it.


        lo l


          a lot of ppl in the last days come with auestions about a sudden spike of parsed matches, i guess its related to a major dotabuff update that greately improved the share of matches that are randomly parsed with true sight

          rain markcawat



              TRUESIGHT is what about role u play, an consistence in that role, ex u play as a core offlane so u must at least 60% in your lane, i have C rank truesight, and will be uper ranked in B for sure, in dota core is in midlane, offlane, safelane, support/ganker offlane,support or ganker midlane, so dont farm to much in jungle or to long change lane truesight will count ur match,