General Discussion

General Discussiontroll < ?

troll < ? in General Discussion

    What carry can beat troll in a game? (not 1v1 but a real game)
    Please dont suggest naga/slark according to dotabuff stats, we all know that troll will be ready to fight and win while naga will be only finishing radiance in the best case and slark is just meh right now

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Viper, QoP anything that kites him


        Dude, not gonna pick viper in >2k mmr avg game, sry
        qop is mid, im talking about carries only


          Dont flame me im just theorycrafting idk for sure and I actually have never seen the matchup....but I think razor/veno

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            Oh... coz they are actually mid that right clicks which makes them quite the carry :/ Viper's okay tho
            I don't think carries can counter carries directly but for Troll I would say Razor the anti-carry and TB or some illusion heroes


              tb or am because of illusions of manta because it dispels the blind


                Weaver should be pretty good it's slippery can kite him lot of dmg

                Riguma Borusu

                  anyone who is slippery or is a good halberd builder

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    Generally you don't counter Troll with other carries, you counter him with supports/offlaners. But the good carries against him are Razor and Bloodseeker (rupture is really good, that's about it though). Ursa, Terrorblade and Weaver are also decent.

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      Also, burning his mana really cripples him.

                      Riguma Borusu

                        PL would be decent against him if he wasn't a dead hero in general, but if you random PL or something you might have a good time against troll once you have some items

                        Lester, Moe

                          monkey king bitch

                            Este comentário foi excluído
                            Riguma Borusu

                              how does tiny's third ability not counter that ult?

                              Because the only way to have that ability is to pick tiny.


                                ^ :(

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Any hero who naturally builds mkb. Troll can only man fight heroes like ursa because of the miss chance and then he starts perma bashing them once fervor stacks.

                                  Also troll isn't as good 6 slotted as some other carries like spec and dusa and sniper. So that's an option but you have to hold high ground and it's hard. AM can out farm and out split push him.





                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                        Troll die in 6 hit from my ursa,if not he still wont last 12hit (Abyssal and basher)


                                          item : dagon
                                          heroes : dagon carrier



                                            arc warden


                                              Magic damage. Also bloodseeker, troll is pretty much useless for 12 seconds when ruptured.
                                              Slippery heroes like weaver or slark are also very annoying for troll


                                                I forgot necrophos, the hardest 'carry' hero counter to troll


                                                  Chaos knight

                                                  not arin

                                                    i believe sven's warcry is pretty useful against troll


                                                      But Sven is terrible against his whirling axes.

                                                      Fee Too Pee

                                                        Sven outfarm troll , and goddamn u have team for bait hat whirling axe


                                                          ck, tinker


                                                            Anyone who suggested AM should hang themselves

                                                            Hatsune Miku


                                                              manfight vs manfight


                                                                I think Lycan is the only hero that comes to mind to me right now. He's really tanky, is a natural halberd builder and can deal a huge amount of damage with his passive, Howl and ultimate. The miss chance does affect him but his ultimate can allow him to go in and out of the fights as the ability is used, also allowing him to chase Troll who has insane movement speed with just yasha and phase boots. The most important thing is, he comes online really soon with the new MOM and Armlet build and farms really quickly too. Can contest Roshan just as early as Troll can and can even solo it with a Desolater.

                                                                Keep in mind, I haven't actually tested this out, but Lycan is really strong in the current meta and while PL and Tiny might theoretically be good counters too, they are garbage in the meta. Sven can survive his early onslaught, but needs a lot of farm to get online (maybe not as much as before, with the new ultimate). He is tanky and an armour ability, but that's about it.


                                                                  Excuse me? my mmr is 2.3k and according to valve i am above average (2.1k) so my opinion must be respected and my analysis on the game is legit and im going on factual basis. I dont like to kiss ass of any pro without any reason. U have no right to criticize it u bastard.


                                                                    @anomalina, no, once i loses manfight against troll as lycan even with some gold advantage, idk thou
                                                                    It is like 25-30 min into the game


                                                                      just stack armor and troll wont do fucking anything even 6 slotted

                                                                      basement :)

                                                                        Troll kills almost every carry during his ultimate. Any carry that can avoid getting wrecked in this time is good enough.




                                                                            You guys are underestimating the Troll, he is one of the hardest carry, saying a Lycan and PL can beat him. I would say that he will have trouble against a Spectre, Phantom Assasin, Morphling. It all depends on the item build of these heroes


                                                                              the problem with troll that he is single target and squishy too.Any hero that can do heavy nukes early into the game crushes him in fight if he is focused.But this has to be done before he gets bkb. Illusion heroes also crush him like ck with armlet.Evasion can also help but dont pick because troll usually makes silver edge and that crushes pa in fight.Sven in god strength mode (+some evasion like halberd) will beat troll easily.Troll wants to close the distance and hit you timber plays well against him with all the magic damage but if he gets silver edge and bkb then he can kill timber easily.Any tanky hero with blademail forces him to back as provides a lot of damage but is squishy himself.So axe kills him with blink-call-bm early into the game forcing him to go health heavy items rather than damage.

                                                                              Slark might be eh right now but a slark can definitely kill troll because of the essence shift stacking with every hit.Slark definitely forces you to a build like vlads-silveredge-yasha-bkb-diffusal-complete s&y or manta even though troll illusions dont benefit from his passive.

                                                                              Bristleback is also great threat to him early game but he is also like timber and can be taken out easily with silveredge-bkb-diffusal.

                                                                              The biggest threat to troll is tinker.Those early nukes just kill you in fight.Laser means you can do shit......Late into the game he can perma hex you if he goes for sheeps stick and kills you with hex-dagon(5)-laser-hex-dagon(5)-laser till you die and you cant do shit.
                                                                              And the biggest problem is that bkb wears off by that time and you cant close the distance between him and you especially pushing high ground.The only way to beat tinker as a troll is to push get vlads....mid fast.....try to take tier 2....rosh....go for tier 3...end game!I am a troll player and i understand the pain!!!

                                                                              These are some of the way to take troll out in games!!!


                                                                                CK bro




                                                                                    Sounds like Ck and PL would fuck troll.

                                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                                      Troll isn't really countered by carries. What kills his damage is switching targets and losing his stacks so he is countered by force staffs and ghost scepters and blade mails.


                                                                                        How to counter troll? - pick him...
                                                                                        cant counter that best :)


                                                                                          Is troll still strong though?


                                                                                            u cant counter me