General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen to PULL?

When to PULL? in General Discussion



      when the creeps meet to far away from your tower, at xx:53

      hope this helps kappa


        For example, we are running a safe lane clinkz, and my support partner pulled @0:52 mark, of course the big camp will clear the creep wave, so clinkz ended up without creeps under the tower, am i just a trash player that thinks that pulling" this early is a bad move?


          I mean when to start pulling? do u pull immediately pre 2 mins? or wait for your carry to buy quelling blade/ aquilla?

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            You need to cooperate with your carry and hold the creep wave near tower range


              You're more likely to stack at first minute and you pull when creeps are in the river line


                Or stack first the small camp then pull later?


                  no he can just walk around the creep wave in circles and take damage from only the range creep until the new creepwave arrives.
                  infront of the least thats what i do

                  Im actually interested in that as well

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                    but if you pull when the creeps are already at the river, that severly limites the area where you can trade with the offlaner? and he probably gets lvl 2 while standing under the tower?


                      You gotta specify it it's radiant or dire.
                      I've been spamming Jug and I'm glad if my support pulls the hard camp asap. Your aim should be denying as many creeps as possible too, along with getting all LH's.
                      Your carry should know his last hits and early in the game, dragging the enemy wave under the tower would be bad for your carry as the tower will get kills on creeps, in counterpart your carry should know how to kite the wave either through the tower or before the tower range (situation specific, carry has to make the call).


                        casually waiting for kitrak's post

                        BSJ. LGD

                          you pull @ 53



                            Well for sure, when your team is running a clinkz/drow/arc warden safe lane, i know that we dont pull ASAP.


                              then again if you dont pull asap the offlaner gets lvl 2, with a drow carry you want to get her a lvl advantage as eaely as possible our you'll be babysitting her forever

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                                If i play safelane i will never want support to pull creep as long as the creep equilibrium is near my tower


                                  Ask BSJ

                                  1st class tourist

                                    When you are about to climax, you pull.


                                      U pull, WHEN U CAN, not when u want!


                                        Yeah pull when U CAN and double wave the creep when pulled at small camp and shove it to offlaner's tower to give him free exp&gold or free large camp+creep for enemy offlaner when u cant contest cuz u cant clear wave in 2 second




                                            You pull after informing your carry you are gona pull.


                                              you pull right when you're about to nut

                                              all role player

                                                why do u need to pull when u can kill everyone in the map ? jk im suck at pos 5

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                                                Yung Beethoven

                                                  First of all: you do pull when your lane is pushed.
                                                  Let me help you understand this with an example. Radiant Wave A and Dire Wave A meet. Your Carry starts to push a little ( by attacking the creeps ). So Radiant Wave A wins the Battle and Dire Wave A vanishes. At this time Radiant Wave B is coming soon, as well as Dire Wave B. This is the moment to pull. You Pull the creeps to get Radiant Wave B, and take the Exp and last hits. In this example the already weakend Radiant Wave A fights the full health Dire Wave B. At this moment your carry gotta attack the creeps even more, so both of the waves die.

                                                  In conclusion: dont just pull because you "gotta do it". You gotta look for the right moment to pull. The right moment to pull is AFTER your lane pushes. Also: Dont just pull and let the enemy offlaner contest it. Thats just asking to give him even more exp and some last hits. NEVER pull if your carry cant hold the lane at a position in which the offlaner cant contest the farm.