General Discussion

General DiscussionCan't there be some kind of auto kick system that kicks retard who ke...

Can't there be some kind of auto kick system that kicks retard who keep feeding down mid. in General Discussion
Lester, Moe

    And just bans them, for fucking life, please.


      i wish first start with banning my self so i can make new acc and smurf it to HS :v feels bad to make new acc while u have one at 1k mmr and you cant simply improve from it to 3k :v


        I already posted a similar topic to this a week ago but banning them for the rest of their life is harsh.

        Lester, Moe

          People need to control their emotions before getting into a game.


            How would you design such a smart system?



              Riguma Borusu

                There shouldn't, go fvck yourself lul.


                  something like , if a player got 4+ reports , the match id will be sent to a group of 5 random players that they will watch the replay and vote whether he is a feeder or just having a bad day , if he found feeder he got banned , may be for X number of game you judge you got a free cosmetic or smth


                    ^ yea but that's not what OP is asking. How do u kick an intentional feeder in a live game?


                      i guess by voting from all players , if 5 of 9 votes that he deserve to be kicked , he get kicked and get 1+ LP match


                        That won't work. That opens too many other doors you don't want opened


                          that system can be limited by making it only activate on a player with 10+ death or placed several wards in very small AoE or the courier died while he was the last person controlling it .

                          with some determination the system will work but no body gives a shit about anyway


                            it is very difficult to program an algorithim to detect intentional feeding and be able to distinguish unintentional feeding, bad games etc, and also easy to work around it once you know the rules if you are an intentional feeder.

                            1-IceTea 🌟

                              OP played 6K games,still can't get over with intention feeder that you will meet in almost all bracket


                                this thing wont really work out

                                somtimes i go mid and i go feed because to end faster and i know it would be lost this is gonna be one of the most annoying things since the game is suppost to be free and not be trapped with some kinda fking abusers to ruin ur mathces


                                  How about a permanent ban to those who intentionally feeds and says horrible things about family at the same time like "all of you and your families should burn in hell" then proceeds to intentionally feeds.


                                    just look how am ount of people are doing that and no that will never happen

                                    why u may ask

                                    valve dosent like losing players
                                    valve gets money and if he loses players his money will decrease


                                      You can't autokick feeders because feeding is a legitimate strategy in this game. Comeback gold is still crazy