General Discussion

General Discussiondota sucks?

dota sucks? in General Discussion
i follow Jesus.

    has this game become ballsack or am i just bored? i'm barely laughing at sing2x streams
    can someone help me love dota again please
    thanks in advance

    old man

      you just bored. play some league or HoN. it will rinse your memory clean. only then you come back to dota


        im hating dota atm because it seems all of a sudden the quality of players has dropped a ton i went from having a slightly above 50% winrate i was happy with, to fucking massive loss streaks all over the place, dropped 600mmr went from 4.4 to 3.8 and trying to climb back up, but just cant get any team mates that want to win. all fucking ragers or fighting over mid/farming etc. tried ranked, tried intl ranked and nothing changes. dota is fucking cancer for me atm and im fucking hating it went from around 51-53% wr to like 30% in 2 patches


          OFC you are gonna get bored if you play everyday lol.

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            I got the same feeling too
            I can't seem to find a hero I enjoy playing
            But ti7's just around the corner and it will surely bring some hype
            and a new hero


              Lmao blaming teammates for loss streak in 2017


                ^i blame apoop for my 7 losing streak

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  Nevermind I just found Tiny


                    bring old jungle back to give us all the joys of dota


                      @pilot. That's understandable. A game that no longer allows you to win game can't possibly be enjoyable


                        Op also has a 47% winrate this month. It's understandable why he hates the game now.


                          join a gaming community where you'll play in 5 stacks on teamspeak. this is how dota becomes fun

                          solo qeue games are for tryharding/learning new heros, you won't find fun by playing solo games


                            i don't think that dota has ever been a good game


                              yeah play hon like i did for 2 days and got rekt by these broken heroes i dont even know what they do

                              Pale Mannie

                                fuck hon and their games full of smurfers and flamers who flame me for being new there

                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                  Plays hots, it's funny how salty people get in the unranked games there. I have not touched ranked yet since I want to learn the heroes better.

                                  Also, try trolling. Look at my last two games. Both were games I decided to troll in. I just 3rd/4th picked Sniper and you would not believe the salt that flowed after lmao

                                  Also a reminder that I suck with Sniper and need to learn how to play him.

                                  I lost one, but we threw, it was actually a win. Poor Viper. I remember constantly telling the Axe to come bottom and push on mic. We honestly could have ended, but didn't. Poor Jakiro, he just wanted to play TA for once lmao. Oh, man.

                                  The second Sniper game 2 of my teammates instantly muted me for laughing my ass off on mic, and muted our Meepo for telling our Tinker to calm down (in a dickish) way.

                                  Idk, man. Make the game fun.Do shit you would never do.
                                  For me, that was trolling. I never fucking do that. But when I did for once. I felt bad for the players that wanted to play serious. But I felt good since it gave me a ton of laughs when the team constantly complains over mic and chat. The best part was the second Sniper game where I won since our team (except for me and meepo) called gg at the start, and the other team was like "We'll end fast for you" and then they ended up losing. That is the best fucking rush or endorphin I could ever get.

                                  I was laughing so hard throughout the match.

                                  Honestly, I was laughing a lot from my games yesterday. Like some of the lineup's and plays were just highly questionable.

                                  When I was playing with my friend, we had 3.6 average games (his party is 4k, mine is 3.3). Now that I think of it. 3k bracket is truly the most fun. The players have an idea of what they are doing but even then the decisions players make is hysterical.

                                  Sigh, fuck, man. Just find shit you love about the game, play with a friend. Do some unranked. Unranked is super fun since mmr is not at risk, you can learn a lot too.