General Discussion

General DiscussionCalling all boosters

Calling all boosters in General Discussion
Magic Wand

    So today i was lucky to win games.
    I was happy but at the same time was quite mad.
    Feelsbadman being carried for 3 games doesnt evel feel like im improving.
    4 out of 5 games today i was kicked out at mid and safelane ended going to the jungle. I always ping my position though. And i dont first pick too. I always plan things when i play. So as boosters what do you do when ur teammates snatched ur lane given today i was trying to play pos 1 2 3. Even tried 4 but lose.
    Do u guys always instapick?
    Also i always aim for sure win given that im used to play on a map that has no wards all carry team etc. I dont even communicate with my team except on chat wheel. To avoid flaming and other problems. And most of all i hate being burden to my team like feeder, etc.


      I just mid or random and have fun. Game ain't rocketscience.

      Magic Wand

        Yah ur right i should think too much. Thanks



          Riguma Borusu

            I always instapick Sven or Bloodseeker but I never instapick legion because that decision would be game losing since people pick shit like bane wk dazzle ww, and several of those heroes every time I first pick it.

            Ofc I am not a booster but I can win a lot of games if I just pick shit I like playing. I know boosters who instapick shit that is super counterable like Meepo and they still win 98% of their games.

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            Magic Wand

              Cookie commented instapick. Affirmative

              Magic Wand

                Well spamming heroes like sven and seeker only works on 2k though. Nvr like spammin though.

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                  i can instapick arc/sk in 5k same way i can instapick them in 1k

                  it's just how good you are at the hero/game

                  nothing else


                    Uh? If you're boosting isn't any hero/role is enough for you to stomp


                      I know the feeling I always pick safelane, then someone picks a carry hero and clicks on safelane, so i switch to mid, then as soon as i choose Visage they pick mid heroes to push me away, and i end up being the only non carry hero who's now forced to support and buy wards. I often lose as support -.- (but have 100% win rate with mid visage).

                      If the hero you plan on spamming doesn't have big counters then insta pick, otherwise DON'T. Don't listen to cookie he can win through 5 counters against our bracket but we will get shat on if we do that -.-
                      TA is a great mid and is instapickable too.


                        only way you're going to get to my bracket is by keep getting shat on till you can shit on shit

                        Riguma Borusu

                          Well spamming heroes like sven and seeker only works on 2k though. Nvr like spammin though.

                          100% false, there are 7k bs spammers, and sven is really strong right now

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                          Magic Wand

                            I see. Nvr spammed heroes like bs or sven. Sven being really strong right now is true. Thanks for the idea mate. But im just here asking if things workout if u instapick. Like 1st pick invoker or TA wtever. I got gist thanks. I only instapick when i see someone with invoker mark on the hero selection though rofl.

                            @nikki i do any role ofc but my main objective is to raise this acc using pos 1 2 3 only.

                            Giff me Wingman

                              I just dual mid and once they realized they don't get shit they usually go jungle. rarely they go feed.


                                why dual mid when u can show ur dominance and force them out of lane
                                why spam when u can just not spam?
                                also I cant spam cuz I need to do quests LUL


                                  you are low mmr as far as i can see. games wont be that hard if u learn how to take objectives and stop fighting in non-sense teamfights that are forced in every game in your bracket.
                                  as cooker says " have u tried destroy enemy ancient? "
                                  yes this is the main objective for you to win dotes
                                  when i play from accs in your lvl ( my gf, irl friends mostly )
                                  i do the following

                                  2)send them dotabuff link,telling them free mmr for you
                                  3)and spamming " we will win this game for the boys "
                                  99% works
                                  if its not working and they get ur mid just go rat dota
                                  afk jungle lycan 10 mins and rat towers .even if u dont have support. i did that with friends acc once in a while to show him how ez is dota at this mmr. rotate jungles and farm fast
                                  at 3.5-4k mmr in most of games people are so unaware.. u take down their base while they spam on chat fighting with your teamates


                                    i' ve played 3 times with acc boosters in my team. i checked thier dotabuff to confirm and they had max only 5 loss into tthe last 50 games. but gues what with all different heroes, they never insta pick, they wait for last pick or 4 -th pick at least, and play only mid or safe lane carry, they can boost cause they have the ability to convinc team that they are boosters they always says that, and ask to team to let them carry . the last time i played with an acc, booster he marked safe lane carry waited for the 4- th pick after hhe conviced all that he is booster and will win that game for us, and he picked slark which was a rly good pick for that game, i doubt on him in the begining , cause he said im 5.7k acc booster let me carry and marked safe lane, cause mid was already taken, i though he is jsut a noob that want to carry but we trusted him anyway and let him carry with 4-th pick slark so he had no counter and we won that game rly hard actually , game went 62 min we were strugling to end it, he was doing good he was 16-3. and i was oflane necro with 18-2. and we still strugled to end game cause of 3 other noobs on team. so te answer son is NO. dont insta lock . acc booster do waht they do cause their are good in communication with team and team always will try to help them thats why not every 5k above player is an acc booster.


                                      I was playing mid CM then they thought I'm joking :(


                                        don't tell them you're high mmr/ booster/smurfer, unless really necessary.

                                        -DI- TheDrengr

                                          I think you need to play heros your used too, I am only learning sf, and its 2x easier for me to win as TA than it is SF

                                          but sf is fun, and playing only TA is like being water boarded

                                          I would say stick to playing TA,SF,Storm if safelane Stay with Sven or CK, if jungle Blood seeker or ursa, if offlane LC or brood.


                                            no need to tell them when you can stomp


                                              from what i understand 'no worries' whant to know how the acc boster keep wining 90-95% even if they lane got stolen and end up double mid or double carry safe lane competing each other for farm, from what i knew from experience with games i had with acc bosters and some observation i made from higher mmr, its that they dont deal with that, they try as muc ha they can to avoid those scenarios by communicating with they team, so they can get waht they need for a sure win, yeah they can even win mostly of games in those scenarios, but not that much if they keep spaming they best hereos, they wil maintain a 60-65% winrate, but thats not worth for them, cause for tem time is money if they boosting they want to do it as faster as possible, and the only way is making his team to cooperate with them. ARTEZY himself confirmed that i saw him in stream explaining how he got 9k mmr. he said he was always trying hard and cooperating with his team to let him 1 position last pick and he said he used microphone all time to lead and teach them, cause when he was insta locckink in he was not even eable to win even 5k average games sometimes, when his lanes whenre stolen and his team was not cooperating with him at all, cause they were not respecting him as a better player than them.


                                                i mainly use bane to boost. 100% win rate.


                                                  I instapick mid visage coz most of the time opponent team thinks youre a first pick support. No one bothers to counter this hero anyway And when your team sees you instalock mid. They mostly lose interest in going mid to not lose mmr, if not, i send my dotabuff link. If someone else manages to instalock mid before me, then i go solo offlane visage. Boosters can adjust their playstyle to any combination. Ive even seen broodmother boosters that gives no f*ck if enemy picks axe sven or es


                                                    Back when im 1k if shit on ppl every time using luna but i never got my safelane peacefully so i told them that i am boostingand they believe me coz 700 av gpm. I do that to 2k too but i cant do it now coz i play too much supp xD


                                                      You just suck, I got better at carrying by playing supports and vice versa

                                                      死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                        fx is a booster GIGALUL


                                                          The only things I see fx is boosting is his ego and delusion LUL


                                                            i never got my safelane peacefully

                                                            死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                              The only things I see fx is boosting is his ego and delusion LUL


                                                              -DI- TheDrengr

                                                                the most reliable way is to be able to boost with mids, such as TA, SF, Storm,
                                                                or easiest to remain consistent at.


                                                                  At least they believe me not like u guys lul


                                                                    mafisto is so wrong in basically 99/100 posts he makes

                                                                    wasting your time onto communicating with lower idiots will actually make the game harder.

                                                                    and even in real games where i get a 7-9k player in a 4-6k avg match in my games they keep the communication to a bare minimum only saying the necessary things ex. ''go push x lane''.

                                                                    majority of the best boosters never interact with their team or interact very little, because due to the obvious fact: you can't expect someone to do something if he has no idea how to do it.

                                                                    it's like asking a pre schooler to finish a calculus problem.

                                                                    example bipdongoe ever only asks 3 things:

                                                                    1. let him last pick solo offlane
                                                                    2. don't come to his lane
                                                                    3. go to another lane

                                                                    basically all meaning the same thing, the only time he actually actively talks to them is when someone is stupid enough not to leave his lane solo.

                                                                    if you actually have to rely on someone in low shit mmr to win a game then you might as well belong there

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                                                                    -DI- TheDrengr

                                                                      I usually ask players to do simple shit to help me, like pick blood seeker just so I can get vision of invis units if I burst them quick before they go invis, or to pick drow for 100 bonus dmg.

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                                                                          ahahhahahaah.. i start thinking that jacked and cookie are the same person, cause i dont think in this world can exist 2 persons that dump . he says that mafioso is wron in 99% of the post's and associate it witha not related argument of what i said at all, he basicallt dont know how to read , or have some mentality issues and his mind reads whats he wants lol. i never said that boosters interact with other players and tell them what to do yes they communicate less cause they now if they talk to much they will tilt the other players, i told my experiences with acc boosters rly clear why do ihave to repeat myself anyway you will read still what you want lol, but yeah this is me a good person that feel sorry for retarded persons i explain it again, they comunicate in drafting phase so they can get last picck the carry that they gives them higher chances in wining the game , they dont have time to waste to keep a 60% winrate.


                                                                            because due to the obvious fact: you can't expect someone to do something if he has no idea how to do it.



                                                                              Mafioso is vely smert guys plis no flamerino
                                                                              HE JUST NO LIKE FOOND WIHT VEGETAL

                                                                              meteor hammer

                                                                                step 1. be good (sorry)
                                                                                step 2. learn how to highlight your chosen lane first every time
                                                                                step 3. if someone else highlights your lane+role, pick immediately
                                                                                step 4. if they pick first, pick your next best role, instead of crying

                                                                                only play a couple of heroes


                                                                                  Lol mafioso. Again claiming high mmr players can't win games with 90% winrate


                                                                                    How can you actually read what mafioso wrote I can't handle the first few sentences and just skip it entirely


                                                                                      Actually maybe mafioso is right


                                                                                        good point bws sry for my english , i write like im in hurry lol. helloooooooooooo jacked or cookie or whoever you are , you rly looks same to me from your post, i always have to repeat myself for you guys to uderstand. im talking about acc boosters, yes they can win games with 90-95% winrate.


                                                                                          ^ your knowledge is low and your opinion doesnt even exist on this topic


                                                                                            I mean yea boosters will say they are boosters so ppl won't try to take their role. You may be right. But personally I've legit have had nonboosters say they are boosters to get a core role. But I still instapick my safe lane anyway. That's just me. I don't care if someone says they are boosting.

                                                                                            Honestly a booster doesn't need to try so hard to convince people, he can win anyway with similarly high winrate by first picking mid. There are boosters who do that.

                                                                                            You may be right though that they may want to maximise their odds by getting a last pick core. But that probably only applies when the boosters close in on an mmr close to their own


                                                                                              well for the first time i see you not completely wrong, my arguments are not only based on my though and my experiences i dont preted to be that good . yes i have some experiences with acc bosters and with fake acc booosters, but i also observed some acc boosters in dotta buf when i noticed them and they usually dont spam and insta lock , about your last part when you say it only applies if boosters are close on the mmr its not tru , iplayed with an acc booster which he was 5.7 well yeah to be correct thats waht he said im not sure how he was, buti checked his dottabuf of the acc he was boosting and he talked that acc from 2k and in last 50 games he had won 46 even the looses he was like 20-2 with qop. but he had a specter 1-16 and an am 1-19. so thats wh ythey try to communicate to avoid those drafts, and inotced all hes games were with different heroes, all cores mid or safe lane ofc. that thing of spaming and instapicking what you and cookies insist on , works only if your sligtly better than your bracket and eventually you will climb in mmr but slowly it depends how many games you play, which shows how much determinatt ( depresed) yo uare in gaining that mmr, cause actually if you keep spaming even if you not better than your current bracket you will get better eventually with that hero, every retard can do that, dont get me wrong im not saying this is a bad thing but is also not the mos efficensive way to get mmr.


                                                                                                Dont worry, Gaben will send some of ARINS throw agents into your game to be on your team and Gabe will take back that MMR from you.

                                                                                                Lord gaben giveth, then taketh away....

                                                                                                praise gaben