General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone have his life in order?

Anyone have his life in order? in General Discussion

    4k coaching gj man i hope u get banned from this forum


      The key to most ppl is to commit themselves

      The Highway Rat

        I can relate. My dad died when I was 12 and I was in severe depression till 18, I didn't do anything apart from going to school, just play WoW at home as an escape. At age 18 I became a Christian and though there are bad days and old habits die hard (I binge on porn sometimes for example when I can't cope with stress), my life is in order and I'm happy. I have an MA, a great job as a PM at a translation company, been married for 5 years (I'm 25) and have a 6 month old son and I love the wife and son both. We have a nice home and good relationships. I play a game of dota in the evening when the family's gone to sleep. So, don't want to preach here but Christianity improved my life a lot regardless of all the bad rep it gets (most of it's true anyways). Maybe give it a go. Much love!


          Going to church also helped me out.
          Came a point a couple months ago where my boy died at the age of 20 and put the perspective of life at a bad angle. Started going to church and became much more happy as a person.
          Finding a good church can help you immensely, the pastor I have is over the top funny, and positive.
          As the guy above ik sometimes christanity can get a bit of a bad rep, but if it can make you happy it is worth a try

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          Use chatwhell=mute

            I just gave up all things. What i holding my mind is to be innocent. Tbh i ditched my university. I felt very relaxing cuz it was rly stressful. My parents scold me lot.


              Martha Bot, I'm trying to make myself try to finish the university asap, move out when the first opportunity arises, farm a lot of money in a very little time (I HAVE a plan), marry with that money, and start my own career as a teacher, and spawn lots of boys and girls, and be the best dad in the world. Really, the hope that someday I'll be a father drives me forward

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              Use chatwhell=mute

                Nice plan. Mine is just inspire some ppl.

                Player 153433446

                  Sometimes whats keeps me going is my mom and dad's expectations, they wasted their best years caring for me and my brother.
                  I can't just pull the plug and dissapoint them.
                  Just gotta keep grinding and not give in easily.
                  Much thanks everyone, appreciate the helpfull comments :)

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