General Discussion

General DiscussionAbout dreaming

About dreaming in General Discussion

    I was sleeping when I dream of a weird thing where I "woke up" with scarlet-pink colored vision and when I tilt my head while I'm still lying on the bed in my dream, my vision for some reason just get stuck at the moment when I woke up and it just keep getting stuck there when my body had already gotten up the bed and then my movements start going sluggish and the entire situation are damn scary until I had to blink my eyes to wake up in real life.

    Seriously, can someone experienced with a dreaming tell me what's going on with me when my vision in a dream are stuck with the ceiling I was staring when I'm lying on bed in dream while my body in a dream had already moved to do something else like getting up from the bed?


      Psst try lucid dream


        search for sleep paralysis i think its that
        nothing to be afraid of


          sleep paralysis inside of a dream?

          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

            Speaking of dreams, I had a weird dream where Treasure II & rippler map was released.

            I was so disappointed when I woke up to no Treasure II & Map Dota and won all my games.


              ever heard of sleep paralysis ? everyone experiences it


                I have never experienced sleep paralysis. I experienced paralysis in dream where I cant move from incoming car or train, but not while awaken.

                doc joferlyn simp

                  Fake awakening??????


                    hello its a dream


                      i dream once having sex with yami of to love ru

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        What the fuck Niko. Stop. Get some help.


                          Is sleep paralysis common cause I also never experienced it or maybe I did and I just can't remember it.


                            So it was just a sleep paralysis? ty for an information, for a second I thought it was something that bad.


                              I woke up and it just keep getting stuck there when my body had already gotten up the bed

                              wait, how can you be stuck but but get up the bed?


                                Sleep paralysis can be extremely frightening until you know what it is


                                  @Parte That was in a dream where my vision was stuck staring on the ceiling when I had already got up from a bed in a dream.


                                    that has nothing to do with Sleep Paralysis. Sleep paralysis does not hoppen in dreams, your vision does not change color, and you cant get up from bed. In sleep paralysis, you suddenly wake up without being able to move anything, not only your eyes. And you see a strange figure doing something in your room


                                      Parte, that is not entirely correct. Sleep paralysis manifests in different ways, for example I do not see the silhouettes/figures everytime I have one. Yes, in reality you do not move as your body is paralyzed, but that does not mean you cannot feel like you are moving or feeling weightless and moving in this manner. You cannot rule out that OP wasn't hallucinating due to sleep paralysis. Ofc it is also possible that he just had a very lucid dream.

                                      Anyways, it could be scary the first time especially if you hallucinate the "intruders". I have them every once in a while and it is always due to tiredness/stress or a combination of both.

                                      PP. Also sleep paralysis occurs in the process of falling asleep or waking up, so it is not uncommon to have a dream which transitions into a state of sleep paralysis.

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