General Discussion

General DiscussionTo those morons who make glass stairs

To those morons who make glass stairs in General Discussion

    Have you ever considered people who are afraid of heights? At least add some god damn pillers, I was stuck on the middle of the stairs, scared to go up, there were people looking at me weirdly, it was the worst shopping experience of my life.


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          In all seriousness though, was that the only way to get to the next floor?

          one syllable anglo-saxon

            u can always get on ur knees and crawl up slowly

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              or u could start meowing or crying for ppl to take u down from the stairs


                It was a huge spiral glass stair from ground floor to roof, I was gonna go enjoy my ice-cream on the roof, then I realize that I made a mistake. I was stuck on there for half a minute, then I ran to the top without looking down.


                  Sad experience, funny tho.


                    lmao wtf is there to be afraid of

                    basement :)

                      What about glass elevators?


                        why does people even scared of heights??


                          Why are people even allergic to gluten?

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                              i think u should grow up and stop thinking abiut that


                                i know growing up wonf help u its more of a fear buf idk why u llok at that like its important


                                  I'm afraid of big spiders and bugs


                                    ^I agree, they just look really disturbing
                                    I dislike them but I wouldn't say I'm terrified I just really wud do anything I can to avoid contact with them

                                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                                      That's actually a legit fear, was it tall enough to fall to death though?

                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                        What are stairs? Sorry I am from Africa


                                          am i the only one who doesn't have any phobia?

                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                            I have a phobia to -25

                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                              So valve keeps giving me -26
                                              Thanks valve


                                                Fear of a great height.

                                                I froze everytimes I look at the ground below especially when I'm on a very high building.


                                                  just dont look down

                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                    Whenever I look down from a high place I feel the urge to jump rofl. My true fear comes from toads and frogs though, those sticky, disgusting, boil-infested, eyes-boulging, neck-expanding, tongue-flinging, jumpers of pure nasty animated slime


                                                      Surry i live in SEA we have no stair glasses

                                                      30 YEAR OLD DOTA VETERAN

                                                        Just remember if u die... no1 fucking cares