General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen should i calibrate my account?

When should i calibrate my account? in General Discussion

    And the question is should i calibrate when i unlock my mmr matches?Or can i rich better stats first and calibrate then?

    Will it count the stats i gain after the unlock? Or it is what you can do since the unlock only be counted by the system?

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      Just go ahead and calibrate. 2k ranked game is better than 5k unranked game. Don't waste your time playing unranked. Play it only when you wanna master some hero or wanna complete quests etc. In any case the system will place you where you belong. Don't listen to those morons whining about how they're above their mmr. I believe in Lord Gaben and his justice. Not joking

      d e l i r i u m

        yeah when you get better your mmr will increase; just calibrate and start learning


          Higher MMR can be both boring and exhausting at the same time.

          DotA is more fun in lower brackets, pretty much play however you want and have a good time/win, unfortunately you also have to deal with more sh*tters that flame and blame. If you have a bad game or you're just an average player in general, that doesn't bother me one bit, but when they sit there and blame every mistake on team mates it gets really annoying.

          I've played some int ranked games and have literal 2 and 3k's brought into a 4.5k average match and then they spend the whole blaming everyone else for everything.

          For example my last int ranked match with Axe, we had a 3.5k Silencer (4.3k average match) who spent the whole game talking trash (he was Pinoy, surprise surprise).

          Calibrate straight away and enjoy just working your way into higher MMR brackets naturally, you can spend 500 games in unranked and then calibrate close to 3.5k or start at 2k and play 500 matches and hopefully be at 3.5k or higher anyway


            So the point is that i can play unranked until i get higher mmr in calibration right?
            Also as I see your all sure that i ll get 2k mmr... Is the highest mmr that you can get 3.5k?

            Thanks a lot for the answers and your time!

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              stupidity, if you never learn to climb then calibrating at 3.5k means nothing

              calibrate now and learn to fucking play, that's real advice


                calibrate now and learn to fucking play, that's real advice
