General Discussion

General Discussion3k please

3k please in General Discussion

    Hi guys can anyone give me 3k account im so tired of calibrating 2.5k im so pissed off i made almost 20 acc but still 2.5 and my best friend keeps bullying me about that and im so depressed

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      Git gud




          Sub 50% winrate at 2.5K. You deserve to be there, probably lower.


            Hahaha, fuc.k so much wasted time why you not buy one? It cost about 10$.But yeah youre not 3k thats why you calibrated 20times on 2.5k lul, so my advice is if you just gonna try it do it, but you will be back on your mmr very soon.


              Why so harsh comment :( you guys dont respect girls?


                I hate bullies so much :(


                  I hate account beggars so much :(


                    Photo is proof


                      No photo no proof so no 3k


                        But thank you even when you insult me me that way i hope thats how you loved your mother








                                You wasted 2K+ matches of your life playing normal matches. Utterly disgusting


                                  Have you learned anything fr your past 20 accs? Lol


                                    ^She's too stupid to realize.

                                    sumail fan

                                      you are the ones who are stupid. you are being trolled. close thread.

                                      Brother.Teresa ^aka^ OldS...

                                        if you keep getting 2.5k then you're 2.5k
                                        Even if you have a 3k account you're going to end back at 2.5k


                                          Lmao just climb then
                                          Getting better is so easy as 2k because there are so many things to improve on

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                                            How did u still 2,5k after 20times of calibrating
                                            How is that possible?


                                              are u kdding me ogre ? if u playing like idiot in 2.5 , just play and win it . why u wanna take 3k ? for reading blame chat to u ?

                                              Have fun

                                                I could offer u my another 4K account since I am going to quit Dota soon. Goodluck buddy and enjoy being flamed by the whole team lmao.


                                                  I'm a support player, a very shitty carry player i can only play 4 carries and i still got 2.9k calibration playing carry only.

                                                  maybe try to improve instead making 20 smurfs? btw enjoy single draft

                                                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                    People who post naughty pics like yours are never girls.

                                                    And like they said, you belong to that skill level. If you suddenly climb to 3k, you'll ruined other real 3k player games.

                                                    Uninstall Dota


                                                      well if u count ppl telling u a harsh truth "insulting" u gonna stay for a while longer.
                                                      there are actual guides on how to get better at dota follow them instead of playing with the same skill in different accounts


                                                        ^no need for the last 2 words


                                                          I can give u 4k acc for AM, Alchem or Doom Ultra Rare set or any Arcana apart from LC.

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                                                            stop making accounts you're just being a toxic just climb like a normal dota 2 player oh wait normal dota player either makes smurf or buy account just climb like a did you'd learn a lot by climbing whining is okay just don't create new account just to land where your last account is


                                                              Just respect please if you dont believe me then its up to you If i only know how to remove this post i would remove it because i regret in posting this i though there are still generous person


                                                                woah woah woah girls doesn't really say they're girls and people who wanted to scam using the "I'm a girl gimme an item" have some sexy pic or a girls pic


                                                                  UNINSTALL DOTA YOU IMBECILE


                                                                    Im not saying anything :(


                                                                      and you're here in forum I never really know any gamer girl who even bothered going in the forum and 1 more thing never ever expect good replies in forum they may seem hurtful so much insulting but that what people usually say 10/10 in all forum you're actually being helped in here with such cruel words if you don't want to get insulting replies don't even make such topic it's not like i've never been in your situation but i'm saying this when you're making a topic at least be careful with your words e.g "how to get good at the game" can be interpreted as "how to get vhs?" but words are different and they may seem different but for you it's the same as asking how to get vhs at least you don't look like you're begging to get to vhs with so low skills the "how to get good at the game" sounds more friendly and you'd get more nice approach since you use some nice words


                                                                        I don't know if you get what I'm trying to say but at least never ever make such topic as this or you'll get insulting/hurtful words that you don't like unless you're a masochist and those obvious kind flowery words you said only an idiot would fall for that


                                                                          I can prove it on skype but i dont wanna talk to crude person


                                                                            I would be willing trade one of my unused accounts (used to practice on my least played hero's mainly), but giving it away to a complete stranger for nothing makes no sense.

                                                                            Generosity has nothing to do with recognising a raw deal. It's not like i'm doing one of my friends a favour. Nobody knows you...maybe if you could offer something people wouldn't just flame you.


                                                                              I can give ti7 immos but
                                                                              their not tradable yet


                                                                                I just hate account buying or having an account higher than your skills it doesn't even make sense to me why people want to play higher skill bracket with their low skill play I've been in a state of thinking I'm better than everyone in my bracket and they're just holding me back buy that doesn't necessarily think to buy an account or make another account because if I really am a legit better than anyone else then I have no problem climbing can't you just play for fun


                                                                                  "Grill" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                                                                    Or this acc with BP level 22

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                                                                                      What's fun anyway? How can someone play a game just for fun? is it fun to play a game you like? is it fun to play with nice people? It is and it's not really fun to play with toxic people you maybe a kind person in your bracket and you're stacked because your team is stupid but that doesn't mean you're good in general terms is it fun playing with higher skill players? yes it's fun but that doesn't guarantee you a nice game with nice people even 5k+ or 9k avg. games have toxicity every bracket has it's own toxic player "mmr is just a number" that's what dendi said yeah it is but the same time it isn't The higher the mmr the more skillful a player is that's what we know but is everyone on higher mmr playing a fun game? no! people play dota way too seriously now forgetting how to play fun you got tilted because your team made a stupid mistake and you flamed and blamed him for losing the game don't you ever realized your mistake too? they maybe bad at playing and you're better than him that doesn't mean you can just rage just because he did something game losing you could've taught him something because you're a better player but instead you flamed and your range clouded your judgement then your team cooperation failed that's a mistake itself instead of playing with the team we play against the team there's only 5 opposing enemy yet you're making your team your enemy


                                                                                        Please read before posting again

                                                                                        Do not make posts about or links to websites that advertise account selling, boosting or trading services, commercial or otherwise.

                                                                                        Locked (and muted for a few days).

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