General Discussion

General DiscussionJust wondering

Just wondering in General Discussion

    What could make a highest class player like S4 switch from competitevely playing mid to offlane?
    I always thought that mid is the most challenging role mechanically and the most skilled player of team in these terms usually plays mid yet not one trick pony heroes like centaur or batrider

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      Because s4 had to
      Plus he wasn't that good on mid after he left Secret, he has always been a sick playmaker which is why he can transition to offlane well


        No1 has any insights? :(


          Because S4 came before S5, S6, S7 and now S8.


            x fucking D dude

            Erase Humanity

              Ana is a 9k+ player and there are 10-20 9k+ players. Did you know that? He is a very skilled player and nobody could deny that. But S4 has more reputation compared to him.


                I thought in highest skills offlane is the toughest lane since you get zoned out or killed everytime you show up.

                i follow Jesus.

                  what if he wanted to start playing offlane because he felt he played better at offlane?
                  moreover who gives a shit dude he's still a great player
                  i googled s4 qop, wasnt dissapointed Krappa


                    I thought in highest skills offlane is the toughest lane since you get zoned out or killed everytime you show up.

                    not in 700-706 cuz there were shrines making it the easiest lane.

                    have u seen s4 puck PogChamp


                      s4 would prefer playing enigma to make tobiwan kreygasm everygame

                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                        Iceiceice takes offlane in faceless too
                        Never heard of the mid Jabz but he's good


                          Alright I guess I should stop posting half assed
                          Mid lane back then was basically a playmaking ground where s4 excels at, now it's more mechanical skill oriented, while the playmaking role shifts toward offlane
                          Both ana and s4 are good midlaners but s4 would be a better offlaner than ana for said reason


                            Depends on the heroes and play style of a player really