General Discussion

General DiscussionBrain fatigue

Brain fatigue in General Discussion

    1 week of a lot of dota 2 + like 4 hours of sleep a night =




        Weakness disgust me :huh:


          @Ito your Iq being 40-70 points lower than mine is whats disgusting. My brain runs at a costant 5x activity level of yours.

          Giff me Wingman

            @Ito your Iq being 40-70 points lower than mine is whats disgusting. My brain runs at a costant 5x activity level of yours.

            Solo MMR

            Party MMR


              @Ito your Iq being 40-70 points lower than mine is whats disgusting. My brain runs at a costant 5x activity level of yours.

              Solo MMR
              Party MMR

              wow ur onli 2k em em arr? wow so trahs tbh.
              lmao he must be brainded haHAA xDDDDD
              im only a crappy acct buying animal who cant undersantd that sum peepl are lower skilled then others, so i buy acout cuz im kool 6k player xD
              respek me cuz i have so much memer than u lmao haHAA.
              imma assosiate memer with intellijence to inflat my dangerusly low self esteam so i cen look smart xDDD
              please, PLEASE wallow in yur submishun as i donimate u with me high mmr haHAA.


                @ no acc was 2k last sunday now its 2600.

                @Danishblunt I would bet my literal life itsself and risk death that your atleast 30 points lower than me.

                Hmm ceo spotlight I made listed 110 professional skills as of this year equivalent to 7 masters degrees. I have atleast 100× the amount of knowledge learned in last 4 years than any of you :)

                Este comentário foi editado

                  Yeah but today only way I can describe is it felt like if I put earplugs in and walked around outside. I could feel literally like a physical feeling of like brainfog. I get that once in a while.


                    Actually danish is genuinely 6k, hes just one of those kids with an IQ of about 118 who couldn't fit in with the normal avg 100 iq retards his whole life and especially as a child. He got made fun of as do all above average iq kids do. Probably on avg he had 1-2 friends only throughout school. Robert probably at the age of 13 as he began to try develop a self identity started watching a lot of anime where he could relate to main characters who were above avg also. He is typical of that iq range 115-120, they are still very condescending and yet insecure because they know they are above avg but other people do not recognize it but at 115-120 they have not developed the ability or the cognitive visual spatial skill to conceptualize where they stand in the world compared to everyone else or the ability to recognize and determine other people's IQ levels by patterns in their speech or ability to conceptualize concepts according size. As thats the key to intelligence is how large the data of a concept they visually conceptualize in the frontal lobe.




                        Actually danish is genuinely 6k, hes just one of those kids with an IQ of about 118 who couldn't fit in with the normal avg 100 iq retards his whole life and especially as a child. He got made fun of as do all above average iq kids do. Probably on avg he had 1-2 friends only throughout school. Robert probably at the age of 13 as he began to try develop a self identity started watching a lot of anime where he could relate to main characters who were above avg also. He is typical of that iq range 115-120, they are still very condescending and yet insecure because they know they are above avg but other people do not recognize it but at 115-120 they have not developed the ability or the cognitive visual spatial skill to conceptualize where they stand in the world compared to everyone else or the ability to recognize and determine other people's IQ levels by patterns in their speech or ability to conceptualize concepts according size. As thats the key to intelligence is how large the data of a concept they visually conceptualize in the frontal lobe.

                        the fact that u judge someone entirely on iq just like how u have been doing on this entire thread tells me ur retarded.
                        if its a joke, then its a retarded joke that's more confusing and weird than funny.

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          hey op can u analyze my iq too? i never took any tets and im curious


                            See daddy is just completely unaware that you can literally tell someones IQ just by looking at them, let alone by everything else. Just like I can tell a type of flower or tree by looking at it. But if your unaware of all the different kinds of trees or that they appear different and do not all look the same then you would say something like that. See daddy isnt even aware that not everybody on the planet is his IQ level and that those with higher intellectual capabilities have just that, more capabilities. Having a higher iq doesn't mean you have more knowledge it means you have a higher and greater ability to exract, gain, and store knowledge. It means people with very high Iqs who constantly recognize and remember patterns have learned to identify peoples IQ by their similarity of people with that IQ.



                                @whatup atleast 110, cap 122

                                Giff me Wingman

                                  lol is he throwing a hissy fit?

                                  Also I srsly cannot tell if he's trolling or massively autistic.

                                  Este comentário foi editado
                                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                                    I would give up real life work for a good fucking sleep


                                      this is some of the best shit ive ever read on this forum

                                      Giff me Wingman

                                        You somehow managed to surpass diox in autism. I srsly don't know how the fuck you did it, congraz I guess?


                                          Danishblunt is 107-114
                                          Ywn is 118-122
                                          Daddy is 105-110
                                          Cookies is 118-122
                                          Puppey 110-118
                                          Midone 125-130
                                          Miracle 122-128

                                          Games played is a huge determination of skill over iq

                                          Este comentário foi editado

                                            @ Danish blunt

                                            Typical of kids in your IQ range, you desire only proof of anything beyond your own world view and ability conceptualize because your mental scope is too limited to even recognize what can be true based on your what you already know.

                                            Ie your patternal recognition is low because your visual spatial capacity is limited. You think more in words that pictures or about 50% in words.

                                            Giff me Wingman


                                                Or maybe I misjudged your IQ and its significantly lower than what I anticipated and the things I am saying to you do not even register as concepts that you understand and it just sounds like "blah blah blah bullshit" or jibberish therefor you label as a brusque imperialistic joke, that or your feeling insecure about the accuracy of my description about yourself and dont want people to believe you didn't have friends therefor you label it as autistic to "cover yourself".

                                                Este comentário foi editado

                                                  @more strawman fallacy pls, yes cause attacking my credibilty as the author of a statement definitely refutes it or makes it invalid.

                                                  Kettle calls the pot black, and chicken crows to the farm dog.


                                                    its off though


                                                      The more danish posts the more he makes my assessment of 118 sound too high lol. The difference between 118 amd avg is the same difference between avg and the avg iq of individuals classified with 3 learning disabilities but not classified as functionally retarded.

                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                        He managed it boys, he outperforms diox on the retardscale. This is actually a huge achievement.


                                                          @continue with your straw man fallacy arguements they still do not refute what I am saying

                                                          Or were too inflated in your own self evaluation you actually thought your IQ was in the mensa category lol.

                                                          I am editing danish down to 110-115. His words prove I overestimated severly.

                                                          Este comentário foi editado
                                                          casual gamer

                                                            iq iq iq i q iq i q iq intelligence quotient lol

                                                            guys look at how fucking INTELLIGENT i am while i make an ass of myself and accomplish nothing on a dota 2 forum

                                                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                              HEY NOW NOW EVERYONE


                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                How old are you?
                                                                Can you make ingame screenshot of your game?

                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                  good to know i have higher int gain than puppey btw!!


                                                                    depends on what kind of gloves guys

                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                      golly gee guys how did my mom shit out such a genius shucks

                                                                      casual gamer

                                                                        test must be legit that's a 6.2% margin of error on a >20 question test have i mentioned how smart i am haha

                                                                        Shakira - the IQ don't lie


                                                                          i did a test on buzzfeed that said my iq was 160 - take that, you subhuman 130-iq peasant


                                                                            Giff me Wingman

                                                                              Danishblunt is 107-114

                                                                              Test must be broken. Our lord has given me 107-114, therefore the test cannot possibly be accurate.

                                                                              Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                that test is awful u actually cant get higher than that im pretty sure

                                                                                casual gamer

                                                                                  edit: lol i remembered the test being longer than when i retook it whoops

                                                                                  Este comentário foi editado
                                                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                                                    If you're speaking the truth, then yeah. Test must be garbage, if I'm supposed to be some smart ass mofo, then humanity is doomed.


                                                                                      That test makes a lot of money in advertising when people post extremely inflated results on facebook lol


                                                                                        There have been others like you. Claiming to be really intelligent and using IQ as evidence while you claim superiority over others and claim a higher world view. The fact that you've placed so much confidence in IQ tells me you are a kid. Smart kid maybe.

                                                                                        But you have no fucjing idea what you are talking about.


                                                                                          Just stop.


                                                                                            Ofc the test is not accurate how are they gonna make money when people post their score of 95 on facebook and nobody clicks on it. Lol that shit inflautes values in order to get clickthrough and thus ad revenue or some other source of revenue


                                                                                              Read more before you spew garbage and use words you don't understand to sound smart. You did not even make a single argument.

                                                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                                shut up jacked ur iq is probably like, what, 10?
                                                                                                iknow ure jealous of the high iq boys club but theres no need to be so salty

                                                                                                casual gamer

                                                                                                  for reference standard deviation means that just over 2% of the population has over 130 iq, just like a bit under 2% of dota players on opendota have 5k :thinking:

                                                                                                  relying on iq to prove ur smart is about as mind numbingly stupid as you can get though

                                                                                                  Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                                    shut up jacked ur iq is probably like, what, 10?
                                                                                                    iknow ure jealous of the high iq boys club but theres no need to be so salty

                                                                                                    HAHSAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH IMDYING