General Discussion

General DiscussionHonestly, mmr means nothing

Honestly, mmr means nothing in General Discussion

    Sumail, the best mid player in the world, is only 7.5k mmr and plays all roles and random hero builds in his pubs. MidOne the highest MMR in the world during Kiev Major gets knocked out by a Brazilian team that is captained by c4t, a guy with 5.5k mmr! Half the people you encounter at the highest MMRs are people who can only play very well on a max of 3-5 heroes. Some, like this guy, can literally only play ONE hero and are very very bad when they don't get that one hero. The reason a lot of people are unable to climb is because they don't pick their best hero game in and game out. If I picked my 3 top heroes, Viper Mid, DS off, or Riki roam every game, I would end up in 8k in a matter of a few thousand matches, but that is no fun right? So everyone stop getting discouraged about your mmr and if you want to truly climb, just pick 1 hero and KEEP picking him over and over again. The best heroes to pick are the ones that have at least a 51% winrate in 5k+ games .Find the hero that you have no problem playing in every single game and then do it. Play him in every game and become god tier at him. This is the easiest way to climb MMR. A lot of people try to climb MMR by counter-picking and last-picking, but this doesn't work at all. Just pick a hero and stick with him and you will climb, trust me.

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      And yet Snith is still 5k. 4head


        C4t only plays like 5 heros as well. How u Explain that?


          Sumail gives 0 fuggs about pubs


            Mmr doesn't matter
            - Player with 2k mmr


              MMR matters until 6k

              1-IceTea 🌟

                Mmr is a measurement on you capacity of win pub game.

                It metter for 99% of Dota player as they are playing and put effort to try to win game.

                I know some of my friend he capable to reach at least 4K flat if he wanted,but he rather keep do stupid things and meme for fun - mmr is just a numbet for thouse kind of player that 'can win if they tried'

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                1-IceTea 🌟

                  For thouse player who try hard and can't win - they just abuse this line and try to comfort them self.
                  Oh and they also like to said 'teammate hold me back' that's the best card they can pull out


                    Please note that if some people give a fuck and grind about mmr doesn't mean everyone does


                      How can you play same hero in same squence more than 20 times in a row without doing some obscure battlepass quest and failing every time without feelings of being bored to death? Who says you will get that hero every time at all, since that is tactics, you might be deined that hero, which might give you abundance of rage every time, since you might have to wait 60 minutes to try and pick him again. What if that hero is not current top meta pub hero, or meta game changes not in favour of that hero, you could stop playing dota cuz of that reason.


                        But +25 isn't boring
                        Tactics doesn't exist below 5k
                        Pretty sure spammers don't rage when they get their best hero denied
                        Also after spamming a certain hero properly for awhile you'd be able to outplay your counters and make the hero work regardless of the meta

                        Giff me Wingman

                          I bet this 3.8k shitlord thinks he's equal with miracle and co. LuL


                            I understand that they don't rage when their best hero is denied, but sounds like some people think that 'people' who are good at climbing mmr are revolving all their tactics around one hero, like it is street fighter. I am sure if someone like that would be denied their first pick they would rage just a bit. +25 isn't boring for sure, but spam is.

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                              >Heroes have now different mmr according to your stats

                              Cheap Laugh Guy

                                Captains are mostly pos 5 supports

                                Der Härteste

                                  "If I picked my 3 top heroes, Viper Mid, DS off, or Riki roam every game, I would end up in 8k in a matter of a few thousand matches..."

                                  wrong, that would suggest u are already a 8k player depending on all the other factors and this cant be the matter cause u didnt work ur way to 8k.


                                    Pretty sure if Sumail didn't fuck around and throw mmr away he'd be 9k+, gl on getting 8k too rofl.


                                      "mmr doesn't matter" - 8k mmr multi-millionaire TI winner


                                        Go 8k pls


                                          5k games
                                          Still not even reach 4k XD


                                            mmr not mattering, what a joke that trash tell themselves not to feel bad


                                              This Is a perfect example of why you should go to school. So you know how to use the right evidence and data for the right arguments and not make a fool of yourself with piss poor logic


                                                I knew people who have like under 1.5k games but already reached 7k.


                                                  How about we change the statement to make it more acurate.

                                                  MMR isn't everything.


                                                    I seriously doubt that is possible. Not for anyone who has never played dota or Moba before


                                                      The day a 2k player stuck in the trench can make it to a pro team is the day this statement actually starts to hold some weight

                                                      1 MMR SOLO

                                                        This is a legit thread.

                                                        Honestly, thats what i tell myself everytime i see my solo mmr...

                                                        Mmr means nothing...


                                                          MMR IS EVERYTHING!!!! 3GERRED


                                                            i agree. spamming a hero is indeed a good way to up your mmr...the question is what's gonna happen next . you are 8k or whatever . THEN ? u get invited to a team and fight in the proscene picking only 1 hero ? lul . NO .look at Attacker he is God Tier at playing kunkka but the rest are pretty normal for most people one's fighting over him like ''COME JOIN OUR TEAM !'' cuz they know that if kunkka is banned its pretty much having 4 pro's and 1 semi-pro ish in their team can reach 8k spamming riki,viper,ds ? DO IT THEN . lets see you try .goodluck with that .kappa123


                                                              ^ Attacker has really good mechanical skills and game sense, also he plays really good with storm spirit. nobody could reach 8k by just spamming a hero. you have to know how to play the game.

                                                              Story Time

                                                                thanks to all the teammates who hold you back from my shitty bracket, so you do not ruin anything for me (c) Kotato


                                                                  attacker was 5k playing casually

                                                                  when he started tryharding he went 8k

                                                                  fact is attacker is naturally talented.

                                                                  most people playing casually are 2-3k, and 5k when tryharding.


                                                                    only 7.5k guys ! i repeat only 7.5k

                                                                    13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

                                                                      BurNing is 7k flat, you would think he's a high 8k considering how good he is as a carry.
                                                                      Even loda is only 6k and he already won ti

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                                                                      Potato Marshal

                                                                        "Sumail, the best mid player in the world, is only 7.5k mmr"
                                                                        "I would end up in 8k in a matter of a few thousand matches"

                                                                        What are you implying?


                                                                          Cookie you lost your blue star feelsbadman

                                                                          also jdf8

                                                                            ops a complete imbecile as expected


                                                                              Its not like that. MMR really mean anything about your skill. Lets me take an example. We all best football player in the world is messi or ronaldo right. But in the end some other team defeat they team its that mean messi and ronaldo doest have any skill. Same like mmr its mean skill level.

                                                                              pretty sure im maniacal

                                                                                Sooo if I just kept playing my best hero, say, Abaddon, I'd reach 7k like it's nothing? LULULULULUL


                                                                                  I stopped giving myself excuses. I'm sub 3K SEA. I'm gonna lift myself out. If I truly believe that I'm 4K worthy, or even more, I should be able to carry my team despite what they do, short of purposely feeding. I think this should be the attitude for MMR tryharding, spamming or otherwise.
                                                                                  Also, by 7K or so, spammers drastically decrease, because they're mostly pros, semipros, or pubstars at that point,good luck trying to get your single hero spam shit through them. Sure they still have heroes that they use more than others, but its not like some guys who have 500+ games on their top hero then their next most played is at 30.


                                                                                    I feel like MMR definitely matters, especially for low brackets. MMR basically puts a number to the impact you have in your game. If you are consistently making more impact than the nine other players, you get rewarded. Only when you are 5-6k+ does it stop being so important. I'm sub 3k as well but I know if I put in enough effort I can work my way up.


                                                                                      @Maverick there's still a general level of skill that's dictated by MMR. MMR means something to every 1000 or so points. Is there a difference between a 2.1 and a 2.5? Based on my experience hell no, same mistakes. But a 2.1 and a 3.1? You can see differences. Even spammers. A 4K SF spammer would be less than a 5K SF spammer. Also, level of opponents, don't forget that important factor.

                                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                                        Sumail is ONLY 7500 mmr? And midone is 9k? And you are using this as an argument that mmr doesn't matter?

                                                                                        Do you know how fucking retarded you are to be comparing at that level? 7500 is 99.99 percentile. 9k is 100 percentile. Literally they are about 100 players away globally. Probably less than that.



                                                                                        You say only like 7500 is somehow a lot worse than 9k. It's not. In pub dota terms it's like comparing someone 3500 and someone 3600. It's razor thin and greatly depends on how much they grind mmr.

                                                                                        And yes for pubs it matters a fucking ton. Just going from 3k to 3100 takes you up about 5 percentile places.


                                                                                          u right sumail plays better than matumba and rest in pro scene fuck those gh miracle matu when they lose to Vega
                                                                                          fucking cocky shits


                                                                                            If I picked my 3 top heroes, Viper Mid, DS off, or Riki roam every game, I would end up in 8k in a matter of a few thousand matches

                                                                                            LUL, you're definitely not climbing with those heroes above 4-5k for sure, no matter how well u will play them. Viper in higher mmr games 5k and for sure in 6k doesn't work, it's useless piece of shit and you will do nothing whole game after 10 minutes, ds is meh too and riki roam is ok, but still against smarter players it's not gonna work, unless you will get carried.

                                                                                            I feel like MMR definitely matters, especially for low brackets. Only when you are 5-6k+ does it stop being so important.

                                                                                            This is not true at all, mmr matters even if it's a 7k avg game with 9k player in it and the rest are a mix of 6k's and 7k's, 9k player will have easy time and 7k's will perform better as well compared to low 6k's that were in a match like that, GOD BLESS if they take core roles in a game like that. I saw a few games recently where some lower mmr players got outplayed and destroyed by higher ones like some 6.6k player took mid lane and played against 8.1k player and he got destroyed so hard, that someone abandoned and the game and ended in like 15 minutes. The thing about high mmr games is that you don't get even mmr games that often, there's always someone with like 1k+ above average.

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                                                                                              mmr means nothing. only skills, smart brain and knowing how everything works is #1


                                                                                                ^ this is so stupid what you just said. If you have the skill and brain and knowledge, then what's stopping you from climbing the leaderboard and being #1 or top 10? If you're good you will get there, it's just trash player excuse.


                                                                                                  Holy shit diox has cursed this thread as well. Post at your own risk


                                                                                                    dude why would diox care about rank or mmr? he only makes smurf to hide that he can't reach VHS in rank. look at him feeding in vhs lol


                                                                                                      "Sumail, the best mid player in the world" i stop reading after this... sumail can be only top5 but he is not best. not even close to best.


                                                                                                        ^top 5 is pretty close to best.

                                                                                                        but id be interested to know who u had in mind? and why u think ur qualified to give your opinion on this.