General Discussion

General Discussionis this patch really not that punishing to literally 4 greedy core li...

is this patch really not that punishing to literally 4 greedy core line up? in General Discussion
Fee Too Pee

    This fucking highground tower armor is so stupid, literally impossible to break

    and then eventually their 4 cores beating up my 3 cores + 2 support in the late game anyway

    which is a fucking annoying buff to late game heroes

    Man, i do not think laning phase kinda matters anymore in this patch

    note : idk lately i lost vs stupid junglers like : Jungle invoker , Jungle AM , as Pos 4 , literally winning lanes , my safe lane farms so much , but eventually lost to more cores line up, which is annoying tbh

      they punished us for our 5 core lineup and owned us early, but we still won cuz they cant break highground

      Fee Too Pee

        @Renshin its fricking annoying lately , winning lanes as support kinda does not matter because literally its so hard to break highground. your game is one of the examples.

        Maybe if they want to buff split push by buffing armor towers , maybe nerf the comeback gold? its crazy thinking farming heroes can benefit much from creeps + comeback gold at the same time


          either end the game fast if u got a good team and early game effective cores or steal their farm before getting urs

          Fee Too Pee

            @Sia "end the game fast" is fricking impossbile now, that tower is never going down.

            early game effective cores maybe can work thou, still lately its so annoying winning early game so much and lost and the end anyway.
            its vise versa, i won so much games as well that i do not think deserve to win with such fail drafts (jungle carries)


              you kids need cookies guide, you need to split push and take all the towers by 20 minutes, then establish complete dominance of the entire map and farm it.

              Sorry but if you have 3 cores with 600-700 gpm, and they have 5 with 300 gpm, your gonna win....


                have fun trying to convince your 3k team to stop afk jungling and actually take objectives.

                Go split push alone and get dueled by le random LC

                just pick late game cores, flame your teammates when they want to pick 2 supports. game is going +40 anyway


                  Because normal skill newbs don't know how to itemize, or smoke gank enemy jungle after 20 minutes.

                  How to get high ground:
                  A) get proper items (defensive force staves, lotus orb, euls, and solar crest)
                  B) pull back your farming patters to your half of the map, or show all 5 top or smth, smoke gank, and kill the enemy that is being the biggest issue.
                  C) Take every rosh
                  D) After EVERY WON FIGHT, even if its a 0 for 1 trade (unless you only have big team ults that are on CD), go high ground. Your goal is to take the tower, or force a BB.


                    It isn't that the patch sucks, you just suck.

                    Edit: your teammates suck too.

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                      how about this one
                      pick tower dropers like troll, drop all their low ground and ward around their base. keep all the lanes pushed. gonna result in either heroes running in base to compete for cs or people coming oout of base to farm (especially ward shrines) and then u punish them even worse. get ur items that u need for high ground while starving enemy team and then go one lane and end the game

                      Dire Wolf

                        I posted something like this about a month ago cus keep getting games like these.


                        offlane slark who I kill 2-3 times and has zero farm. But mid game my pudge gets out of position and feeds lc like 10 duels, I got picked off once late game and then it was over. We were up pretty big and magnus was ballin' but slark and tb and weaver late? Forget about it. Those guys could start 0-20 and still win late. In retrospect we had pretty bad tower pushers but bloodlust + empower should have been enough to finish. However we didn't group up much and I rarely got both those buffs to push hard.

                        Just look at tb, terrible farm for a tb, died 16 times, like a 1.1 kda, still did 3.7k tower dmg and we still couldn't kill him late without chaning stuns.

                        Traditional carry is dead, you need tower pushers, TB, lycan, TA. I have no idea why spectres pub win rate is so high cus she fucking sucks at towers.

                        Only time all supports work is when they are semi carries who run at you like centaur, tide, axe. You just run at teams all game and win in 20 mins. Normal int supports fucking blow right now. They get 1 shotted by carries late, can't do anything, games always go late. Even like this es and bane just feed feed feed.

                        Just pick a core jungler, a core offlaner like cent, axe, lc, timber, fuck even weaver and slark will get farm eventually, and run one disabling support to win safe lane.

                        Even winning lanes doesn't matter like it did cus hey guys I just nuked down this offlaner's hp and zoned him so hard, he's at 20 hp and has to leave lane oh wait he just shrined and now I'm oom and have to run half way across the map to get mana. It's stupid. And the proximity of the jungle to offlane means they can just go farm there. Lanes almost don't matter. As long as you don't feed you don't need to win your lane any more.

                        Fee Too Pee

                          and everygame almost all pattern like this ,
                          Team with proper line up stomps the all cores line up early to mid game

                          > Team with proper line up win teamfight , tries to high ground
                          > Team with all cores Buyback
                          > Team with proper line up still fighting
                          > Comeback gold
                          > Repeat
                          > Eventually all cores line up win
                          > lane does not even matter

                          Try your best #NA_Reform

                            You know what works fucking great against really good high ground defense. Snatch a bitch strats, see my match making stats for details.

                            Honestly, I have been fucking SLAYING it for me when it comes to dealing with high ground issues. Pudge with aether lens (usually item timing around 20 ish mins) is all you need (this is even better when it is night time) is the perfect thing to snatch a bitch out of their high ground and make a fight more advantageous for the sieging team. Don't feel confident in your snatch a bitch hooks? Well then clearly communicate to your carry player where they need to stand such that you hook them out when they get gone on, hook your friendly out to safety reset fight after abilities are on CD then repeat.

                            This isn't anything new but it has been paying off pretty well. best of luck.


                              Either you end fast or starve their ass until you're ready to take HG
                              Teammates afk farming? Shove in waves, limit their outer vision, eat shrine, wait for rosh, etc
                     mother of HG cancers

                              Este comentário foi editado
                              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                This is going to sound crazy, but buy 9 sentries and block your enemy's camps so they can't farm and will spend time and money (which they already lack) dewarding their own jungle

                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                  That or even 18 sentries and block both jungles so your cores do not afk farm when you can end and potentially throw the game because they are retards that want the game to last for 50+mins for whatever reason.

                                  I swear if mmr were to be refunded due to losses like that, I would be refunded at least 1000mmr which would bump me to low-mid 5k.


                                    I agree everything you said, feel very same.


                                      That's the downside of harder high ground. Just have to nerf comeback gold.
                                      Well if it were too easy you'd get deathballs every game.


                                        Im onboard with the "snatch a bitch" strat lol

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                                            Not really