General Discussion

General Discussion1-IceTea blue star

1-IceTea blue star in General Discussion

    Can someone tell me when will his blue star dissapear because he is no longer 5k but still act like one because the blue star still there

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    Cheap Laugh Guy

      It's still there tho


        ^he never update his mmr anymore, i see lot lose streak but when i ask him he flame me about my math is bad XD


          He won't. He can't even get out of low prio. The lose streaks you are seeing are all low prio games.

          doc joferlyn simp

            And LP games don't change your solo MMR

            LISAN AL GAIB

              LMAO he's still not out of LP xD

              1-IceTea 🌟

                LP games don't change your solo MMR

                That's new,I thought normal single draft game effect mmr,no?

                doc joferlyn simp

                  Not as new as when you started in LP

                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    Most 2 recent game is party mate que it and I accidentally press join and another is rl grill friend beg me to play and she don't mind LPQ with me xD both game I afk 70% of the time watching OG vs VP

                    if didn't count that I haven't play for 2 week.

                    I already planned to stop Dota long time ago to allowed me to have more time to do medication,and I didn't miss on one day since I stopped Dota

                    1-IceTea 🌟

                      If I didn't remember wrong I told this fail math OP like -

                      'I won 2 matchs solo lost 4 recently(including 1 party rank) if you said I drop to 4K from 5K1 you probably need to learn math again' until now he can't count it



                        if you don't show your mmr on your profile after a month the star dissapears


                          LOL hes in low prio till he randoms lycan


                            1 of 12 games he won in LP. GG boiz. How can his MMR drop if he stays in low prio :thinking:



                              Giff me Wingman

                                On 4th may he will probably play again because then low prio is time based. But as you guys can see, he is a 3k player that got 5k by spamming Lycan. So there is some hope for some of you guys,


                                  lp wont be time based, i think u get banned for a period of time + lp games

                                  Giff me Wingman

                                    Pretty sure it's just time based. But up to a whole week.


                                      First, being marked for low-priority matches now results in a duration-based ban from the Ranked queue, in addition to the current game-count-based low priority requirement. The ban will start at a low threshold of a few hours, and increase up to four days for players who are very frequently in low priority.

                                      Giff me Wingman

                                        ty, didn't read the current game count thing.
                                        Guess icetea is stuck in LP forever.


                                          blue star is a thing? I guess I need to show my mmr, so I'll get one too, then I can insult every normal skill player for being new to the game or sucking cocks for 7000 games and still being 2k mmr.


                                            He is only good at jungling, needs tons of pratice for non-greedy plays


                                              im sorry for icetea hes actualy 3k have to deal with 5ks 6ks in lp

                                              LETS GO WIN!

                                                Medication or Meditation ? @IceTea