General Discussion

General DiscussionI need some help on brood..

I need some help on brood.. in General Discussion
Om Anton Lari Maraton

    I used to play some brood, like 1 or 2 months ago. But now i started losing on brood. I know that brood falls of like 20-25 mins into the game, so i want some help to survive that period IF the game went full retarded 1 hour+. I am lierally fine with brood below 20 mins, but after that, i just can't contribute that much. So.. can anyone give me like tips or help me to play brood?
    And yes my winrate with her is so low it's not even a joke anymore..


      unfortunately you cant really win a fight vs any carry after 25-30 min so try to splitpush and if you joined the fight take a long rotate and jump on their support/ranged squishes and burst them down before the rest can react so you fight 5v4

      i am lycan player and they both kinda of do the same thing mid-late game

      зачем я начал поиск

        Yor build is bad.

        Get Orchid before Solar, if you're building Orchid at all.

        Place offensive webs and ward the enemy jungle, farm it all non-stop. Literally occupy the enemy jungle, all main camps.

        Ward the highground, ward important cliffs.

        Your GPM should never fall below 500 on Brood, if it does, then you fucked up somewhere.

        In your last game you should've either got an early Orchid, warded up all of their jungle and dominated the shit out of them by Orchid -> Phase -> Deso -> BKB OR you should've played passively like you did, but if you make such a decision, get Midas -> Radiance, 6 slotted by 30-35 and ready to go with the team.

        You did neither and lost.

        mr. rabbit

          if ur radiant and u get an early lead u should secure their mid, top, jungle, and roshan

          your goal is to deprive them of all resources while forcing them to come to you (without feeding you and ur babies) while ur team takes objectives away from the map


            I saw Faceless.iceiceice do the naga build on broodmother. Octarine, Manta, Rad, Dagon 5. Game went to almost an hour.

            mr. rabbit

              naga build is viable on everyone

              even abaddon can build into it

              зачем я начал поиск

                Also. I've been improving and watching hardcore Brood spammers.

                1. I suggest you separate the spiderling/spiderite controls with 2 additional buttons. Liike 4 - big spiders, 5 - small spiders.

                Why should you? It allows to bait out otherwise spider-killing skills in lane. E.g. you want to kill a Jug, but he spins like a shitstain all the time. Attack him with BIG SPIDERS only, bait out the Blade Fury, he won't kill any spiders that way and after that attack with all your units.

                Same for heroes like Necro/Lina/Storm, etc. It was really helpful, when I've learned that.

                2. Buy wards for yourself. Start with sentries. Ward the enemy jungle and the enemy highground, so you may constantly see all around.

                3. If the game is going late anyway, rush a Midas either after you have rushed Orchid or a first rush, if you build the greedy Radiance build.

                Make sure you have a shitton of slots and farm ALL the enemy jungle. You can sustain lategame only by having item advantage.

                If you're radiant, you can solo Rosh at ~13-18 mins.

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                mr. rabbit

                  1. I suggest you separate the spiderling/spiderite controls with 2 additional buttons. Liike 4 - big spiders, 5 - small spiders.

                  Why should you? It allows to bait out otherwise spider-killing skills in lane. E.g. you want to kill a Jug, but he spins like a shitstain all the time. Attack him with BIG SPIDERS only, bait out the Blade Fury, he won't kill any spiders that way and after that attack with all your units.

                  how do u do this

                  ctrl groups?

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    ^^Why can't I solo Rosh if I'm dire?

                    To assign new control groups I just highlight all the units I want to be put in the same control group, ctrl + spam key of my choice, then it's finished. I check by alternating between my hero and the assigned control group to see if it works.

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                    mr. rabbit

                      haffy lol

                      mr. rabbit

                        To assign new control groups I just highlight all the units I want to be put in the same control group, ctrl + spam key of my choice, then it's finished. I check by alternating between my hero and the assigned control group to see if it works.

                        yeah but would that automatically include new spiderlings/ites on the ctrl groups i made? what would happen if they die? i gotta set them again?

                        if its what i perceive it to be then its gonna be so goddamn tedious

                        as for ur question regardless of whether ur serious ur not, its because u usually want top lane when ur radiant (offlane obv), and rosh is much more easier to get to from the top lane

                        u dont really want to make a series of webs from bot to rosh if ur dire xD

                        зачем я начал поиск


                          Yea, go to a lobby, make some spiders. Make sure you have some free two buttons for ctrl-groups enabled.

                          Select a big spider and press ctrl+4.
                          Select a small spider and press ctrl+5.

                          For me it's
                          1 - Mama
                          2 - all summons
                          3 - Mama and summons
                          4 - big spiders
                          5 - small spiders

                          I've learned about it very recently.

                          It allowed be to feel relatively OK in otherwise hard lanes. Like laning vs a solo Necro, etc. There are many tricks.

                          Vs AOE in lane you bait skills with 4, without feeding spiders (Death Pulse/Blade Fure/Dragon Slave/etc.) and then all-in kill with 3, accumulating a HUUGE brood of spiders before going in.

                          Against heroes like LC/Axe after the laning phase, farm the lane with 5, so they may kill only small spiders, etc.

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            I was serious about the question. A TP scroll is like 50 gold

                            mr. rabbit

                              i only have 1 2 3 hotkeys, same purpose as yours

                              i guess this is something i wont know unless i try it


                              thats not the problem

                              the problem is that as brood you are usually "bounded" to your lane because webs take so much fucknig time to set up

                              not to mention by tping to your safelane you'll have to take up YOUR SIDE OF THE MAP which isnt really what u want to do just to secure rosh

                              going to top lane as dire brood costs so much more than 50 gold, unless youre planning to rosh without spiders, unobstructed movement, phasing, and invisibility?

                              зачем я начал поиск


                                As radiant you just have to put a single web and you're roshing, you can always escape and you're near your objectives.

                                As dire you have to TP, place a separate web, far away from your objectives and then TP again/walk all the way back.

                                It is just much less convenient, you see.

                                Este comentário foi editado
                                doc joferlyn simp

                                  Now that's make a lot more sense.

                                  mr. rabbit

                                    boots of speed battlefury branch?

                                    oh my god


                                      Go watch the broodmother booster he ends games at 10 min

                                      Om Anton Lari Maraton

                                        what about echo sabre on brood tho?

                                        зачем я начал поиск


                                          This acc is currently being boosted by a guy with around 10000 Brood games.

                                          I watch his streams and realize how shit I am.
                                          Basically, on Brood you should have a near-100% winrate up to 5k, if you play near-perfectly.

                                          20-50 winstreaks on 4k with Brood are possible, against any tryhard picks. It's just a matter of skill.

                                          Exactly why I am eager to learn this hero.

                                          Om Anton Lari Maraton

                                            Thx for the tips tho, i will try better next game, coz apparently, if you're super super good on brood, no matter the counter, you can always win..

                                            But then again i'm a 2k scrub so..

                                            зачем я начал поиск

                                              If you actully learn Brood, you'd have a 100% winrate at 2k.

                                              The aforementioned guy had a 102 games winstreak from 1500 MMR onwards Brood only.

                                              Este comentário foi editado
                                              mr. rabbit

                                                cool shit, does he play brood on high mmr averages tho? watching him stomp baddies is a lot more tedious to analyze honestly


                                                  I believe his 10 min game was a 4K one


                                                    Now that really makes you think.

                                                    Om Anton Lari Maraton

                                                      holy shit that 12 min game tho xD

                                                      But seriously, that gives me hope for 3k with brood. This hero might just be my ticket outta here. Wish me luck guys..

                                                      mr. rabbit

                                                        i got 2k with brood to tell you the truth

                                                        Om Anton Lari Maraton

                                                          btw can you send me the link to the stream of the guy who boosts account with brood? for scientific reasons..

                                                          зачем я начал поиск

                                                            Here's one of his primary accs:

                                                            Basically a 6300-ish mostly just Broodmother and it's only one of his accs. Totally, with all other accs and Allstars he says he has around 9-10k brood games.

                                                            He's Russian though, so you won't understand what he says, while analyzing stuff.

                                                            He's streaming that 4k acc right now.

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