General Discussion

General DiscussionBest hero for sh!tstomping?

Best hero for sh!tstomping? in General Discussion

    What hero can go 1v9?


      hmm really makes you think :thinking:

      one syllable anglo-saxon

        please no words like s@#t or likewise even censored

        its a family friendly forum tyvm


          L I T E R A L L Y A N Y T H I N G


            benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis benis

            Este comentário foi editado

              Benao penis?


                benao has a penis?


                  i think jugg seems fine coz he is not weak in the lane and good for 1st pick and scales,pushes well

                  its the reason why i want to learn the hero

                  but i think many heros can do this

                  Vem Comigo

                    OD, TA, Injoker



                      Use chatwhell=mute

                        Meepo is rly good if can play. Meepo is very op hero on low mmr


                          ur mother is good for shitstomping in ass :)


                            A few boosters pick broodmother and win the games in 12 mins


                              Instead of desperately trying to 1v9 as a hero, realize the game is 5v5 and you being a toxic shit and complaining about your team is not helping you climb.

                              Tommy Shelby

                                Arc Warden is still on point