General Discussion

General DiscussionTips on using Dota 2's smoke mechanic

Tips on using Dota 2's smoke mechanic in General Discussion

    I'm really confused about smoking. In the past, I've tried to do a smoke immediately after a T1 push on dire offlane when my team is grouped up as 3 and above into dire bot jungle. As to other time, I'm not really sure where to smoke or when to smoke (perhaps it is a match to match basis, and minimap reading skeelz?)

    Example my recent Dazzle game [url/]Most Recent Dazzle[/url] as Radiant
    My team's offlane was doing incredibly well where as safelane is abit on the edge as we (Dazz + TB) were up against Medusa and Luna. I don't really think there's any chance of trading well against dusa and kill potential with TB is just terrible especially with dazzle.

    There were a couple smoke attempts here and there. But it generally didn't feel all that successful. Smoke ganks didn't turn into objectives, most of the early fights didn't turn into objectives. You could blame the general chaos of a random pub match, but I'm just asking to git gud as a support role, movements, smoke etc. tenks fur giving helpful response


      Smoking is for the weak, vape is the new trend


        Get a vape pen or a ez pipe

        зачем я начал поиск

          When I use smoke personally:

          1. I am playing Batrider/Beastmaster and get lvl 6. I smoke up, wait for the enemy mid to push the wave and kill, the same way every game. Smoke is used by heroes like these to ensure the enemy remains still and doesn't know about what's coming to him. E.g. What if he has wards? What if it's daytime and he could spot me somehow? What if I could get spotted by enemy vision while coming mid lane? Etc.
          If you have such an active hero, you play like: get ulti -> see opportunity -> smoke up and kill -> farm while ulti is on CD -> see opportunity, get next smoke -> smoke up and kill -> repeat.
          By the time you've done two ganks, you'll already have dagger on bat or necro on beast 100% and after you run out of smokes, you try to go with your team and farm up inbetween, always looking for the opportunity to grab someone by the ass.
          Smoke is mandatory with such offlane heroes, IMO.

          2. To secure objectives in a sudden blitzkrieg/to suddenly start the offensive. It helps to catch the enemy off-guard almost always.
          E.g. securing Roshan, highground push, shrine ambush, etc.

          3. Against heroes like Tinker/NP, who mindlessly TP into the lanes. You could stay smoked up in the creep wave and use the mechanic to pick them off.

          4. Safe and concealed ward placement. E.g. but a ward+smoke and go place it mid, without the enemy having the ability to even suspect the placement spot.

          5. To dodge shit, if you're fleeing. If I remember correctly, using smoke disjoints projectiles, if you get out of vision range. A bizzare use, but helps against Tinker missiles.

          Este comentário foi editado

            If u feel like u r not accomplishing anything with smokes it's usually because u don't really need them to accomplish anything in the first place.

            They are usually used by better players because it's hard to move around the map and find pick offs during a stalemate kind of situation where everyone is off the map and lanes are kind of on the middle.

            Or where it is hard to go for important objectives like rosh or a tower without being spotted by wards and you need a quick initiation to kill one of theirs first.

            If u are 1-2k you almost never need it. 3k u rarely need it. Maybe in 3.5k and above when opportunities to get a clean initiation lessens, would u need smokes more

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              No kill potential no smoke