General Discussion

General DiscussionAnti Mage 5k+ tips

Anti Mage 5k+ tips in General Discussion

    so when playing against a SB, always build a Aghs, right?!

    doc joferlyn simp

      ^if you build aghs and sb charges you, you are the one to charge to sb instead. you cannot cancel the charge, you just run to your impending doom

      so no. linkens better


        I was joking, I know that happens, and its always funny to watch it happen to your teammate

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          No, I rush manta and manta dodge charge when he comes

          Mr. Jin

            Hearts or offering for axe. Blink out, regen Abit go for their supports. Follow a certain walking/blinking route so u always have farm. Try to farm enemies jungle, u can starve them. Kill the hard and small camp then head towards their ancient camp. U can see if opponent is tping to the shrine. Blink to mid if opponent comes or to over, cont farming at midlane.


              Unless I was somehow instincively cancelling it or something. I have a feeling SB charge doesn't even make you charge anymore.

              I'll have to check in lobby but I think it is just blocked now, not reflected. And even if it is reflected, even previously you could just stop cancel the charge.


                marlan he asked 5k+ players to tell us their tips

                doc joferlyn simp

                  ^^prolly patched now if gone cuz for a few episodes dota watafak featured funny stuff happening regarding an am and his aghs, the exact scenario with sb showed up. he even complained in all chat why he cant cancel charge

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                    U realize you only get a star if you show your mmr right? And I don't care enough to make it visible just to show my star.

                    I'll make my mmr public when I get to 6k.

                    And regarding aghs, I'm pretty sure you could always cancel it. It's probably just 3k panicking smashing every key on his keyboard and mouse except for "S"

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                      no i mean u play like a 4k ))))))))000


                        If I'm 4k that means u must play like 2k.

                        I've seen ur antimage.

                        Mr. Jin

                          My hot key is H for hold position.


                            u mad?


                              Ya I'll fuck u up kiddo. Come to my house. 420 street Ill put a hollow point in ur ass. I bet u won't even come pu ssy

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                                What the heck did you just flipping say about me, you big meanie? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Tiny Tots Program, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on the girl's bathroom, and I have over 300 confirmed noogies. I am trained in Nerf warfare and I have the most gold stars in the entire kindergarten class. You are nothing to me but just another butthead. I will beat you the heck up with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my dang words. You think you can get away with saying that baloney to me on the glowy type-box? Think again, doodiehead. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of teachers across the USA and your parents are being called to pick you up right now so you better prepare for the spanking, junior. The spanking that wipes out the dumb little thing you call your playtime. You're in big darn trouble, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can wedgie you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed fartfights, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States PTA and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your dorky bottom off the face of the playground, you little poopypants. If only you could have known what serious punishments your little "smartypants" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your goshdarned tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you silly doofus. I will spray boogers all over you and you will cry about it. You're frickin grounded, buttmunch.




                                    Lul. Is mwn ywn?

                                    Agree w kooky. Kr has severe dunning Kruger.

                                    casual gamer

                                      the difficulty of am for a good player isnt being 1% more efficient while afk ricing

                                      its making sure all the other good players who want to kill him, dont. while openinng space for his team by threatening towers / pick w abyssal


                                        just lose my asshole game recently with him im like 18 mins or 19 mins battle fury and my legion commander is making me crazy thinking like he's a good player but he's an offlane with blink and bm at 23 mins with 38 duel damage win and fucking mid is also idiot who thinks am is for rat but his item is just a fucking blink and fucking diffusal 30 mins all of them just knows how to blame even if i farm good they just fucking loss their teamfight saoncownnpwdnosdvniovniondbfniofbd


                                          ^Look if you ever want to know how to play am just listen to the 6k noob. He sums it up. Of course you can get better by being efficient on am when everyone else is so inefficient. But to truly understand what this hero does, do the above and stop looking at your cs. Get the feel like ur dragging ppl around the map in all your games. Get High TD. Count the number of times you cut creepwave s on the enemy side of the map. Even if u die, it's a good way to practice learning the limits of your mobility

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                                            I mean If you guys look at my am games, I have very shitty bf timings in my games. And low kda that cutnpaste would be proud of. But I still have a decent winrate with the hero


                                              efficiency at surviving and pushing is one thing, and i agree with that.

                                              but even miracle won't survive multiple gankers if he has no items to escape from them with.


                                                Well. I hereby announce a new challenge. The bAttlefury only antimage and see how long you can drag a game out. Bonus points for winning.


                                                  How can i go to 4k pls help me

                                                  also jdf8

                                                    go look my ranked games at 3.5 and u will see