General Discussion

General DiscussionAdvice on AM

Advice on AM in General Discussion

    I'm not a Antimage player but after a game or two i thought I'd give it a try for spamming.
    check out my last game " "
    I did the laning stage well (despite that annoying TB ) and had Bfury on min 13 and farmed pretty fast, but team suddenly started losing fights and i wasn't sure whether i should join in, or keep farming since the whole point of Bfury rush is for fast farming and not team fights. I did try to help but I couldn't even get in to attack I just had to stay there and wait for an opportunity to blink in and fight which never happened -.-
    so was my decision to stay and farm wrong?
    and is AM this crap even after some items or was i doing something wrong?

    not arin

      point of battle fury rush is that you don't rush battle fury


        AM is not the hero in this meta to spam. There r way more effective heroes for grinding

        white boy summer

          dude it's normal skill. anyways, am stopps annoying tinker or storm picks which is cool, and if u can lasthit and know when to harass, it's a great hero to spam. of ur team loses fights, just go for towers. if your enemy is on your hg, you just push other lane hg, basically am is made for basetrades since he has high attack speed and manta, you join fights with tp when your enemies already committed dangerous spells, and u manavoid em after abyssal stun wears off


            fuck that little bitch too op even if your physical he can just farm disable and harass then kill you.


              Focus on split pushing, always carry a TP and join favorable fights. You should be getting at least 9 lh/min. By min 40, you have probably outfarmed the enemy by a lot and you can push highground.

              ace recovery

                I dont know why you would ever build bf before threads

                Giff me Wingman

                  1.) You ALWAYS go PT before bfury
                  2.) You splitpush and farm until you get manta, don't bother helping out your team before having a fucking manta. The only time you TP and help is the time where you see a storm, invoker or similair, with Low HP, no mana and 100% guarranteed kill, otherwise sit and farm. There is nothing more useless and annoying that an Antimage that keeps on feeding because he wants to fight with bfury.


                    Thanks for the reply.
                    I thought AM wouldnt need PT because he just blinks and farms faster with the cleave.
                    getting Manta after PT and Bfury takes alot of free farming... It's like playing with spectre only less useful -.-
                    I don't think i like AM anymore

                    mr. rabbit

                      getting Manta after PT and Bfury takes alot of free farming... It's like playing with spectre only less useful -.-


                      it only takes 22-25 mins at worst

                      how is that even comparable to spectre xD


                        22 mins should be enough for spectre to have a radiance. and Spectre isn't as useless as AM in fights


                          He's not even easy to master to begin with anyway


                            A lot of am players lately. What's happening


                              Contrary to popular belief by the people inside the trench, antimage is NOT that good lategame
                              He excels when he comes into a teamfight 2 items ahead than the enemy carry 30 minutes into the game
                              So polish up your efficiency if you want to make him work


                                Brown boots bf is okay. Don't listen to anybody on here, if you felt it was the right idea then go for it, hell pros will do it, and you don't hear any guy on a forum crying saying it was a bad idea.
                                You should have spilt pushed hard to force back tps.
                                However remember that not every game is winnable, you can't ever have that perfect win rate, if you do lose try to learn from
                                If and move on.
                                The point of bf on am is for farming speed, but also wave clear. If you don't see a good wave to push, but there team is all showing on one side of the map, cut waves and create space.


                                  if you felt it was the right idea then go for it,

                                  Just because it works in the trench doesn't mean it's legit, he might be missing out an easier and simpler way to win but if you're gonna stick to your build and get your performance dragged down by it forever it's your own choice, whatever
                                  hell pros will do it

                                  Give me one actual example where naked bf rush work in high level bracket in which case the game wasn't already a shitstomp and could be won with any build

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                                      It's true. It's not real dota. But it's also the most common form of dota being played


                                        @anti-mage. This is my acc I use to play with friends, and mess around/ pratice.
                                        My acc is tryhard on is 4k.
                                        I understand you feel the need to jump to conclusions, however, isn't always the smartest


                                          None of you are pros, the 7k player is the highest active forum member with highest mmr and is still years away from a pro.
                                          If rtz, miracle goes any build you guys will say it's new meta, if anybody who isn't a pro goes for a new build, it's bad.
                                          Funny tbh lol


                                            What does you having 4k mmr have to do with the discussion? I never even bother to check people's mmr unless they said something extremely stupid
                                            I'm still waiting for the proof of BF rush working on a high mmr game
                                            Enlighten me where did I jump into conclusion

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                                              Yep pretry sure people goes for refresher jugg and force staff ember after miracle did
                                              Oh wait


                                                @anti mage
                                                Ignorance is bliss

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                                                not arin

                                                  I never even bother to check people's mmr unless they said something extremely stupid

                                                  you dont even have to look at profile to guess one's mmr based on the comment
                                                  i can do this with like ~90% accuracy


                                                    I don't know why ppl have so many questions about am. Literally the most straight forward hero to play. U could play one item build for 100 games and you'd probably
                                                    Be okay.

                                                    Ps. What's my mmr?

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                                                      Maybe I'm biased but if you can play a decent AM you should have the mechanics/game sense to play any pos 1 decently. Therefore people naturally gravitate towards trying go full nerd on the hero.